Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter Three Suspicious

The arrow wound on Chitu's body has healed, and the wound on Lu Bu's chest has basically healed now. The matter of Cai Yong is an episode for Lu Bu. People's mentality is also too lazy to talk about it, the two sides don't interfere with the river, and it's not a big deal to lend the house to Cai Yong for a day of worship, but this matter somehow got to Dong Zhuo.

"I heard that Feng Xian has a very close personal relationship with Mr. Bo Jie?" Lu Bu wanted to take his wife and daughter to the city for a stroll, but was recruited by Dong Zhuo to the court, holding hands and asking.

Looking at Dong Zhuo's obviously swollen back, Lu Bu frowned. In the past, Dong Zhuo gave Lu Bu the impression that he was also a hero. His temperament has changed drastically, his personality is tyrannical, he is suspicious all day long, he always suspects that someone is going to harm him, and he exudes an aura that people don't want to get close to, which is why Lu Bu can't go to court now.

"It doesn't count as a personal relationship. The mansion given by the grand master is the old residence of Bo Jiegong's master. He wanted to worship, so I borrowed him for a day." Lu Bu followed behind Dong Zhuo and roughly explained the matter. I've told you the ins and outs of the story, and I don't know who is talking behind my back. Sometimes you can't hide from these things.

"Duke Bojie is the respected scholar, if an ordinary person encounters such a thing, he would like to give up his mansion." Dong Zhuo shook his head and smiled when he heard this.

"The mansion sent him off, where will he live?" Lu Bu asked back.

Dong Zhuo was startled when he heard the words, looked at Lv Bu, suddenly laughed and said, "What Feng Xian said is not bad, no matter how famous he is Cai Bojie, Feng Xian doesn't ask him, so why bother?"

Laughing a few times, Dong Zhuo suddenly became short of breath. Lü Bu glanced at it and saw that the bags under Dong Zhuo's eyes were swollen and black. He obviously didn't sleep well. As for why, Lv Bu didn't know.

"Fengxian!" Dong Zhuo called out to Lü Bu.

"The end is here!" Lu Bu stepped forward.

"Since my army retreated to Guanzhong, I have lived in peace with the princes of the Guandong. Now the princes of the Guandong have begun to fight each other. Han Fu is also useless. He holds Jizhou in his hand, but was broken by Yuan Shao. He won the land of Jizhou for nothing. Han Fu Sitting in the position of governor of Jizhou is not a big threat, but now that Yuan Shao is governor of Jizhou, he is quite a threat to the imperial court." Dong Zhuo sighed.

"But are you going to go to Jizhou?" Lu Bu thought about the location of Jizhou in his mind. It is quite far from Guanzhong, and it is difficult to supply. There is also the east of the river in the middle, and it is easy to be cut off by people. If you want to fight, you can only use fine riding Going forward, fighting to support the war, there may be some chances of winning.

"It's not what I want, and the money and food in Guanzhong is not enough for such a conquest." Dong Zhuo shook his head, took Lu Bu's hand and said, "After this incident, the princes of the Guandong may find it difficult to unite and cause chaos. A while ago, it happened to give us a chance to recuperate, I know Fengxian is warlike, but during this period of time, there may not be many opportunities to go out, so how about Fengxian coming to my side and following me up and down?"

Lu Bu frowned slightly. What he said was nice, but he made himself a bodyguard for Dong Zhuo like in Luoyang, and at the same time cut power in a disguised form.

"Feng Xian is unwilling?" Dong Zhuo turned his head and looked at Lu Bu.

"Since the grand master has this intention, how dare the general refuse to follow?" Lu Bu shook his head. Even so, he was not a person who could hide his emotions too much, and his expression was still a little unhappy.

"With Feng Xian guarding me, Gu can sleep soundly." Dong Zhuo patted Lu Bu's hand and laughed.

"I will go home and tell my family about this." Lu Bu saluted Dong Zhuo.

As Dong Zhuo's bodyguard, not to mention being by his side all the time, it is unlikely that he will be able to accompany his wife and children every day as leisurely as before.

"Well, there's no rush, it's not too late to come back tomorrow." Dong Zhuo nodded and smiled.

"Farewell, general!" Lu Bu saluted Dong Zhuo, turned and left.

Dong Zhuo watched Lu Bu leave, until he disappeared, Dong Zhuo turned his head and asked, "How?"

Not far away, Li Ru's figure emerged from the shadow of the manor, bowed to Dong Zhuo and said, "General Fengxian has a pure heart, it seems that he has nothing to hide, why does father-in-law doubt him?"

"It's not me who doubts him." Dong Zhuo shook his head, frowned and said, "I told Li Su to surrender to him that day. It was the time to forge ahead, but why did he hang around with his wife and daughter all day after returning to Chang'an? I believe that he has nothing to do with Cai Gong, but I don't believe that he is loyal to me."

Li Ru's heart sank when he heard the words. Lu Bu was regarded as a general under Dong Zhuo who could intimidate the princes, and he never made mistakes. Li Ru went to meet Lu Bu a few times, but he could probably understand Lu Bu's current mentality. The official is big enough, and short. There will be no promotion in time, and there is no big battle, so instead of thinking about it, it is better to spend more time with your wife and children, and wait for the next big battle before making meritorious service.

But why did Dong Zhuo suddenly become suspicious of Lu Bu?

If there was a rift between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu, not to mention the princes of the Guandong, how many people in the court were staring at this place, if these people were to know, they would definitely try to alienate them, and what made Li Ru even more chilling was that Dong Zhuo might be suspicious of Lu Bu now In other people's calculations, if this is the case...

Li Ru looked at Dong Zhuo: "Father-in-law, why did father-in-law suddenly become suspicious of General Fengxian?"

"That day when I had a banquet with the officials, what did Zheng Gongye say unintentionally?" Dong Zhuo said in a deep voice.

During this period of time, Dong Zhuo often held banquets for the courtiers, Zheng Tai and Zheng Gongye, the current ministers, Li Ru thought about it carefully, but he didn't expect that the other party's words made Dong Zhuo suspicious of Lu Bu.

"My son-in-law is stupid." Li Ru shook his head, looked at Dong Zhuo and waited for the answer.

"After Feng Xianxian left the table that day, Zheng Gongye said with emotion: I thought Feng Xian was a man greedy for fame and fortune, but now it seems that he has misunderstood him. Ping Taohou is really a man of temperament." Dong Zhuo sneered: "If it is really temperament Middleman, how could he kill the old master for a horse?"

Li Ru was a little speechless: "Father-in-law, Ding Jianyang has only been in Bingzhou for a year, and he has no friendship at all, and he has emptied Fengxian's original military power, so what kindness can he have? Father-in-law is kind to Fengxian, These two words are incomparable, how can you be suspicious for no reason because of a small word?"

Dong Zhuo pondered for a moment when he heard the words, then shook his head and said: "Nowadays, the government is treacherous, and the old man is getting more and more uneasy. If it is so easy to distinguish the loyal and the treacherous, why should the old man be so tired? In short, let him come to my side for a while, so that I can see it." Clean up his people."

Li Ru didn't know what to say when he heard the words, he could only nod with a wry smile, hoping that nothing would happen.

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