Lucky Star of Space on Farmlands

Chapter 751 Your child is not Zhou Liang’s

You can figure this out just by thinking about it.

"As for after marrying into the family, relying on her status as the daughter of the county governor, what else can the Zhou family do to her? What did Zhou Liang dare to refute a word of what she said?"

I'm afraid you don't even dare to fart, right?

"So, except for my two daughters, Zhou Liang is very likely to... have no children in the future?" Liu Yushui said naa.

If Zhou Liang really married the daughter of the county guard, it would be equivalent to inviting a bottle of Buddha that could kill him at any time and crush him to death.

Moreover, it is impossible to take in another concubine and keep a concubine secretly outside...

She is the daughter of the county governor. If she really marries into the Zhou family in the future, there will definitely be a lot of people brought in. Zhou Liang will be discovered if he does any bad things. Will he take that risk?

This is really a natural cycle, and retribution is unpleasant.

"No, that's not right."

Suddenly, she shook her head, feeling something was wrong.

Lin Caisang certainly didn't tell her this because he wanted to imagine with her how embarrassed Zhou Liang would be in the future.

"Lin Caisang, if Zhou Liang doesn't have children in the future, wouldn't he make plans for..." her two daughters?

"Zhou Liang wouldn't dare."

Lin Caisang said to her.

"He doesn't dare?"

Liu Yushui understood clearly, yes, with such a tigress at home, what else could Zhou Liang do?

"He doesn't dare, but some people do."

What would the county guard's daughter do if she knew she had given birth to two daughters?

It was really hard for her to imagine that if the county governor's daughter knew that Zhou Liang had two daughters, would she send someone to kill her children...? This is really something those powerful people would do.

"You can rest assured, as long as you bite, no one will dare to do anything to you." Lin Caisang said.

"What are you biting?" Liu Yushui asked, puzzled.

"The child that bit you is not Zhou Liang's." Lin Caisang said.

Her words suddenly shocked Liu Yushui, "You mean... you want me to tell the villagers that the child is not Zhou Liang's, but someone else's? No, this won't work, it won't work."

She shook her head.

She had already been criticized for going to Yacun because of her affair with Zhou Liang. If word spread that her child was not Zhou Liang's but someone else's, would she be able to stay in Yacun?

I'm afraid that if I stay here any longer, I'll be drowned in saliva for the rest of my life, right?

It doesn't matter to her, her reputation has been ruined long ago anyway, but how old are her two children, how can they be subjected to such criticism?

"If you think it won't work, then I have nothing to say." Lin Caisang shrugged.

After all, this was none of her business. She was just kindly reminding Liu Yushui.

"However, I still want to remind you to think clearly before making a decision. Do you want your two children to follow Zhou Liang and live a life under the beating and scolding of the county guard's daughter, or do you want them to live by your side? It’s a day when my mother is in pain.”


Liu Yushui gritted his teeth and suddenly didn't know what to do.

"I don't care about anything else. I didn't come here today to tell you this. You should just tell me what you want to say to me." Lin Caisang looked at her and reminded her.

After hearing her words, Liu Yushui came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and told her how Zhou Liang used to speak ill of Lin Caisang in her ears, how he took advantage of her woman's jealousy, step by step want to get rid of Lin Caisang.

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