Lucky Star of Space on Farmlands

Chapter 763 Arouse our suspicion for nothing

If these two people were used by Lin Caisang with evil intentions, how could the consequences be beyond their imagination?

"Father, I think that Miss Lin must have no evil intentions after saving the lives of her aunt and her second brother several times. If she really had evil intentions, why did she save her aunt in the first place? Just look at her Auntie, go...cough, wouldn’t it be better?”

Halfway through his words, the eldest prince still concealed the word 'death'. After coughing lightly, he did not say any more. ɱ

"And this time about the Second Emperor's brother. The Second Emperor's brother was buried in a pile of rocks. No one knows about it. She can just sit back and watch, isn't that fine?"

"Then you have to be on guard. What if she wants to use your aunt and Xiao'er to get close to the royal family?" The emperor reminded his son seriously.

"Which of you can answer, how did she come to the royal hunting ground? How did she learn that Xiao'er was in danger? I even wonder if all this is her conspiracy.

The more he talked, the more he felt that this was the case.

Otherwise, how could Lin Caisang know so clearly and come to Xingye's rescue? It would be impossible to say that there was no coincidence in all of this.

"Brother, if she really wants to get close to the royal family, saving me last time would be enough."

The eldest princess rolled her eyes helplessly, feeling speechless at her royal brother's thoughts, and explained helplessly.

"Last time in Jian'an, she saved me, healed the injury on General Zhi's wife's face, and even gave medicine to people in various houses. She has already become famous in Jian'an, so why bother to come here tonight? Why did you come to this royal hunting ground to arouse our suspicion?"


After listening to his sister's words, the emperor finally came to his senses.

But he couldn't help but still have doubts in his heart. He always felt that this Miss Lin was very special and could not just happen to save Xiao'er.

"Having said that, how do you explain where she learned that Xiao'er was in danger?" he asked.

"The imperial sister thought that maybe Miss Lin was a capable person, right?" the eldest princess explained.

"Yes, Father."

The great prince immediately nodded in agreement.

He had been in contact with Lin Caisang for a long time before, and he was familiar with Lin Caisang's character.

Lin Caisang does not look like such a vicious and calculating person as his father said.

"Father, there are many capable people among the people. They are just like the great masters who can do calculations and calculations. I have also heard that the Imperial Master of the Wei Kingdom is also a man who can control the wind and rain. There must be something extraordinary about this girl Lin.”


The emperor was speechless at their words.

He has never seen such a helpful person, but everyone said that the elbows are turned inward, but how can he, his sister and biological son, help outsiders but not him?

"Forget it, it's good that Xiaoer can be fine this time. As for Miss Lin, I will allow her to go to the treasury to get a few treasures."

Even if he has evil intentions, as long as he knows it in his heart and is not deceived by Lin Caisang, he will use it when he needs it and leave it at will when he is not using it.

The sky was slightly bright, and Lin Caisang returned to the Golden Pearl Space from the royal hunting ground.

Sitting in front of the jade mirror, she was puzzled.

"Can such a simple task be classified as a high-level task?" She murmured to herself and asked Yu Jing.

Although the Second Prince's injuries were serious, most of them were external injuries, such as fractures, and the internal injuries were not serious. At most, they were poisoned by miasma, but... the poison of miasma was not within the scope of her treatment when she accepted the mission. .

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