Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 455 455, killing pig dishes

That night, the Victory Production Brigade ate pig-killing vegetables!

Everyone gathered outside the captain's house, and those with tables and stools at home moved to the gate of the compound, and set up a dam banquet directly.

The last time I had a feast in the village was when Qi Han married his wife. It had been more than two months if we counted the days.

When you were at the dinner table, did you know that such a thing would happen?

At that time, they only thought that the harvest was not good in many places, and the grain distribution was delayed. Who knew that a huge famine broke out not long after.

Immediately after that, there is still no sigh of relief. It is also a ban on personal trading, and a vigorous capitalist party. Looking back now, it has only been more than two months, and it feels like they have been through it for several months.

Now that I can sit here and eat a pig-killing dish, it is inexplicably emotional.

Their brigade is still happy, and they have eaten meat several times in the past two months. Thinking about it, I feel fortunate for a while.

There are so many people in the brigade, it is definitely impossible to put dishes on a table for everyone to eat with open stomachs.

Not to mention that there are not so many ingredients, even wild boar is not rich, as long as everyone can taste it, the stomach can be a little oily, otherwise, in the next days, no matter how strong the body is, it will not be able to carry it.

The villagers also understand this truth. If there is pork, each family should provide some of the remaining side dishes. Otherwise, if there are so many people in the whole village, how can it be enough to just rely on that little meat?

You can't just go out without anything, just wait for the white rice, then you shouldn't be drowned by the mouth foam of the whole village?

Even if you produce a basket of vegetable leaves, it is still a profit. Using a basket of vegetables for a meal of meat dishes, isn't this a big profit?

What's more, everyone has a share, and everyone can get oily, so it doesn't hurt at all.

The Qi family is righteous, let everyone share the wild boar, this is enough to make them grateful, and they can't still think about letting the Qi family bear it all, right?

They can't do such a shameless thing.

Therefore, in the afternoon, the daughter-in-law of every household brought a basket of vegetables to the captain's house to deliver food.

Nowadays, the vegetables are limited, and the dishes brought by everyone are also varied. It is said that they eat pig-killing vegetables, but they are actually a hodgepodge of dishes.

This method is also the most trouble-free, just put a few large pots on the shelf and simmer together.

Although the little wild boar only weighs more than 100 kilograms, apart from the bones, there are still a lot of things that can be eaten, such as pig blood, liver, and large intestine, which can be stewed with side dishes in one pot.

The villagers sent dried pickles, dried bamboo shoots, sauerkraut, tofu, cabbage, peppers, and radishes, most of which were cabbage and dried bamboo shoots.

Every family sent a basket of side dishes, plus a hundred kilograms of wild boar, which made a hodgepodge of dishes, which is quite a lot.

Of course, this amount is definitely not enough to make everyone full. The original purpose is to make everyone feel oily and support the stomach for some time.

So take each family as a unit, each family will have a portion of a big bowl, and then the family will eat it, so that every family can eat a few bites.

The captain made such a big dish, and other meals were arranged by each family, so everyone brought their own bowls and chopsticks to eat.

At this time, the scene was lively, everyone's faces were filled with bright smiles, looking at several large iron pots, bursts of saliva.

Each family sent a representative to line up to pick up vegetables. After the meat and vegetables were equally divided, they returned to their respective positions. Basically, the whole family formed a pile.

A bowl of vegetables is definitely not eaten by everyone, but is distributed by the elders in the family, but in such a public place, even if some elders are biased, they dare not do it too obviously.

Therefore, many women who are daughters-in-law and little girls have been given meat dishes. Even if they are less than the men in the family, they are satisfied to eat a few bites of meat dishes.

Not to mention, there is still a lot of soup in this meat dish, even if it is covered with thick bran buns, it can be swallowed.

At this moment, the women in the village were extremely grateful to Qin Tianru, if it wasn't for her decision, they would definitely not be able to eat meat and vegetables.

The last time they split the meat, they didn't eat a single bite of the meat at all, not even a bit of oily smell.

Because most people exchange meat for food, even if they keep a few taels of meat, only the men in the family can get it.

Fortunately, this time it was directly made into a pig-killing dish, and everyone could get a little oily.

This is also thanks to Qin Tianru's blessing. If she hadn't made this decision, they would definitely not have this blessing.

So, when Qin Tianru didn't know about it, the women in the village were more grateful to her.

For a time, the whole scene was full of joy and joy.

Everyone who ate the meat dishes couldn't help but smile away, with expressions of satisfaction and happiness on their faces. While eating meat dishes, everyone chatted with the surrounding villagers, and the atmosphere was full of joy.

The Qi family did not stay in the courtyard to eat, and left the pig-killing vegetables that belonged to their family to everyone, and only returned home with the four pig trotters that the captain gave to their family.

Originally, Qin Tianru didn't want to divide the meat, but the villagers thought that this wild boar was caught by Huanhuan. She could donate the wild boar for free, but they couldn't take all the benefits.

Therefore, everyone asked the captain to leave the four pig trotters to Daqi's family, so that they could stew soup to nourish the body.

Therefore, Qin Tianru couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of the crowd, so he had to accept the pig's trotters and prepare two of them to be made into cold pork trotters, while the other two kept her brother Han when he came back, and stewed pig's trotter soup to make up for him.


The next day, Qi Zhongkang took two village cadres and rode an ox cart to the town.

The ox cart was loaded with two baskets of clean ginseng. The total amount of ginseng was about a hundred kilograms. According to the harvest in the field, this yield was already very high. After all, there was only one ginseng under each flower seedling. The area is not very large.

If it weren't for the dense growth of the flowers and seedlings, the yield would not have been achieved with the area of ​​the land.

The weight of these two baskets is about 30 to 40 kilograms evenly spread on each family's head. This amount can last for a few days, but many people heard that this ginseng is a medicinal material, and it is especially good for the body, so everyone is a little bit. reluctant to eat.

Because in the eyes of the villagers, medicinal herbs are definitely valuable things, not to mention good medicinal herbs for nourishing the body, so let them eat good medicinal herbs as miscellaneous grains in their stomachs, they really can't eat them. .

It's such a waste of luxury.

In the end, after some discussion, each family left five catties for their family members to make up for, and it was enough to have a taste. The rest were sold at the pharmacy in the town, and then replaced with coarse grains.

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