Made in Hollywood

Chapter 298: The End of the Talker

Some people want to pursue the truth and stay in the real world. Some people are tired of the cruelty of the real world and want to return to the illusory world. Everyone has the freedom and power to choose, but it would be wrong to be a traitor in order to return to the illusory world. Mainstream commercial films, whether it is a traitor who takes refuge in the evil side or a betrayal who returns to the right side, often do not end well.

From the moment he revealed that he was a traitor, Cypher's fate was actually doomed.

But what about Neo's fate?

The audience stared at the screen, all frowning, because the meaning of the big magician prophet is very clear, Neo is not 'The.One'!

Is Neo the savior?

With such doubts in mind, the film continues. Some people rebel, and some people must die. Agent Smith brought a large number of police officers to surround the building where Neo, Morpheus and others were located, and a war broke out.

In order to save Neo, Morpheus was forced to face Smith, but he was not an opponent at all. Under his cover, the rest rushed out of the encirclement one after another. Cypher, who slipped away, was the first to return to the real world, and betrayal was inevitable. .

Trinity, Neo and the others were trapped in a room in an abandoned hotel. Cypher thought he had killed the Tank Brothers, and began to talk and tease the villains in every Hollywood movie. But the consequences of chattering are very serious.

Gangsters will be overturned by the police because of chatter, robots will be disintegrated because of chatter, evil creatures will be purified for chatter, fire dragons will be shot by mortals for chatter...

The villain's chatter is the real plug-in of the protagonist of the film, and it is definitely comparable to the existence of the protagonist's halo!

Of course, chatting is also to create atmosphere. When the protagonist faces the danger of life and death, the audience's emotions are most easily mobilized.

So, at the most critical moment. The tank got up and killed Cypher, Neo and Trinity escaped from the Matrix world, but Morpheus was captured by the agents.

How to treat Morpheus, Neo, Trinity and Tank have a disagreement, Morpheus holds the login password of the Zion host, the last stronghold of mankind, if the password is leaked. The Matrix could be a deadly threat to Zion, so Tank advocated pulling the plug on Morpheus's link matrix world and using his death to keep Zion safe.

Neo is determined to save Morpheus, he must make a choice, and Trinity walks with him.

"The final battle is about to begin!"

Anthony glanced at his watch, and before he knew it, nearly an hour and a half had passed in the film, and it was time to end the battle. He was full of anticipation. In the opening battle, Duke, the director, used Trinity to show them an incredible battle. Will there be more surprises next? He remembered that the trailer had a cool scene of Neo, which had not been staged yet.

There are too many viewers like Anthony. They are all looking forward to it.

Neo and Trinity prepare firearms while Agent Smith interrogates Morpheus.

The audience waited for the final opening battle, but film critic Kenneth Turan was struck by a line Smith said to Morpheus.

"When I was trying to categorize life like you, the revelation came. So I know that you are not a mammal. Every mammal on our planet has a way of adapting to environmental changes and striking a balance. The instinct to evolve, but you people don't, you find a place. Then you breed, breed, breed, until all natural resources are used up, and the only way for you to survive is to spread out and encroach on another place, There is another life form on this planet similar to yours, do you want to know what it is? Virus! Humanity is a disease, the cancer of this planet, a plague."

In an instant, this film with some philosophical thinking in the front became taller in Kenneth Turan's heart. In his opinion, the film's discussion of reality and illusion, and its negative revelation of human beings, will make "The Matrix" "Casting into a classic.

"The Matrix" will be a classic sci-fi film. Most of the audience who have watched the film here will have the same opinion as Kenneth Turan, but why do they think this film will be a classic?

"The fighting is cool enough, the picture is dazzling enough, and the shape is enough!"

What Huggins said to Shearer was not a representative of the audience's point of view.

Since the previous film is cool, cool and attractive, and it is very popular with the audience, Duke will naturally make great efforts to make "The Matrix" even more dazzling, cool and attractive!

Neo and Trinity entered the building and exchanged fire with hundreds of guards. The two sides opened fire violently at a distance. The bullets were as dense as air, and the bullet casings fell like raindrops. In pieces, marble and concrete splattered as if flying past the eyes of all the spectators.

In the illusory world of the matrix, all the laws of physics can be discarded, and all the effects caused by the film shooting are just to make the audience feel good enough!

Does it actually work?

Listen to the audience's constant exclamations and excited shouts, regardless of the viewing courtesy, to know the effect.


Even if she wasn't a shootout fan, Miley felt excited in the face of such a cool scene, she clamped her legs tightly and grabbed her partner's arm with one hand, "I think...I think I'm going to be taller. It's wet!"

"Are you going to orgasm now?"

Similarly, Amanda was also excited, "There are more cool and dazzling ones in the future!"

The audience seems to be climbing towards the climax, but Kenneth Turan doesn't see it that way. This scene is purely for showing off, and there is no need for it to exist, or that Neo and Trinity can kill a few guards in a short time That's alright, getting such a paragraph completely destroys the ideology you just brought!

However, this shootout is only the beginning of the final climactic scene. Neo and Trinity have already rushed towards the guards, and they have rushed into the guards like lightning.

Neo wears black sunglasses and a black trench coat, and his movements are fancy and fast.

Trinity's black sunglasses and black tight leather jacket are quick and sharp.

The combination of the two guns combined with close combat completely subverted the traditional Hollywood-style action mode, bringing the chic, cool and beautiful and sexy side to the extreme.

If the gunfight at the opening just showed a concept, then Neo and Trinity were vividly displayed by Duke using a variety of techniques such as high-speed slow-motion and fast-lens flash in the case of 2VS100+.

Staggered bright guns, upside-down crosses, serial flying kicks...

A series of actions combining people and guns simply pushed the atmosphere in the theater to a peak!

"God, I swear!"

Miley's hand that was holding Amanda kept shaking, "I'll definitely watch this movie again, it's better than sex and drugs!"

The atmosphere in the theater was a little chaotic, but it was chaos brought about by excitement.

"They are really cool!"

"Neo, I love you!"

"Trinity, your long legs are so cool!"

Spielberg turned his head slightly, and the chaotic excitement behind him would sound from time to time. Even if the audience knew that this was the premiere and should abide by the most basic movie-watching etiquette, all of them were like taking drugs. !

"The action revolution in Hollywood is about to begin!"

Looking at the male and female protagonists who are still killing people and guns on the screen, Spielberg said to Lucas, "Duke is going to lead a trend again. I believe that in the subsequent movies, this kind of..."

"Spear fighting!" Lucas reminded.

"This kind of gunfighting will definitely be imitated and even flooded."

Hearing Spielberg's words, George Lucas suddenly stroked his beard, "It seems to be applicable to Star Wars, right?"

In the row in front of them, Erin Lauder was also whispering to Duke, "You seem to be creating a trend."

As she said that, she looked back from behind, watching so many movies, except for the tear frenzy caused by "Titanic", it was the first time Irene saw the audience in the theater react so strongly.

"Unfortunately this is an R-rated film."

Turning her eyes to Duke, Erin Lauder couldn't help feeling sorry for her friend, "If it's PG-13, I think it's likely to be popular all over the world."

"How can things in the world develop according to our will?" Duke was very open.

However, Erin Lauder's words are also quite reasonable. The audience in the theater has responded so enthusiastically. After "The Matrix", there must be countless films that follow the trend. Hollywood's follow-up is actually no different from other film markets in the world, even more so. Crazy, great Hollywood productions are based on hundreds of bad movies every year.

After pure gunfights and the combination of guns and guns, Neo and Trinity entered the lobby, took the elevator to the top floor, and planted a bomb at the same time. An earth-shattering explosion almost destroyed the lower floor of the building, and it was like As Duke said in post-production, it was a very different explosion from previous films.

"Let's just say, how could there not be an explosion in a Duke sci-fi film?"

Anthony waved his arm vigorously, and the flames of the explosion flowed like liquid, but he didn't feel wrong, after all, this was a matrix world.

"Hey, it's back to the old ways!" Kenneth Turan made a regretful voice, "Obviously I could have a deeper discussion on philosophy and worldview, but I turned back, explosions, gunfights and fights, isn't there such a thing as science fiction? Isn't it a sci-fi movie?"

However, the surrounding audience doesn't care about these pondering questions. It will take a long time for the film to end. According to Duke's consistent style, there are bound to be more surprises in the future!

The pictures on the big screen did not make them wait, and the climax scenes continued one after another. Neo and Trinity ascended to the roof and met the agents in front of the helicopter.

"Trinity, help me!"

Through the previous foreshadowing, everyone knows that in the matrix world, Neo is not the opponent of the agent, and the agent's gun has been aimed at him! (To be continued ~^~)

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