Made in Hollywood

Chapter 240 The beast in the cage

The picture has been switched to Lockhey Hart's home. After she had engaged with the furniture salesman, she was still dreaming of her star performance dream, but was broken by the other party's ruthless facts. The salesman directly told Lockhey that everything was a deception. , not only pushed her to the ground, but also laughed at how she could do to herself?

Seeing this, many viewers are shaking their heads. They are not dissatisfied, but they deeply agree with the film's satire of Lockheed. Although the plot is very familiar, when it is presented on the big screen, the satire in it is stronger, especially The director explained the role of Roxy in a very simple way.

This woman has some beauty and looks very charming, but she was deceived by such a low-level method, which not only shows that she wants to be famous, but also shows that she is actually stupid.

Stupid women tend to be even more reckless when provoked, and Lockhey takes a pistol from a drawer and shoots the furniture salesman.

Shooting a liar and making the audience a lot of people, Roxie's next fate can be imagined. At the beginning, some people sympathized with her a little, but this sympathy soon disappeared.

Because the song and dance belonging to Roxy began.

The police appeared at Roxy's house and questioned Roxy and her husband Amos individually, and the screen switched to Roxy's fantasy again, her first song "Play.

Lockheed deceived her husband that what she shot and killed was just a thief, and asked him to take the initiative to take responsibility. When she saw that she seemed to be able to hide from the police and toy with her kind but somewhat slow husband in the palm of her hand, her singing and smile showed that With pity and only a little affection.

Although Lockhey had affection on her face, the audience looked at her with sarcasm. Duke did not use complicated techniques. Everyone could easily see that this was a stupid and ignorant woman who was always complacent. Can't see the situation.

"She doesn't deserve sympathy!"

The superiority of Roxy is just annoying. Some viewers couldn't help but say something.

In this scene, Duke uses a parallel lens similar to the first point of view. Roxy, who is standing by the piano and singing solo, seems to be singing his thoughts to the audience, telling the bottom of his heart what he thinks of his husband. Many audiences can also feel it. He seemed to be on the screen and had the most direct communication with Roxy.

A kind but dull. A foolish and ignorant person, how could such two people deceive the police, the police soon revealed their tricks, and when Amos learned that the deceased was a frequent furniture salesman, he was shocked. Exhale, and the scam is exposed.

I was still singing my husband's praises just now. After the facts were exposed, the ranting Roxy immediately changed his face, and his singing was full of ridicule and hatred.

"She is so vain and stupid!" The audience couldn't help but jump out of this thought, "Even if her beautiful appearance and exposed thighs are charming, they can't hide her vicious and vulgar side!"

Roxy was taken away by the police. She was even told that there might be a hanging waiting for her, and the second song and dance came to an end.

"It's handled pretty well!"

In the front row, George Lucas is nodding, he understands Duke. Song and dance are not his forte, but the use of light and color in the scene. Even if he does it himself, it may not be comparable.

The second song and dance performance was completely Lockheed Hart's inner activity, on a stage with only spotlights, Lockheed singing. The warm light hit her, as if she imagined her own future.

When the husband knew that the deceased was a cheater and began to correct her, the visual style suddenly changed, the cold tone became the main content, and the blue light hit the husband.

Lucas could feel that even though Amos had a warm chandelier above his head, the whole body was covered in cold light. I guess this was Duke's intention to increase the stage effect. The most important thing was to match the For a moment Roxy's mood towards her husband.

When Roxy was taken away by the police, the overall picture was black and very dark, except for a sudden flash of the flash, the light was always in a very dark state.

"Duke used a typical gothic style, eerie, scary..."

Just when George Lucas was thinking about this, Lockhey was sent to the prison and sat there waiting for the warden to appear. It came from her imagination, and the song and dance drama for the female warden began.

Again, the scene is still brightly colored.

"The biggest difference is the warm and unrestrained red tone!"

Seeing this, Lucas nodded, such a scene must be in line with the style of singing and dancing.

As soon as the black warden appeared, he was as domineering as the red tone. In her singing and dancing performance, she was illuminated by the strong light behind her, coupled with her swaggering momentum, a domineering aura was fully expressed come out.

As simple and easy to understand as the previous songs, the warden's lyrics clearly tell others that as long as you do her favors, she will treat you well.

George Lucas noticed that in the montage to switch the picture when the warden took Lockheed to the prison in reality, there was an ultra-low-angle shot, revealing a layer of iron fence, the looming picture, It shows how worried the heroine is at the moment.

After the climax of the song is over, the last shot is from a passionate red tone to a dark blue background, implying that the courtesies and temptations are over, and what really comes is a cold and dark life behind bars.

Roxy also saw Velma, who had always been envious in prison, and gradually felt the difference from the prison director's deal with Velma and his indifferent words to her.

The gloomy lights can't illuminate the darkness of the prison, the pure singing can't wash away the corruption of the world, and the clear tears can't wash away the filth in the iron cage.

The fourth song and dance cage tango also appeared. This is an amazing 'beast beauty dance'. In the form of singing and dancing, it explained the background of the six sisters murdering in the prison.

This song and dance, although the scene comes from Duke's design, but the song and dance are carefully choreographed by Lily Fred.

In the highly contagious and visually impactful singing and dancing, the six sisters shared their life experiences one by one in the anger, in the inner monologue and real life discourse exchange, in the cold and beautiful Between the dark tones, the women's vicious, wild and innocent multiple personalities are fully revealed in this cut!

"Very smart director, very ingenious technique!"

When she saw this dance of six, Whiteley had to sigh with emotion. She always wanted to see the performance of Mia Valentine, the heroine of the musical, and she also wanted to be with the two women in the film. The protagonist makes a comparison. After all, she is a drama critic, and her position is naturally biased towards Mia Valentine.

And Mia Valentine did have a solo dance and a group dance, but they were completely incomparable. The director obviously didn't want her to steal the scene. The solo dance was all 45-degree side shots, and the group dance was simply toned down. ...

However, Catherine Zeta Jones' performance here made her eyes shine. The other party's singing and dancing were very explosive, and with her outstanding looks, it was a matter of course for Duke Rosenberg to choose her as the heroine.

Another thing that surprised Whitley, the silk scarves in the hands of the six actresses, played a finishing touch.

The dark blue background, the dome light constantly changes from blue and red, the female prisoner always cools down the light when she tells the story, and every time it reaches the climax - the scene of female murder, it instantly turns into a bloody red dome light, and at the same time Adding a red silk scarf as a prop to indicate the killing scene seems to reveal that stunners can also kill.

There is only one exception. The beautiful and romantic tune and dance of the Hungarian female prisoner, as well as the white silk scarf, were the only ones who were wronged, and finally became the first female prisoner in Illinois to be executed by hanging.

The beasts in the cages are all sexy beauties. They walked to the stage one by one, spread their thighs and danced enthusiastically, almost barbaric Spanish-style dance, which caused the audience to have nosebleeds and fear. Following the dance and the light and shadow, they unconsciously agreed. The conclusion of these female beasts - men always do, they think they have us, they don't cherish it anymore.

This song and dance finally pushed the film to a climax. When the scene switched to prison again, warm applause sounded from the back of the theater, and then quickly spread to the whole process, until Lockhey, who may face hanging, learned from the prison director that the lawyer Billy could save her before the applause stopped.

As a result, the most famous and appealing person among all the cast and crew in the film - Tom Cruise officially debuted, just walking in the prison without any act of being cool or handsome, and there was a burst of youth in the theater. The woman's admiration, it seems that they have waited too long for this moment.

Then there was a group dance by Tom Cruise. He was young and handsome, and his singing skills were quite good. Driven by his supporters, he also won a burst of applause after the song and dance ended.

"Is this still Tom Cruise?"

Allen looked at Kunites strangely, "I think it's a little different. It seems that the acting is much better than before."

"You idiot, don't forget that the person guiding him is Duke!" Kunites said naturally, "Even if he is a pig, if he cooperates with Duke, he will become the best pig in the world, not to mention him. Or Tom Cruise."

Tom Cruise's acting skills have made breakthroughs, and his singing and dancing performances are quite hard, and to a certain extent, they can also be regarded as outstanding.

Many viewers have this feeling that Cruise in "Chicago" is no longer the Cruise he used to be, at least not when people see him on the big screen for the first time, thinking that the character is called Tom Kerr Ruth.

The lawyer Billy he played is the most important male protagonist in the whole story. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the male protagonist. After Roxy picks up on him, the good guy Amos stands up again to raise a sum of money to win the case.

Despite the lack of money, Billy took over the lawsuit, using the media to portray Roxy as an innocent, kind and beautiful woman. (To be continued ~^~)

PS:  The three-day holiday will continue to maintain the three-shift, because you have to go out, you can only update it automatically, everyone, let’s count the votes for encouragement!

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