Mad Doctor

Chapter 102: Sunflower Collection

mad doctor

Chapter 102 Sunflower Collection

"Old man, I really can't tell, your home is very tastefully furnished.

On the vertical day, Ye Wutian went to Wu Qunsheng's house, a very ordinary two-and-a-half-story villa.

Wu Qunsheng's old face flashed a smug look, how difficult it is to get Ye Wutian's appreciation. ,

"Haha, I can get the praise of Brother Ye, the old man is satisfied."

Ye Wutian was quite embarrassed, "Are you hurting me or praising me?"

"Like, of course."

"The environment is good, but why do you live alone? What about your children?" After walking around for a long time, he found that Ye Wutian hadn't found anyone other than a nanny.

Wu Qunsheng was disappointed for a while, and said: "My son and wife have been working outside for a long time, and it is rare to come back once a year, and my wife leaves early again."

"Sorry to bring up your sadness."

Wu Qunsheng smiled and said, "Where is it?"

After looking left and right, Ye Wutian asked in a low voice: "Old man, where is your granddaughter?"

"I just called her and I'm going home soon."

Ye Wutian patted his chest exaggeratedly: "You made me so tight, why do I feel like a blind date?"

Wu Qunsheng burst out laughing, "You kid, you can't help but laugh when you talk."

"Is your granddaughter beautiful?"

"Brother Ye, aren't you being too direct? Can't you be more subtle?"

"Do you still need to be subtle?" Ye Wutian asked: "Didn't you say your granddaughter is beautiful?"

"That's my granddaughter, of course I say pretty."

Ye Wutian thinks about it, it seems that it is really such a thing.

"Brother Ye, don't be in a hurry. You can see it later. You can evaluate it later."

There is a question Ye Wutian is very curious: "Does your granddaughter know what happened today?"

"This is exactly what I want to tell you. My granddaughter dislikes blind dates the most, so don't tell me later." Wu Qunsheng said nervously.

Ye Wutian laughed: "Are you afraid of your granddaughter?"

Wu Qunsheng's face was flushed, "I'm not afraid, that girl has been spoiled by me since she was a child, and she doesn't have a personality like me."

"I wouldn't want a savage woman."

Wu Qun was so angry that he wanted to punch him.

Ye Wutian said: "Okay, I'm joking with you, the relationship is a matter of mutual affection, I like her, she may not like me."

"You finally said something human." Wu Qunsheng gave a thumbs up: "What are you going to do about the Ouyang family? Are you really going to help them?"

"You gave me a reason, why should I help them?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Wu Qunsheng said, "Anyway, I think this is good for you."

Ye Wutian shrugged: "I don't think so."

"Have you considered coming to the hospital? I reserve the seat of the director of the medical department for you."

Ye Wutian stopped and said: "Forget it, I still like it now, at ease."

Wu Qun said angrily, "God gave you this medical skill, aren't you afraid of wasting it?"

"Old man, I think you have misunderstood a little. The medical skills were not given to me by God, but I learned by myself. What does it have to do with God? Does it have anything to do with half a dime?"

"Hehe, I can't say enough about you when it comes to bickering."

Ye Wutian said with a serious face: "I'm not bickering, I'm just talking about things."

"The old chief is also looking for you, have you seen him?" Wu Qunsheng asked.

Ye Wutian asked: "I'm curious, why did you call him the old chief?"

Wu Qunsheng sighed: "I am also from the army, and the old chief saved my life."

"Okay, I don't want to hear about your rotten years. You have to look forward to everything. Don't mention it again in the past." Ye Wutian waved his hand impatiently.

Wu Qunsheng didn't say any more. The two of you chatted for a long time. After nearly an hour, Wu Qunsheng's granddaughter still didn't come back.

"Old man, you won't be put on the phone, right?" Ye Wutian said after looking at the wall clock on the wall.

"Don't worry, my granddaughter has always been punctual." Wu Qunsheng said with a smile, "Brother Ye, can you tell me who you learned your medical skills from?"

"Didn't I tell you? I taught myself, and I usually look for a few things to see if I have nothing to do."

Wu Qunsheng didn't believe it at all, self-taught? Who believes?

Seeing the doubt on Wu Qunsheng's face, Ye Wutian said again: "Okay, for your sake, I can tell you, but you have to promise me that no one can tell except yourself."

Wu Qunsheng nodded fiercely, looking expectantly, looking at Ye Wutian excitedly, waiting for his answer.

"Actually, I had a dream before. I had a dream that an old man told me to pass on his medical skills. Later, I asked who the old man was, and he said his name was Hua Tuo."

Wu Qunsheng is a murderer, this kid is always indifferent, talking nonsense, even Hua Tuo came out.

"You go to my study to read books first, and I will cook two dishes for you to taste."

Wu Qunsheng has lost interest in continuing to talk, and there will be no results.

Ye Wutian walked into Wu Qunsheng's study according to his words. When he opened the study, Wutian couldn't help but sigh. There are a lot of books in the north. It seems that it is not easy to become an expert.

I picked up a medical book on the shelf and put it back in place after reading it for a while. I really couldn't bear to read it.

Old man Wu's book collection is almost all related to medicine.

After reading the bookshelf on the right, Ye Wutian began to look at the bookshelf on the left, hoping to find a book he liked.

Soon, classmate Wutian gave up. All the books here were not to his taste, so he turned around and prepared to go out to the living room to watch TV. He was thinking that Old Man Wu's granddaughter should be back soon, right?

Suddenly, at the moment when Ye Wutian turned around, he found a different book at the bottom of the bookshelf on the left.

Sunflower Collection!

During this time, Ye Wutian had learned some history, watched some movies, and knew the origin of this book.

Just when he was about to open the book, Wu Qunsheng came in and saw a depressed look on his face, "Brother Ye, let's have dinner. My granddaughter called back. She is in a hurry and has to come back later."

Ye Wutian raised his hand indifferently: "What book is this?"

Wu Qunsheng rarely blushed, "I was bored and bought it from a street stall."

Ye Wutian opened the book and read a few pages at random, "Is this the secret of martial arts? Have you mastered it?"

"What's the secret? I've never believed in this thing." Wu Qunsheng said, "I just bought it for five yuan when I passed by a street stall once."

"Fortunately, I thought you had mastered it. I heard that you need to go to the palace first to practice this unique skill."

Wu Qunsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sighed in his heart, why are young people nowadays so evil?

"Old man, lend me this book."

Wu Qunsheng was shocked: "Do you want to practice?"

"It's better to use it for research when you're bored, maybe one day I'll really train it, won't I become a peerless master? Wow... Then I'll see who will dare to provoke me, anger this young master, directly One slap killed him."

Wu Qunsheng was a little worried, if lending the book to such a sane person, would something really happen?

Regardless of whether Wu Qunsheng agreed or not, Ye Wutian took the book and walked out of the study, washed his hands and sat on the dining table.

"Good workmanship."

"Eat more if it suits your appetite." Wu Qunsheng said, "I'm so sorry today. I didn't know my granddaughter would suddenly change her mind. She's not like this usually."

"It's okay, who hasn't been in a hurry yet? It just means that I have no fate with her."

Wu Qunsheng disagreed, "What kind of lack of fate is this? There are many opportunities for you to meet in the future, so don't worry."

Ye Wutian smiled and didn't speak again. After the meal, Wu Qunsheng brewed a pot of tea himself, during which he also asked Ye Wutian a few questions, and gained a further understanding of Ye Wutian's medical skills.

This kid is absolutely hidden, how much is he hiding? What is the real level?

"Brother Ye, with your medical skills, it's a pity not to benefit mankind." Wu Qunsheng wanted to break open Ye Wutian's head to see what was in his head, and there was something to benefit mankind. what's wrong? So selfish at such a young age.

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes when he heard it: "Stop doing this, I tell you, don't mention this to me again, or I will turn my face."

Wu Qunsheng smiled bitterly, and didn't dare to mention it again, "Wei Junzhi has come to me, Brother Ye, can you help him?"

Ye Wutian put down the teacup and said with a half-smile, "How did I find out that you look like a great person? You have to take care of everything."

"Then you agree?"

"I don't agree." Ye Wutian refused: "I don't like that kid, and his affairs have half a cent to me?"

Wu Qun was very angry, "I said what do you want, kid? You don't want to eat hard or soft."

"Is he your son?"

"..." Wu Qunsheng was stunned: "No."

"If not, why should I help?"

Wu Qunsheng wanted to say more, but the phone rang.

After answering the phone, Wu Qunsheng's expression became unnatural, and he said to Ye Wutian, "I have to go back to the hospital."

"Okay, we're here today, and I'm leaving too."

Seeing this, Wu Qunsheng hurriedly stopped, "Brother Ye, you have to go with me, you know the injured."


"Chang Xiaomei."

Ye Wutian was shocked: "What? What happened to her?"

"The gunshot wound, and the severe disfigurement of the face, the situation is not optimistic."

"Damn, how could this be?" Ye Wutian couldn't calm down after hearing that Chang Xiaomei had an accident, and he still cared about the female tyrannosaurus.

"Let's talk while walking."

Ye Wutian didn't object, he walked out of the villa with Wu Qunsheng, and drove quickly to the hospital.

When the two went to the hospital, Chang Xiaomei was still in the operating room, and Ye Wutian rushed in front of Xu Yuanhua, "Director Xu, what's going on?"

Xu Yuanhua raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said with difficulty: "Injured during the pursuit of the Today we received a tip that the killer who killed Ouyang Annan was hiding in an ordinary commercial and residential building. "

"Have you caught it?"

Xu Yuanhua shook his head painfully.

Ye Wutian wanted to scold his mother, he was paralyzed, and he couldn't catch the killer after spending so much money.

"Little Ye, you must save her." Xu Yuanhua suddenly grabbed Ye Wutian's arm tightly, remembering that Ye Wutian was a doctor.

At this moment, the lights in the emergency room went out, and a group of criminal policemen rushed up immediately, waiting for the door of the emergency room to open.

In anticipation of everyone, the door of the emergency room was finally opened, and the leading doctor took off his mask and came to the crowd.

-\",Your best choice!

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