Made in Hollywood

Chapter 757 Diamond Signboard

"This is a movie that is not afraid of spoilers. This is a movie for people who like to use their brains!"

"Leonardo and Duke Rosenberg lead a group of Inception, the film is not afraid of spoilers to play the disabled IQ?"

These are the promotional slogans of "Inception" in overseas markets, and combined with the film's word-of-mouth marketing and viral marketing, they have achieved very good results, which can be seen from the film's overseas box office.

"Inception" was released overseas on a large scale in the first weekend, and it won the box office champion in most of the regions where it was released, especially when many media mentioned the film, they used "this is a movie for worship" "To make the opening remarks.

"The compact storyline makes people have no time to blink, and more than 120 minutes are wonderful. By the end of the movie, you will feel that the time is fleeting." The words of a French movie fan in an interview can be said to reflect the majority of audiences who walked into the theater. Opinion, "You have to stare at the screen and think about every detail. It feels like watching "The Matrix" + "Dark Knight". It's a headache but very exhilarating."

In the face of excellent marketing and overwhelming word-of-mouth, the overseas box office statistics of "Inception" have been released.

In China, "Inception" earned nearly 20 million US dollars in three days over the weekend, which is also the best three-day box office performance in the Chinese film market after "Avatar" and "Transformers."

In other regions, "Inception" also opened high and went high in the first week. The UK received more than 16 million US dollars, France received more than 12 million US dollars, Germany received nearly 15 million US dollars, and Australia received more than 9 million US dollars...

"Inception" grossed nearly 185 million US dollars in its first week of overseas screenings!

Such box office figures also prove that the marketing strategies formulated and adopted by Duke and Warner Bros. are correct, and this word-of-mouth marketing has achieved initial success.

In North America, "Inception" is also as expected by the outside world. Maintained a strong enough box office trend.

In a mansion in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Angelina Jolie had dinner and sat on the sofa with a newspaper. Her complexion was not very good. When she occasionally looked up and saw Brad Pitt , the expression becomes more gloomy.

It is clear. She is in a bad mood.

The box office of the starring movie did not meet expectations, and her boyfriend went to the premiere of a competitor, and no one would be in a good mood.

Squeezed by "Inception", her masterpiece "Agent Sauter" this year only got a box office of more than 19 million US dollars from North America in the first weekend, although Sony Columbia Pictures subsequently stepped up publicity, and even many media put She is touted as "the strongest action star in the universe", but faced with the controversy and interpretation of "Inception". "Agent Sauter" has no chance of turning around at all.

Angelina Jolie flipped through the "Los Angeles Times" in her hand, and quickly found last weekend's box office bulletins.

"Duke Rosenberg's masterpiece has achieved two consecutive championships!"

This title made Angelina Jolie feel uncomfortable, but she continued to read it patiently.

"The second weekend box office of "Inception" is finally released. The three-day box office of the second weekend was 25.62 million US dollars, 24.21 million US dollars and 21.61 million US dollars respectively, which is still a very healthy and stable curve on Friday, Saturday and Sunday , plus the average box office results of tens of millions of dollars from Thursday to Friday. In 10 days, it easily crossed the $200 million mark, reaching $229.65 million!"

"One thing is certain is that "Inception" will definitely sell well in this extremely competitive summer vacation, and at present, there is no problem with 250 million US dollars. If it reaches 300 million US dollars, the box office of the film will Exceeded the North American box office target set by Duke Rosenberg and Warner Bros."

“Prior to this, a sci-fi/thriller/crime movie that is not a sequel, a best-selling novel, or a superhero comic wants to have a box office of over 100 million in the first week in North America, and the final box office can exceed 300 million US dollars. It's tantamount to dreaming. Now it seems that "Inception" can easily achieve this result."

"Whether the final North American box office of "Inception" can exceed 300 million U.S. dollars is actually not important. The greatest value of this movie is that Duke Rosenberg ate the first crab, and it can also give others Later, I became confident—as long as the actors are selected properly, the director is reliable, the script is high-quality, the investment is strong enough, and the publicity is in place, such an original crime theme with a sci-fi flavor can still be a blockbuster!"

"I believe that after the success of "Inception", more directors will come up with their own original stories that have been dusty for a long time, and let the investors turn them into a movie. This is also a good thing for movie fans."

"Currently, IMDB's 171,248 viewers have scored 9.3 points, ranking second among the TOP 250. Can this movie really surpass "The Godfather" and be second only to "The Dark Knight"? This is not true. Important, what is important is that through this fanatical score, it can be seen that the brand of Duke Rosenberg is not only golden, but has probably reached the 'diamond' level."

"Duke Rosenberg's diamond signature will definitely become the first choice of movie fans for a long time in the future, and this director is only 40 years old! In the next few decades, I believe that Duke, who is making films at a steady pace, can continue to lead the way. It is undoubtedly a blessing to give everyone more good movies."

"Let us continue to look forward to Duke Rosenberg's Nth surprise in the next movie..."

Thinking of the North American box office of "Inception" exceeding 70 million US dollars in the second weekend, and thinking that the box office of "Salt Agent Sauter" in the same period that she starred in has slipped to 10 million US dollars, Angelina Jolie's mood became even more gloomy .

However, she had been extremely difficult and anxious in the past ten years, and she paid a heavy price for her reckless behavior when she was young. Since she woke up a few years ago, Angelina Jolie knows very well what can be done. What to do, such as continuing to have a chaotic private life that no one will care about; what not to do, such as provoking those real heavyweights in the circle...

Angelina Jolie is upset that "Salt" lost to "Inception" but she just keeps it to herself and won't tell anyone, even if they live under the same roof Brad Pitt.

What's more, she never really thought that "Agent Sauter" could surpass "Inception" at the box office.

The opponent is Duke? Rosenberg!

What the "Los Angeles Times" said is not unreasonable, but Angelina? The sluggish situation of original movies will not change because of this, it will only decline more and more. Adaptation is the mainstream in this circle.

The development of the film industry in the last ten years also proves this point.

Not only the box office, but the peripherals of "Inception" are also hot, such as Leonardo's small props used to distinguish reality from dreams in the film-the top is also selling well.

The small number of commemorative tops that Warner Bros. distributed to theaters sold for $12 each and sold out on the day the film opened.

The price of commemorative spinning tops sold in stores and online channels ranges from $80 to $130, and hundreds of thousands of them were sold in just one week.

Warner Bros. has rich experience in developing the film derivatives market, and the hot sales of "Inception Spinning Top" also benefited from its huge operation ability of the entire industry chain.

In fact, in today's Hollywood, the revenue from derivatives of big-budget commercial films can be as high as nearly 80% of the film's total revenue, much higher than the film's box office itself.

Before the filming of a director like Duke started, Warner Bros. had already made a production and marketing plan for derivatives to ensure that the derivatives could be released simultaneously or even earlier than the movie, so as to gain enough market space.

Of course, the North American film market is mature and a relatively complete copyright protection system is one of the basic conditions for the sale of film derivatives.

In the Chinese market, the sales of Warner's "Inception Spinning Top" are also good, and the starting price is only 12 RMB. However, compared with the regular shipments in theaters, imitations can be seen everywhere from the Internet to the small commodity market. exist.

Such news has also been fed back to Duke. He is not in a hurry. Any market is constantly improving. The North American market has also gone through the same stage as the Chinese market.

And compared to the treatment of the other party's domestic films, the derivatives of his films are not bad.

Duke remembers very clearly that he used to live there. After Zhou Xingxing's "Yangtze River No. 7" was released, Qizai became very popular, and Qizai's dolls naturally became popular commodities. They even placed the street stall in front of the China Film Group, the film studio of "Yangtze River No. 7", which made many film staff feel dumbfounded...

A good movie will always have some unexpected effects, and "Inception" is no exception.

After Duke returned to Los Angeles from his promotional trip in Europe, he saw an interesting piece of news. Matthew Vaughn, the director of "X-Men: First Class", immediately put himself on the screen after watching "Inception". The script tore up...

According to many media reports, the director of "X-Men: First Class" Matthew Vaughan recently took the time to watch "Inception" and praised that he liked it very much. It is inevitable to say that "ya pear is very big".

"Even if there are some ideas on the big screen, I feel that if I keep them, they will look like plagiarized or changed things, so I simply tore up the 12-page script."

That’s what he said in an interview, only then he changed the subject, “The new X-Men is about Charles Xavier and Eric Magnus Lescher as Professor X and Wannabe The story that happened before Magneto. At that time, the two of them were not incompatible rivals, but the closest partners, working together for world peace..."

It's clear that 20th Century Fox is taking advantage of the "Inception" craze to promote its own film.

Not only Twentieth Century Fox, Leonardo's team is also using "Inception" to create momentum for itself. (to be continued ~^~)

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