Made in Hollywood

Chapter 303 The Box Office Exceeds Expectations in the First Week

If a quality-assured film wants to sell well, it must have complementary publicity. If the publicity wants to achieve or even exceed the expected effect, it must be targeted. audience, and come up with promotional strategies that can affect them.

Therefore, in the early stage of a film's release, various survey feedback will not be interrupted.

Ignoring the IMDB rating of "The Matrix" that was almost topped by the navy, the audience's favorable rating announced by the relevant investigation agency after the first three days was also maintained at about 90%. There is no need to worry about this aspect.

And a survey of audience segments shows that the mainstream audience of "The Matrix" praised the film because it was very cool.

Similarly, there is a group of people who like to study the details of the film, and can even draw conclusions that the screenwriter and director have not thought about. There is also a considerable number of this group, and they are often the main force of speeches in major film and television forums.

So Duke had a phone call with Jamie Johnson, head of publicity at Warner Bros., on Sunday's break, and some interpretations of "The Matrix" began to appear online and in traditional media.

Similar to "Details of "The Matrix" that you haven't seen", "Director Duke's in-depth setting of "The Matrix", "The relationship between "The Matrix" and Christianity," "The Matrix" on Eastern Buddhism The Interpretation of "The Matrix", "The Opposition and Complementarity of "The Matrix" and the Rules of the World", etc., can often be seen on the Internet and traditional media.

Some of them were written by the shooters hired by Warner and Duke, relying on the movie, but more were completed by some fans after being guided.

These articles hardly reach potential viewers who haven't seen The Matrix yet, but are a great way to get those who have seen The Matrix back in theaters and find new details and answers.

A great film never lacks fan interpretation. However, many of the seemingly sincere interpretations during the hot screening period came from who, even Duke, who can be regarded as a more senior director in Hollywood, can't tell.

Perhaps the most appropriate interpretation of films including "The Matrix" is in one sentence - propaganda is everywhere!

"The Matrix" has stepped up its publicity campaign, and the upcoming "Godzilla" is no exception.

In the headquarters of Sony Columbia Pictures on West Washington Avenue in Culph City, Michael Ovitz walked directly into Dahe Ren's office as if he was in a no-man's land, and nodded to the other party. sat on the chair opposite him.

Neither Ovitz nor Dahe Ren's expressions were very good.

"Let Reno's troubles be resolved?" Dahe Ren asked.

"It has been resolved." Michael Ovitz took the water from the secretary, took a sip, calmed down his shortness of breath, and said, "After we paid some money, the other party withdrew the accusation against Jean Reno. "

His brows have been frowning, "Warner's media has been holding on to it."

Dahe Shinobi is considered an American, otherwise he would not be sitting in a high position in Columbia Pictures, "The Matrix and Godzilla are going to collide over the weekend, and Warner Bros. will definitely not miss the chance to hit us. ."

Speaking of which. Dahe Ren and Michael Ovitz both looked a little tight.

"Is Duke Rosenberg's film really unstoppable?" Dahe couldn't help but said, "We and DreamWorks exerted so much pressure and negative influence, "The Matrix" is still going all the way!"

"I think the first week of The Matrix would have been even higher without our suppression and crackdown!"

His fingers tapped the armrest of the chair lightly. Michael Ovitz recalled, "$18.67 million on Friday. $19.97 million on Saturday, $15.44 million on Sunday, and $54.08 million on the first Wednesday! This first week's box office results can be ranked among the R-rated films. second!"

He tapped on the armrest of the chair with increasing strength, "What if we don't do it? The Matrix will definitely break his first-week record of $59.24 million for an R-rated film with "Saving Private Ryan"!"

Dahe Ren was silent. They have done so many tricks, almost bringing the competition into a fever, but the effect is still not obvious enough.

Especially thinking of the performance of other films released on the same weekend, Dahe Shinobu will feel a sense of powerlessness.

The box office of "The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth" plunged by more than 50% in the second weekend. It only got 11.2 million US dollars and only 48.59 million US dollars in the two weeks of its release. Compared with the huge investment of the film, it is not a success at all.

"Taxi Express" only received $220,000 at the box office in three days, and was directly cut off by the North American Cinema Alliance at the end of the weekend...

The poor performance of the film during the same period directly led to the surge in the number of theaters in North America for "The Matrix" to 3,312 from this Monday, and the film placement rate exceeded 60%!

If it was just a simple popcorn movie, Dahe Ren wouldn't be worried, but the audience's reputation for the movie is high, and it even led to a boom in North America. Since yesterday, walking on the street, you can see wearing clothes almost everywhere. Those with black trench coats and black sunglasses are obviously supporters of The Matrix.

Sony Columbia Pictures is also worried about the peripherals of "The Matrix". The peripherals sold for $24 million over the weekend, which is only second to the two "Jurassic Park" in recent years, not to mention the large peripherals. Whether the heat will affect the surrounding areas of "Godzilla" that will be launched soon, the promotion of the film's box office by the hot sales of the surrounding areas cannot be ignored.

The box office can promote the surrounding area, and the big sales in the surrounding area can also feed back the box office. The most typical example is that when someone who does not know "The Matrix" sees that strange outfit, they will definitely wonder what it is, and then inquire about it. Some of them are bound to become potential audiences out of curiosity.

Although he has full confidence in "Godzilla", Dahe Shinobu also understands that if "Godzilla" is to succeed, it must be able to withstand the impact of "The Matrix" at the box office next weekend. , this impact will not be small!

Dahe Ren was silent, and so was Michael Ovitz.

"The Matrix" far exceeded the outside world's estimated first-week box office of $35 million, which made him really feel the pressure. He has studied Duke's movie trends, and there is no work that has a sharp drop at the box office in the next week. From " In the first few weeks of its release, the box office trend is not only stable, but also very strong...

We must find a way to suppress the hot momentum of "The Matrix".

That's what Michael Ovitz was thinking about on his way here.

When Michael Ovitz and Dahe Ren got together and discussed countermeasures in a low voice, in the Warner Building in Burbank, almost all the staff who participated in the announcement of "The Matrix" were all smiles, and the box office was a big hit in the first week. It almost foretells the inevitable success of the film, and what awaits them will be huge bonuses.

"$54.08 million, beating our expectations by nearly $20 million!"

In the CEO office of Warner Bros., Doge Walter, the head of the distribution department, smiled brighter than the sunshine in California, "Duke is Duke, and the king of summer is really extraordinary. We have Duke, and we will definitely be able to grab it. more market share."

Jeff Robinoff opened a bottle of red wine, poured some into each of the two glasses, and after Doug Walter picked up one, he raised the glass to him, "To our king of summer, once again successful !"

"To Duke!" said Doug Walter, finishing the red wine, "Duke is sick and can't participate in the promotion."

"The film's hot momentum has already picked up, and Duke's participation or not has little impact."

Putting down the glass, Jeff Robinoff thought for a while, then said, "We'll go to Malibu tonight to see Duke."

"This is what it should be!" Doug Walter said as a matter of course, "I think all the senior management of Warner Bros. should go to the Duke of Malibu Manor."

Jeff Robinoff laughed. "Duke loves to make explosions on the screen, but he doesn't like too much chaos in his life."

Doug Walter nodded knowingly, "Then we can go alone."

After taking the red wine and bottle to the back of the bar in the office, Jeff Robinoff added, "You know, my greatest regret and my luckiest thing has to do with Duke."

As an excellent subordinate, listening carefully to the boss's words is a necessary quality, and Doug Walter immediately made a curiosity.

"Duke came to me with the project of "Life and Death", but I rejected it, which is my biggest regret." Jeff Robinoff seemed to be recalling the past, and his words were full of emotion, "Later I It is my greatest fortune to support Warner Bros. and Duke's collaboration on "Brave Island" despite the dissenting voices within the company."

In fact, this is not a secret thing. Doug Walter is very clear that after the previous CEO left, Jeff Robinoff can sit on the throne of CEO. The success of "Island" and "Independence Day" is an important asset.

Even, in his opinion, if there is no cooperation with Duke? Rosenberg, sitting in the position of CEO of Warner Bros. today must not be Jeff? Robinoff.

When it was time to get off work, Doug Walter and Jeff Robinoff drove out of Burbank and headed for the Duke's Manor by the sea in Malibu.

Over in Culph City, Michael Ovitz's RV had just pulled up on West Washington Avenue when the assistant on the co-pilot turned around and handed Michael Ovitz a newspaper.

"This is a local newspaper in San Francisco." The assistant explained briefly, "It only circulates in the California area. There is a news about The Matrix on the second page of the entertainment edition. I think you should be interested."

Michael Ovitz flipped through the newspaper and found the news report mentioned by the assistant. After only reading two lines, his eyes lit up immediately.

"I'm going to find someone to find out about this. I want to confirm the truth. Also, help me get in touch with the editor-in-chief of the media I have a close relationship with!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS:  The weather in Jinan is so stuffy, it just doesn’t rain~~I want rain~~I want a monthly ticket~~I want a recommendation ticket~

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