Made in Hollywood

Chapter 594 IMAX Corporation

Although the reputation of Iron Man in North America is comparable to that of Superman and Spider-Man, but looking at the world, Tony Stark's audience is relatively limited, which also affects the film's overseas box office to a certain extent. Released simultaneously in countries and regions, it sold $110.11 million in its first week overseas.

If the director wasn't Duke, the film's first overseas week would never have exceeded 100 million.

In any case, Tony Stark is a relatively unfamiliar character to most audiences outside of North America, and this is another production that's just started, and it's unlikely to have the same massive audience base as the sequel.

In fact, with the exception of the UK and Australia, "Iron Man" did not exceed the $15 million mark in its opening weekend in any other overseas territories.

Even Duke can't change the normal laws of the movie market.

Of course, even if he and James Cameron are added together, it is impossible to go against the law of the market.

Duke is very clear that if this is not a comic book movie, there will be a large number of comic fans as the basis. Even if his name is hung in the director column, the box office in North America will not exceed 100 million US dollars in the first weekend.

In fact, as long as you think about previous films such as "Titanic", "Avatar" and "Inception", it is easy to find that the first weekend box office of original non-sequel films will not be too high.

This is the law of the market, even the peak of James? Cameron can not surpass.

Maybe one day Duke can break this phenomenon, but that requires films, theaters, screens and ticket prices to meet certain conditions.

Duke and the crew spent ten days in North America before returning to Los Angeles. He has no plans to go overseas. The promotion of the film has two highlights: Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson, and there will be no lack of attention. Especially Robert Downey Jr. Not only Tony Stark who appeared, but also the real person is very funny.

It is enough to have actors in the limelight.

In addition, Marvel Studios and Warner Bros. successively announced related Marvel plans, which also added a certain degree of topicality to "Iron Man".

Duke returned to Los Angeles, on the one hand to take a short sabbatical, on the other hand, Warner Bros. to talk with him in detail.

It is clear. The final box office of "Iron Man" with a happy and simple popcorn orientation will definitely surpass that of "Batman" in the dark reality style. Now that Marvel is a great success, as the owner of DC Comics, it is impossible for Warner Bros. to have no further ideas.

Warner Bros. naturally put the path to realization on Duke, the director.

"Doug, I already told you on the phone. I submitted the script outline to the editorial team at Duke Studios in March."

This is the reception room of Warner Bros. There are only two people in it, Duke and Doug Walter. Duke is not polite to him, and his speech is basically direct, "The final draft of the script has not been finalized yet. You need a little more. patience."

"I have enough patience, otherwise I wouldn't have waited until now." Doug Walter looked a little worried, "I read your settings and outline. Duke, I think you're going to extremes. "Darkness" The Knight is more dark and rational than The Hour of War, and this style..."

Duke understood what he was worried about. I had to say, "This is an extremely realistic superhero story packaged in the way of a realistic police and gangster film."

"But..." Doug Walter didn't say anything, after all Duke had been too successful in the past.

"Yes. It's going to be a heavy movie."

Now what is said is false, Duke just said lightly, "The production cost of 150 million US dollars does mean a lot of risk."

Doug Walter knew that he had to make a choice.

This is not another work, but "Batman" whose copyright is entirely in the hands of Warner Bros. If Warner Bros. doesn't agree to the project, Duke will have nothing to do. "The Dark Knight" cannot become a cheerful popcorn movie.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Doug Walter thought about the past, but still made up his mind, "I will push the review committee to review as soon as possible."

Duke nodded lightly to Doug Walter. He didn't have any dissatisfaction. As any executive, facing such a heavy-duty commercial film and astronomical investment, he would definitely be cautious.

If Doug Walter made a decision without hesitation, he would never be in the high position he is now.

No one hurriedly decides on a movie investment because of a script outline and a few words from the director, not even between Duke and Warner Bros.

Warner Bros. is not Duke's company alone. All major Hollywood studios have extremely complex shareholding and power structures.

After discussing a few more details with Doug Walter, Duke didn't stay much longer and quickly left the Warner Building. Just as he was walking out of the main entrance and was about to get into the car, someone suddenly came over from the side.

The man was walking very fast, almost at a trot, and at a distance, he shouted, "Director Rosenberg! Director Rosenberg! Can we talk? I'm a manager from IMAX. Chad Griffin."

Hearing the last sentence, Duke waved to stop the bodyguard who was about to stop him.

The middle-aged man strode up in front of him and extended his hand. Duke would not be rude, and gently shook his hand, "Hello, Mr. Geerfang."

"Can you talk, Director Rosenberg?"

As if afraid of Duke's rejection, he added, "Just five minutes."

Duke thought for a while, turned and walked into the Warner Building, and said, "This way, please."

Walking into the front hall of the Warner Building, the bodyguard who followed him had already asked Warner's front desk for a reception room. Duke led the way, and the two soon came to the reception room.

"Director Rosenberg, you must have heard of IMAX?"

The man named Richard Griffin said directly, "Do you understand this film technology?"

"Of course," Duke said simply. "It's a larger and higher-resolution filmmaking and projection technology than traditional film."

"Yes..." Richard Gelfand is no nonsense, "Compared with traditional film technology and the emerging digital technology, IMAX has more advantages in the viewing experience..."

Before he could finish his words, Duke raised his hand to stop him, "Mr. Geerfang, I know the advantages and disadvantages of IMAX and other technologies very well, please directly explain your purpose."

Richard Griffin organized the language a little and asked, "I understand that you are planning to make the second Batman series with Warner Bros."

Seeing that Duke didn't deny it, he continued, "Director Rosenberg, haven't you considered shooting with an IMAX camera?"

Duke couldn't help but glance at Richard Gelfand. He did have a plan to shoot with an IMAX camera, but this plan was never mentioned to anyone. I didn't expect that someone from IMAX company took the initiative to find it first.

But he did not speak immediately, but showed a thoughtful look.

The current IMAX company is not the future. In fact, the IMAX technology has not really been accepted by Hollywood. It is far from being a mainstream production and projection technology. IMAX is doing a lot of promotion work. To promote this technology, it must first have enough. The film source, the type of film that is converted, cannot take advantage of the IMAX technology at all.

IMAX technology has been born for many years. In the past, it could only be circulated in the field of planetarium and documentaries. IMAX company is very clear that if they want to promote this technology, Hollywood is the barrier they must conquer, and if they want to get through Hollywood, the top directors in Hollywood are them. primary goal.

A few years ago, IMAX cooperated with Warner Bros. and sponsored the "Polar Express" directed by Robert Zemeckis. Although this film brought an excellent viewing experience, when it comes to market influence, it is far It was not a great success, and it was still far from IMAX's expectations.

In recent years, IMAX Corporation has also sponsored several other projects, but none of these projects have been able to become a hit movie that caused a sensation. Although the IMAX theater chain is constantly being built, there is a lack of IMAX movies that are good enough to make IMAX a worldwide success. Make a name for yourself.

Richard Gelfand had an important mission in his trip, and he had done enough knowledge in advance to know the work style of the director opposite, so he did not spare the circle and said directly, "Director Rosenberg, IMAX The company wants to participate in your new project. If you decide to use IMAX technology to shoot and make movies, IMAX company will provide you with 2 IMAX cameras for free for shooting, and our professional technicians will also be stationed in your crew for a long time. "

Duke is also very direct, saying, "I am personally very interested in IMAX technology, but if you want to use this technology in this film, you have to ask Warner Bros. for permission."

The film can be shot and produced using IMAX technology, which is only good for The Dark Knight, but Duke will not use 3D, which is really helpful for some movies, such as James Cameron needs to show the scene of the planet Pandora.

However, 3D technology will damage the light and is not suitable for intense action pictures. Most of the scenes in "The Dark Knight" take place at night, and 3D technology is completely unsuitable.

Of course, Duke will definitely use 3D technology as long as the film is suitable.

Duke and Richard Geerfang chatted for less than ten minutes. The two sides only reached a certain intention. The preparations for "The Dark Knight" have not yet started. The specific cooperation matters need to be discussed in detail by the following people. .

However, IMAX technology also has drawbacks. The most typical one is that the IMAX camera is too heavy and bulky, and it is very inconvenient to shoot a lot of lenses, especially in scenes with relatively complex environments.

If the two sides reach an agreement, John Schwartzman's film crew must be the first to enter the working state to familiarize themselves with this new equipment.

Leaving from the Warner Building, Duke temporarily put down his work and officially entered a state of vacation. (To be continued ~^~)

PS:   Ask for monthly and recommended tickets!

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