Lucky Star of Space on Farmlands

Chapter 741 A malicious attack on life!

"you you……"

Aunt Fang couldn't speak at this moment. She just looked at the Black Panther next to Lin Caisang with fear.

The fear of seeing a wild beast at close range that might bite her neck off at any time almost made her faint, but those black eyes made it impossible for her to faint.

"Lin Caisang, you are not a lucky star at all, you are a devil!"

Her lips moved and others couldn't hear what she said, but Lin Caisang heard it clearly.

"Oh, did you know that?" She asked her, her thin lips parted slightly.

He raised his head and looked at the others.

"If any of you don't want me to drain all your money, don't go to me to carry water. I can still save some water to irrigate the crops on my mountain. I pick mulberries in the forest, and you are really good at it." Those few copper coins in there.

However, I also want to tell you a truth. There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to have enough food and clothing, you have to pay something. I hired someone to dig the pond on Menghuang Mountain, and I spent money on it. Then It's mine. How I want to use the water there is all my business!

As long as I don’t want to use it for you, you don’t need it!

From what happened this time, I can see that, you people, the better I treat you, the more you will push for it. From now on, I really won’t be polite to you anymore. Who wants to I came up the mountain to carry water, and I was paid one penny per acre per day according to the amount of land each family had..."


After hearing Lin Caisang's words, everyone screamed.

Patriarch Lin used to say it was two cents a day, but now it’s one cent per acre. Doesn’t that mean the price will go up again? If I had known earlier, they wouldn't have made such a fuss. Wouldn't it be enough to just take out two cents a day?

"Of course, I, Lin Caisang, am not the kind of person who kills a whole boatload of people with one stroke. Grandpa, have you written down all the families who came to my house to make trouble today? They paid me what I said today, and others Those who don’t show up can still pay one penny a day as before.”

Lin Caisang looked at Patriarch Lin and explained.

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, they really wanted to kill Aunt Fang.

If she hadn't been able to scream loudly there, how could they have listened to her instigation and come to the Lin family to cause trouble?

It's fine now. The incident didn't work out, but it cost them so much money. It's impossible for them not to use water. All the extra money was spent in vain!

"Okay, I will take care of this." Chief Lin nodded and said.

These people should be taught a lesson, otherwise, they would think that just because they make trouble, everything can be done by them.

"Clan Leader Lin..."

Everyone looked at Patriarch Lin and saw that he didn't even glance at them from the corner of his eye, and could only look at Lin Caisang.

"Sang Sang, you can't do this. Those gossips about you before were not only made by us, but also by other people. This...can't just let us pay so much money, right?"

A few people reminded Lin Caisang with the idea that everyone would die together.

"There are no people in the village who don't gossip, and their upper lips touch their lower lips. It's just... you people, after listening to Aunt Fang, you don't just gossip about me, but you are malicious. life attack!”

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