Made in Hollywood

Chapter 115 The Final Sprint

After Warner's anniversary reception, Duke's energy returned to the post-production of "Independence Day". From mid-February to mid-April, he and Mike Dawson basically completed the film's first cut and further refined editing. , but since the CGI effects are far from complete, the version of the movie clip without the added effects is still extremely rough.

Lucasfilm's Skywalker sound effects also came up with the first version of the soundtrack. After Duke listened to it, he discussed it with the person in charge, and roughly determined the tone of the soundtrack, but this is only the initial version. Skywalker sound effects It is also necessary to improve and expand on this basis.

In addition, manufacturers including Morscous Brewing Company have also joined the ranks of advertising sponsors for the film, and Duke must also consider adding them to suitable scenes in post-production.

At the end of April, Duke, who had been busy with post-production work, received another message. After careful research and consideration, Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox finally accepted his suggestion. Any professional film critic, thus saving a large amount of public relations expenses, put it into the advertising promotion of the film.

At the same time, Duke, in accordance with the requirements of the producer, with the cooperation of the special effects production department, edited the first official trailer of the film. The star is also a little more prosperous at the end of the film.

Before the summer season, the trailer was used by Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox to put a lot of its resources into large-screen theaters and TV commercials. Many aspects of the trailer attracted the attention of moviegoers, especially the trailer at the end of the trailer. Conversations between the President and the Aliens.

"Can we live in peace?"

A hideous alien appeared in the painting, "Peace? No peace!"

"What do you want from us?"

"Die! Death..."

This dialogue is full of the contempt of the higher creatures for the lower creatures, which can easily resonate with people.

After the trailer was fermented for a period of time, the PR departments of Warner and Fox began to exert their efforts, and a large number of related comments appeared in the media to win the public's attention.

As reported in the Los Angeles Times, the public is very interested in the war between aliens and humans.

"Although human beings continue to explore the universe and look for other possible life forms, human knowledge of the universe is still limited. Many movies describe visiting aliens as cute, kind and intelligent creatures, such as "ET". But if One day, when the aliens who come to visit the earth are brutal and powerful, and regard the earthlings as inferior creatures that must be destroyed, will human civilization be rewritten? "Independence Day" shows such a theme , Aliens and humans finally confront each other openly, instead of spreading terror to hide it!"

Investigation companies hired by Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox also conducted random investigations on the streets of major cities across the United States to obtain first-hand relevant information.

In Times Square, New York, James from TPP Research Consulting stopped a young man in his twenties. After a brief self-introduction, he asked directly, "Do you know the movie "Independence Day"?"

"Yeah, I've seen the trailers. The new Duke Rosenberg movie."

"What do you think of the trailer? Will you watch the movie after it's released?"

"Exceeding expectations." Young people seem to like this type of film very much, "As long as time permits, I will definitely go to the theater to watch this film."

Then, James stopped a boy who looked like a student and asked a similar question.

"I didn't watch the trailer, but my friends and classmates around me were talking about the movie. Most people wanted to see it soon, and I think I'll watch it too."

In the afternoon, James asked more than 60 people. Nearly 50 people had heard of or seen the advertisement of "Independence Day", and more than half of them said that they would walk into the theater at the right time to see how the earthlings would fight against each other. Aliens, and how the director Duke Rosenberg destroyed the White House and major cities in North America, and a considerable number of people will choose to buy tickets depending on the situation.

Just a few days after James conducted the investigation, similar scenes were being staged in almost all the major cities in the United States. and Independence Day studio hands.

After the results came out, Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox held a joint meeting specifically for this purpose.

"These are the latest market research findings."

As the leader of the project, Jeff Robinoff personally stood behind the projector, switching the data, and said to the CEOs of the two companies, "In this random survey, 45,678 people were routinely asked, and the crowd was Most of them are 15 to 40 years old, 80% of them have heard or seen the news about "Independence Day", 41% said they would go to the theater to watch the movie, and 19% said of people said they would choose to buy tickets based on the quality of the film."

"Very optimistic data."

Twentieth Century Fox's Tim Fisher had a satisfied smile on his face, "Duke Rosenberg, like Spielberg, is building his own directorial brand, as well as our publicity. The work is also on time.”

"I recommend……"

Charles Rowan, who attended the conference on behalf of Independence Day Studios, said, "Continue to increase the publicity, Duke's film will not let us down! He has not let down."

The meeting room was quiet for a while, and then everyone nodded in agreement.

In Hollywood, there is no data on everything and the results just achieved are convincing. Just a few days ago, "Brave to the Dead Island" finally ended all overseas screenings, and the final global box office was as high as 405.84 million US dollars. Among all the movies released last year, second only to the super-selling "Jurassic Park", it got the second best box office in the world!

You know, "Jurassic Park" is not only based on novel readers, but the director is Steven Spielberg, who has been famous for 20 years!

What about Duke Rosenberg? Even if you count this year, he is only twenty-four years old, and he has only been in Hollywood for three years. The future in the field of commercial films is simply immeasurable.

And these executives who are sitting here are very sure of one thing, Duke Rosenberg's explosion scene is very selling!

After some discussions, both Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox made a decision to increase pre-screening publicity efforts, and appropriate additional publicity funds according to the market feedback after the release of "Independence Day".

A new summer season is coming soon. If the propaganda intensity is concerned, the one that appears most frequently and frequently in the media and public view is neither the all-age movie "Stone City Paradise" that was first released in May, nor is it the main inspirational and The nostalgic "Forrest Gump" is also not the "Lion King" that Disney Animation Studio has been honing for five years, but "Independence Day" by Duke, who is dubbed by many fans as a maniac.

Although the film will be released in two months, it can always be seen in prominent positions on the four major TV networks, the three major newspapers, major professional magazines and other influential media , Even on the computer network that is gradually emerging today, there are many people talking about "Independence Day".

The time entered May, and the 1994 summer season kicked off. With the completion of the CGI special effects of the film, Duke has also entered the busiest stage since post-production, temporarily throwing away all the chores and devoting himself to post-production. Even Charlize Theron's invitation to the party was turned down.

Yes, with the accumulation of experience and accustomed to working under pressure, Duke is indeed a little easier than before, but it does not mean that he can distract too much energy. This is Hollywood where competition is so fierce that it wants to fight with a knife, and it is too indulgent. yourself, it is likely to lead to failure.

He never thought that after experiencing one more life, everything will be successful for granted, and success is never an easy thing.

Adding special effects, determining the soundtrack, summoning actors to dub and editing appropriate sound effects, etc. Although Duke did not have to do it himself, he had to review them one by one. Any flawed links would be reworked by him.

Throughout May, although it was not as exaggerated as Cameron's eating and living in the studio, by the end of the month, Duke found that he had successfully lost nearly ten pounds of weight, and he didn't know whether to praise luck or misfortune.

However, the performance of the work can also satisfy him. Even if the later stage has not been completed, it is nearing the end, and the preview meeting in June will never be delayed.

While Duke is busy, the new summer season is also fiercely fighting. The first release of "Stone Family Paradise" won 29.68 million US dollars in the first week, and the North American box office accumulated up to 60 million US dollars in ten days of release, which was 1994. The summer of the year is off to a good start.

In June, the first week of "Forrest Gump"'s $24.45 million seems to be very mediocre. However, as time goes on, a wave of sweeping North America has just begun, and the film has never been a big hit at the box office. But it is extremely stable, and even in the first two weeks of release, people can't feel the existence of the decline.

In mid-June, Disney Animation Studio ushered in its peak and final glorious moment. The pinnacle of 2D animation, "The Lion King", hit the North American box office of more than 40 million US dollars in the first week, which also means that it will cooperate with The box office is neither high nor low but extremely stable "Forrest Gump" dominated the entire June schedule.

In the midst of all this turmoil, "Independence Day" has completed all the post-production work including adding the opening and ending credits, and the preview is about to start, but what the outside world did not expect is that Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox, as co-producers, , invited ordinary movie fans, representatives of the theater chain and media reporters to participate in the preview meeting, but only the group of professional film critics fell!

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