Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 503 503, welcome

July 16, today is a good day for the opening of Pingxian Douban Cooking.

Before dawn, the villagers packed up early.

In order to celebrate this good day, and in order to have a better spiritual outlook to welcome the leaders, the villagers also had a luxurious breakfast.

In the past two months, the village has not had the habit of eating breakfast for a long time. In order to save food, they all eat breakfast and lunch together, commonly known as brunch, and then eat dinner around 6 o'clock in the evening.

But today is a different day. This is related to the decency and glory of their victorious production team. For this day, how much preparation and effort they have made in the early stage.

Therefore, they must not be held back today.

This stance seems to treat today's workshop as a battlefield, and everyone has a perfect attitude and determination.

Although life is generally difficult nowadays, there is still a sense of ritual and solemnity. This is also for auspiciousness. A lot of red tape can be saved, but some customs cannot be omitted.

In order to add joy, everyone took out the red cloth collected at home one after another, and the country people will keep some red cloth.

The villagers decorated the entrance of the village and the workshop with red hydrangea, so there must be an atmosphere of opening.

In order to thank the leaders for their presence, Qin Tianru also gave Shen Yuerong an idea.

Let the children in the village greet the leaders at the entrance of the village, and when they get off the bus, let the children send a small bouquet to express the welcome and importance that the Shengli Production Brigade shows to their arrival.

Now in July, there are a lot of small wildflowers growing on the mountain, you can pick some and tie them into beautiful little bouquets.

This matter is done by innocent and lovely children, it will appear more simple and natural, and it can also show a more sincere attitude. If it is done by adults, it will definitely make people worry too much.

Maybe it will also affect the reputation of the leaders, thinking that their participation in activities is also about ostentation or something.

Qi Jiaxing confirmed the list with the other party when he invited him, so a total of ten children were arranged.

These ten children are all under ten years old, they are all very well-behaved and sensible, and their appearances are relatively good-looking.

Just because of the selection of these ten children, something happened during the period, which made Qin Tian feel like laughing and laughing.

Most of the people in the village have the traditional ideology of valuing sons over women, so in their view, the boys in the village should be responsible for such a precious thing as welcoming the leadership.

Of course, families with only girls of school age naturally raised their rebuttal opinions in order to win the quota this time. As a result, the village was divided into two factions, men and women, each expressing their own opinions.

In the end, under the suppression of Qi Zhongkang, the two sides stopped arguing. The most funny thing is that people on both sides were not convinced. In order to show the justice of their own side, they even went to Qin Tianru to make a judgment.

Qin Tianru gave the answer without hesitation: five men and five women!

Because of Qi Han and Qin Tianru's contributions to the village, the people in the village now respect their husband and wife very much, and they are even more convinced of their behavior from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, everyone wanted to leave this matter to Qin Tianru.

So, after Qin Tianru announced the result, the villagers who had been arguing all day finally calmed down.

Everyone thought about it, five men and five women, five people on each side, this is fair!

"Hurry up, it's almost time, let the children go to the village and stand."

"Are the bouquets ready?"

"Be sure to keep your child's clothes clean and tidy~"

"Have the red cloth been hung up?"

"Put the prepared doubanjiang in the yard."

"Has the sanitation at the gate of the courtyard been cleaned?"

"Have you hung the plaque? Remember to hang it on the red cloth~"

At this time, the workshop was busy for a while. Qi Jiaxing and Shen Yuerong each directed everyone to do the final preparations and inspections, making sure that every detail was in place.

At about 8:40 in the morning, Zhou Yan and Qi Qing, along with ten children who gave flowers, stood at the entrance of the village waiting for the leaders to arrive.

The ten children were divided into two columns. Five people stood on the left and right side of the road. Although their clothes were patched, they were neat and clean, with no traces of wrinkling.

After Qin Tianru's guidance and training, the ten children met with sweet and bright smiles, straightened their bodies, and held small bouquets in their hands. They looked particularly energetic and energetic.

In these difficult times, what can be more touching and gratifying than seeing children full of radiant smiles and full of vigor?

"Come on!" Qi Qing immediately reminded when she heard the sound of the car.

The rest of them stretched their necks and looked towards the corner ahead.

"Everyone, stand up and get ready, haven't you forgotten what my sister-in-law handed in?"

Qi Qing couldn't help but turn around and explain to the ten children.


The children answered in a loud voice. This time, their families can attach importance to their welcoming the leader, so the things that Sister Huanhuan handed them over have been practiced many times after returning home.

Two cars drove up ahead, carrying leaders from the county and township. As for Secretary Li of the commune and others, they came to the village early to help prepare.

Seeing a lot of children standing at the entrance of the village, two cars stopped two meters away from the children.

Originally, the leaders did not plan to drive the car directly to the door of the workshop, which would inevitably make the villagers feel proud. Since they came to inspect the work this time, they naturally had to take a good look.

So, Yan Ming and others got out of the car, but when they got out of the car, they were surrounded by a group of children.

"Welcome to the Victory Production Brigade."

"Pingxian Doubanfang welcomes everyone!"

The cadres of Yan Ming and his party were a little confused for a moment. This was the first time they received a warm welcome from the children.

After the child rushed to the door and said the welcome speech, he immediately presented the small bouquets in his hand to the leaders one by one.

Yan Ming and others were stunned again, but they even sent flowers?

This treatment is really the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair!

Although this behavior is a bit peculiar, it is undeniable that this behavior is very flattering, which makes Yan Ming and others very useful, and feels that what they have worked so hard to do for the people has been recognized and responded by the people.

At this moment, they feel that their past efforts are worthwhile, even proud.

Seeing that the leaders had accepted the bouquets, the children laughed very happily, and then they winked at each other, faced the leaders, and quickly stood in a row.

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