The temperature in City B has maintained a small fluctuation. It has not been warm for two days and then it has come back cold. In the past few days, I can't feel the slightest warmth.

On the weekend, Wen Qinghan planned to take advantage of returning to Wen's house for dinner and pack up a few coats over there.

Wen Qinghan went to the garage to park, Shi Qingqiu brought skin care products into the house with Zhao Wanyi.

Zhao Wanyi took the things in her hand and said with a smile: "We thought you two would go to your parents first this week."

"Either way. Anyway, we will definitely come back more to accompany my parents." Shi Qingqiu's mouth is sweet. "Mom, you remember to eat these skin care products that I bought, and don't watch TV shows too much at night. It's late. My mother always recommends TV series to you, she hasn't finished watching it herself."

Zhao Wanyi patted her hand with satisfaction and said: "We have nothing to entertain when we are old. It is not too late to watch at night. Basically, I talked about the plot with your mother. I talked and talked about it. Other things are up."

When she walked to the living room and put the skin care products away, Shi Qingqiu took off her coat, Zhao Wanyi greeted her to go into the kitchen together: "Qingqiu, come to the kitchen and have a look, there will be plenty of food tonight."

"Really? What's all there?" Shi Qingqiu rolled up his sleeves and followed Zhao Wanyi curiously.

Stepping into the kitchen, Zhao Wanyi introduced her to her: "I have your favorite beef. Tonight, I will cook the small stir-fried beef. Mom will make it for you. Then mapo tofu, Qinghan does not eat spicy, we can eat a few. There are also green onions. Stir lamb, stir-fry cauliflower with tomatoes, and another vegetable soup."

With a dazzling array of ingredients in front of him, Zhao Wanyi explained that Shi Qingqiu felt that his stomach was groaning with hunger.

"Well, it's been a long time since I had the beef that mom made. I have thought about it many times during this time." Shi Qingqiu said obediently, "Why, let me help mom cook together."

She kept rubbing her hands together, looking like she couldn't wait.

Zhao Wanyi nodded her nose lovingly, "You, just like when I was a child, I like to eat beef that I made for you. Your mother learns to make it for you, and you don't like it."

"Um...all delicious." Shi Qingqiu lowered his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Zhao Wanyi held her shoulders and turned towards the door, and explained to her: "However, I will only cook the beef tonight. The rest are made by Qinghan's father. You, just go out with me. Waiting for dinner."

"Ah, then I can also help Dad." Shi Qingqiu looked very reluctant, and seemed to want to help.

Wen Qinghan came to face him and said, "I'll cook together with my dad. Qingqiu will go and help me clean up the clothes that I need to take away. I don't need to be busy after dinner tonight."

Zhao Wanyi joked: "What? I rushed home after eating?"

Wen Qinghan smiled, and walked over to embrace Zhao Wanyi’s shoulders, with a more affectionate expression, "Nothing, didn’t you plan to chat with your parents after dinner? Qingqiu told me two days ago to find This opportunity to take the whole family to travel together, I haven't been out together for many years..."

Shi Qingqiuyang laughed, did not follow, and went straight to Wen Qinghan's room.

Before moving to Wen Qinghan to live there, she lived here with Wen Qinghan for a while, and basically she knew where Wen Qinghan's things were placed.

She found a suitcase and picked out a few coats from the closet first. Now the weather is getting colder and colder. If I live there often, I may be upset sometimes. It is also possible not to return to my parents' house on weekends. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer some of the clothes here.

As she folded her clothes one by one, she also thought of the warm and coldness of the previous winter.

Once two years ago, when Yihan Law Firm was just established, she rarely returned home after filming in the winter, and her parents called Wen Qinghan to gather together.

At that time, Wen Qinghan, who had just got off work, had a woolen coat outside of her suit to make her figure more beautiful. He just walked in through the door, and it was particularly eye-catching.

Shi Qingqiu's fingers touched the collar of his coat, squinted his eyes, and smiled.

It would be nice to go for a walk in the evening to buy some clothes for Wen Qinghan. It seems that after they were together, she hadn't bought clothes for Wen Qinghan as a wife.

I used to be friends many times before, but now, after all, it is different from that time. She thought that from now on, Wen Qinghan would wear clothes she bought, but she smiled and curled her eyes after thinking about it.

Shi Qingqiu packed his clothes into a suitcase, and went to check whether Wen Qinghan had missed any books, especially legal books, one by one, and asked later if he wanted to take it away.

After sorting it out for a while, Shi Qingqiu found a slightly larger book in the drawer, which looked like a photo album.

She thought of Wen Qinghan's teasing when she cleaned up the room that day, so she took a little bit of fun, took out her phone to open WeChat, and sent Wen Qinghan a voice: "Mrs. Shi, can I see your album?"

After waiting for a few seconds, Wen Qinghan replied with a voice: "Let's see."

Doesn't this person care about the **** photos of him when he was a child? Shi Qingqiu couldn't help laughing. Maybe it was because he had seen him grow up, so he didn't care when he was a child?

Like Wen Qinghan, she started to turn from behind.

Wen Qinghan's photo album is slightly different from Shi Qingqiu's. Many of the group photos in the university are students who are both good at character and academics, and there are many people with both talents and looks.

Moving forward, Shi Qingqiu couldn't help laughing again. Can Wen Qinghan take pictures with an expression? Except for the photos taken with my family, the photos taken with others are always indifferent as usual. At most, it's just a little softer, and it's very inconspicuous.

Shi Qingqiu was watching, and suddenly there were footsteps slowly approaching. She turned her head to see that it was Zhao Wanyi who had come in.

"Mom, I will finish packing immediately. I am looking at Qinghan's photo album." Shi Qingqiu stuck out his tongue.

"Really? I'll take a look together." Zhao Wanyi also showed some expressions that she wanted to see. "My father and I haven't seen her photo album for a long time, and she secretly took it into the room by herself."

"Huh? She might look at it often." Shi Qingqiu took the album, and sat down by the bed with Zhao Wanyi, continuing to look at the place he had just turned over.

Turning to the high school section, at that time, most of the people were wearing school uniforms. Boys were more likely to wear a large T-shirt. Girls would try to develop adult clothing tastes.

But at that time, Wen Qinghan looked clean and dazzling. Even in summer, she had never seen that sweaty appearance in her body, always cool and clean.

Shi Qingqiu pursed her lips and smiled. It was like this in middle and high schools. It's no wonder that the teacher didn't let her run 800 meters, so she was too angry.

Scroll forward again, to junior high school, and then to elementary school. At this time, Shi Qingqiu appeared in more and more photos. Although the main photo was Wen Qinghan, in many photos, Wen Qinghan's eyes followed her.

When Zhao Wanyi saw this, she said with emotion: "Actually, Qing Han liked to stay with you very much when she was a child. I don’t know if it’s because you two were born on the same day, and then we brought you together again. In short, Qing Han His temper has always been like this, but it’s a little special to you."

Shi Qingqiu was stunned for a moment, and the hand turning the page stopped. He happened to see a photo of which she did not know her grade. Zhao Wanyi and Tang Jinghui hugged her and Wen Qinghan. Everyone looked at the camera and laughed. Wen Qinghan's eyes looked at her. It's a little unnatural.

Now listening to Zhao Wanyi's words, she suddenly felt that Wen Qinghan seemed to want to see her.

Her eyes softened, and she reached out to touch the little Wen Qinghan in the photo, and her heart softened, "It turns out that she started planning for now when she was young."

Zhao Wanyi responded with a smile: "Don't tell me, it's really like. You see she has been like that since she was a child, but she always liked to stay with you when she was young. Every time your parents call her home, she must first ask. Are you there. You ask her to go out to play during the winter and summer vacations. After she comes back, she tells us about the process. It’s not like going out with other children."

Shi Qingqiu squinted and smiled, "This stuffy gourd, she didn't say anything when she was a kid, and talked so much when she came home."

"Maybe, some things are really destined." Zhao Wanyi sighed suddenly and laughed again. "How do we adults match the two of you is of no avail, but you are together when you are the most dead." . And we haven’t had much hope, so we’re not very tough. It’s of course the best to be together, just like now, but we didn’t really dare to imagine it more than half a year ago."

Shi Qingqiu was silent for a while, thinking about Wen Qinghan's forbearance, lowered his head, closed the album and hugged it in his arms, and said leisurely: "If it is destined, then we wasted a lot of time."

Zhao Wanyi was amused by her, and gently pushed her forehead, "Silly boy, there is no process, where is the result? Even if it is destined, we can't know in advance."

Shi Qingqiu smiled embarrassedly, "I just said that, I know, the result is to come out step by step by myself."

There is no beginning, no thinking, no big or small setbacks, maybe they can't make this step.

Zhao Wanyi thought about it for a while and said, "Qing Han has been different from other children since she was a child. Many children go out to play with each other after school, playing first before doing homework. She is good, doing homework first, and she has to think about it several times after she finishes her work. When she thought it through, it was dark.

When I grew up, I thought I could be more active. Our family didn't object to her dating, and kept urging her to take the initiative to find you. Who knows, the longer the silence, the more we begin to worry about who can stand her boring temper except you. "

When Shi Qingqiu heard her words, he couldn't help but leaned over and took her arm and smiled sweetly: "Qing Han is so good. If you are as confident and fearless as others, I think I won't have my share long ago."

Zhao Wanyi smiled and touched Shi Qingqiu's head without saying a word.

After a while, Shi Qingqiu said softly: "Don't worry, mom, we will have a good time."

Zhao Wanyi was quiet, and agreed kindly, "Okay, that's it."

Shi Qingqiu eased his thoughts, opened the album again, and chatted with Zhao Wanyi: "It turns out that when Qing Han was one or two years old, he took so many pictures without clothes, and he laughed so happily."

Zhao Wanyi smiled and said: "Yeah, at that time, when she took a shower and dried her body, she had to put on clothes. She just didn't wear it and rolled on the bed. We photographed her and kept it until she grows up. I don't know how to be ashamed..."

Shi Qingqiu smiled and said, "I definitely don't know how to be ashamed..."

She was faceless and skinless all day, and the people in the law firm thought she was really an old cadre of the abstinence department.

After watching the photo album with Zhao Wanyi for a while, there was occasional laughter from the room. When Wen Qinghan walked in, he saw Shi Qingqiu leaning on his mother’s shoulder and commenting on the photo: "I remember this rabbit dress. I have it too. At the time, it seemed that my mother bought it for me, and then I wore the same clothes as Qing Han. She looked so cute..."

Wen Qinghan sighed inwardly and interrupted: "Mom, it's your beef."

The two turned their heads and saw her looking over helplessly.

Zhao Wanyi didn't smile, waved her hand and stood up: "Then I will cook first, and this is the only one left? Go wash your hands and prepare for dinner." After that, she left.

Wen Qinghan stretched out his hand and put the album on the bed. When he pulled it up, Qingqiu said, "Let's go, go wash your hands with me."

Shi Qingqiu bit her lip and smiled, and grabbed her clothes to prevent her from leaving.

Wen Qinghan looked back: "What's the matter?"

Shi Qingqiu looked at the hidden door and listened to the movement again. It was quiet without any interruption.

Her eyes are like a rippling spring water, with some cunning and warmth, making this moment suddenly ambiguous.

Wen Qinghan didn't have any curiosity for long, and there was a burst of warmth on his lips, Shi Qingqiu chuckled lightly, very satisfied with the kiss.

"What's the matter?" Even though Wen Qinghan said this, he couldn't help itching in his heart.

"It's okay, I just missed you suddenly." Shi Qingqiu hugged her around her neck, rubbing her chin against her neck.

Wen Qinghan glanced at the photo album, raised his lips clearly, and said in a low voice: "Is it all about thinking like this?"

Shi Qingqiu's face immediately became red, and she buried her head on Wen Qinghan's shoulders, muffled: "Rogue."

She heard Wen Qinghan laugh in a low voice, her body still trembling, and her laugh could not be suppressed.

Her heart was warm, and the feeling from a few moments ago filled her heart again, but now she no longer feels strange.

The feeling that comes from Wen Qinghan and born of love is happiness.

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