Lucky Star of Space on Farmlands

Chapter 409 Has the family relationship faded?

"Grandma doesn't know where your mother is from.

Lu Qiubo thought about it for a moment and shook her head. She really didn't know where her eldest daughter-in-law came from, and how she fell injured in the woods.

If she hadn't met her son, she would have been fed to wild beasts.

"But Sangsang, don't listen to those people outside. Your mother is a wonderful woman. At that time, your father had just rescued her. Grandma could tell by looking at what she was wearing that she was not Like girls from our rural areas.

But in order to repay your kindness, your mother resolutely married your father and gave birth to your eldest brother and you the next year. Moreover, when your mother was in our family, she was also very filial to me and your grandpa. He obviously doesn't know how to do things, but even if he has blood blisters on his hands, he still fights with us to do it.

You also know that your third aunt's family... took away all the small clothes made by your third aunt. When your mother found out, she packed up all your clothes and gave them to your third aunt. When you were a child, you still lived with your elder brother. Grab some clothes to wear. "

Recalling those years, Lu Qiubo felt warm in her heart. What a good daughter-in-law she was. She still doesn’t understand why she left just as soon as she said so.

"Grandma, I guess your mother had her own reasons for leaving you."


Lin Caisang felt the same way.

Judging from the way Grandma mentioned her mother, Grandma was really satisfied with her mother as her daughter-in-law.

But why did her mother cruelly abandon her and her eldest brother? What difficulties could keep her from seeing her children for so many years? Or is it because the relationship between mother and son has faded over the years?


Just when she was thinking a lot, she heard Lu Qiubo sigh heavily.

"Grandma was really scared just now. If that girl stole the things your mother left for you, how should Grandma explain to your father and mother?"

God bless her. Fortunately, she never mentioned to anyone that she had these things at home. Lin Caihe didn't know about it, so she didn't take them away.

"Now that these things have been taken out, Sang Sang, Grandma won't keep them for you. You and your brother will discuss where you can put these things. But be sure not to lose them."

Her old hands were still a little trembling. She was frightened by Lin Caihe's move, so she trembled and closed the lid of the box.

"I'll keep it for now. My brother is so careless that he can't hide anything." Lin Caisang said.

Lin Caihe's arrival really turned this family upside down. It is estimated that all the money in the family that was kept on the bright side was gone. It is better to put these things in the golden pearl space first.

The things her mother left for them must not be lost no matter what.

"When my brother marries my sister-in-law in the future, these things will be handed over to my sister-in-law for safekeeping."

During dinner, the whole family looked gloomy.

A rough summary: Lin Baiyi braved the wind and rain to sell woodware, and earned more than half a tael from selling coir raincoats and other items; Lin Changfeng had never spent the money on copying books before, and he earned more than half a tael. In addition, Lin Caisang had given him more than half a tael before. Lin Changhong also had more than twenty taels of silver from selling prey; Lu Qiubo also had more than twenty taels of silver lying in his room.

In total, Lin Caihe stole eighteen taels of silver from home.

Lin Caisang never kept money in the room, so it was not stolen. However, Lin Caisang took away all the medicinal materials she kept in the room, and even packed up her clothes that were still with her.

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