Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 672 If you like it, go after it, no one will reject you

Chapter 673

Liang Yisheng walked out of the shed, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Everything just now seemed like a dream.

She went to the director and wanted to ask about what happened just now, but was told by the director that the scene was over and there would be no filming.


Even weirder things happened the next day - the director was changed.

Although she thought it was strange, she didn't ask any more questions, but felt lucky.

The new director is very normal, he will not curse people for no reason, and his ability is several times stronger than the previous one.

Weird things happened one after another, and the manager who took her was also changed.

After the scene ended, she immediately went to auditions for new plays non-stop.

Finally, a famous director's new movie heroine was chosen.

The opportunity was hard-won. She devoted all her time and energy to this drama, and spent more time studying the characters. Even the name she called in her dream was the name of the opposite actor in the drama.

In her spare time, she often thinks of the words that Muganai said to her that day: If you want to gain a foothold in this circle, you don't have to work hard.

what else?

She kept thinking and changing.

In order to perform a crying scene well, we will realize the crying of different emotions, the eyes will be red and swollen, the mood will be complicated, and the person will collapse. When she finally couldn't cry, she called her parents and asked them how many days she hadn't been home.

The parents didn't dare to say more, they only said a rough figure. Her tears flowed down naturally, containing the deepest feelings.

In order to show the elegant posture of the protagonist when she was in despair, she lost 20 pounds, and at the same time learned flower arrangement, piano and other things that cultivate temperament.

Even, in order to play the character's stupid state well, she applied to work as a nurse in a mental hospital for a week.

One month, two months, three months... In half a year, she has gradually become tough and mature from a young girl who just entered the circle, putting away all her real emotions, and wearing a pair of exquisite clothes when necessary. Mask, in the face of various unexpected situations, take it easy and deal with it slowly.

Time can temper people best, and when she stood on the podium holding the trophy for Best Actress, it was already a year later.

At that time, she became a dark horse in this year's film and television industry with the movie in which she was the heroine for the first time.

The name "Liang Yisheng" began to walk up to Xinghui.

She thanked many people, and also thanked him who she wanted to thank the most.

However, Tian Ji was borrowed instead.

Even though she has grown up, she still doesn't have the courage to confess.

After winning this award, her career started to go smoothly. Coupled with her mature acting skills, her representative works continued to come out.

The only thing that puzzled all the directors was that she couldn't make a kiss scene.

Just one shot every time, there will definitely be discomfort symptoms, and then delay for a day.

She personally felt deeply sorry, but the director had no choice but to borrow a seat.

No one knew that she had placed three stick figure albums by her bedside, each of which contained the appearance of the same man.

Her clumsy painting skills have gradually become decent, and she can distinguish the shadow of a certain person from the charm.

On the day her new play broke through the ratings, the production team held a celebration banquet.

Muganai, who was on the top floor, received an invitation letter from the director.

Lian Xiaofei directly refused, "Mr. Mu is very busy recently and has no time to participate. You should go back to Director Li."

Mu Jianai raised his eyes, "Tell Director Li, I will go."

Lian Xiaofei was stunned, "But...Mr. Mu, I arranged for you and..."

"Push it off."

He closed the file, and glanced at the corner of the entertainment newspaper on the table——

[New young student Xie Hanwen's love affair with singer Xia Zhi is exposed]

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lian Xiaofei attended the celebration banquet with Mu Jianai, but unexpectedly saw an amazing scene in the corridor——

Liang Yisheng was embracing a man, and that man was none other than Xie Hanwen, a popular young student who has been in the limelight recently.

However, it was recently reported that he and a certain person had clearly exposed their relationship.

Looking at the situation, could it be that Liang Yisheng never forgot?

If this gets out, everyone will definitely say that Liang Yisheng is shameless and meddling in other people's feelings.

Embarrassed, Lian Xiaofei glanced at his own president.

Muganai's expression seemed to be more indifferent, and he turned his eyes away lightly.

"Notify me, manage the artist's private life well, and if there is a scandal that ignites the upper body, the contract will be terminated."

The man's voice was as cold as frost, making people tremble.

Lian Xiaofei sweated for Liang Yisheng, took a glance and went in.

Right after they entered, Liang Yisheng finally pushed Third Brother Xie away with displeasure on his face.

"Who told you to hug me??"

Third Brother Xie had an apologetic smile on his tired face, "Anyway, we will have fewer chances to meet each other in the future, so it's just for our friendship, what's the matter with hugging for a while?"

"Besides, I'm going abroad tomorrow, and it will take me a long time to come back."

There was pain in his eyes, he endured it, and said, "I'm just hyping her up, in order to become famous, I..."

Liang Yisheng stopped him, "This is your own business, you don't need to explain it to me, I have told you many times, I don't like you, I have no feelings for you in the past, present and future."

Brother Xie smiled wryly, "You have rejected me so many times, this time I am the saddest."

Because he was finally about to give up, this six-year pursuit ended in failure.

He looked at her, "Do you have someone you like?"

Liang Yisheng's face was suffocated, and he didn't say anything.

"Go after it if you like it, no one will reject you."

He laughed. "He's lucky."

Fearing that someone would see the scandal, he didn't dare to stay longer, and left with a feeling of depression and regret.

Liang Yisheng went to the bathroom before returning to the banquet hall.

At a glance, Muganai was surrounded by everyone.

She took a deep breath and walked over with confident steps.

Everyone was toasting, she also took a glass of wine, and said at the right time, "Mr. Mu, I respect you."

She looked at him with anticipation and bright eyes, expecting his cup to touch hers.

In the end, he just looked away lightly, put down his wine glass, and said to the director, "I'm busy, so I won't stay any longer."

Director Li was busy talking about the scene, and didn't pay attention to her who was left out in the cold.

Everyone cast gloating glances at her, she withdrew her hand in embarrassment, and took a sip of her wine slowly.

very bitter.

Muganai came and went quickly.

Lian Xiaofei opened the door for him, "Mr. Mu, where are you going?"

The itinerary changed suddenly, and as a special assistant, he had no direction.

Mu Jianai asked him to leave work and drive by himself.

Sitting in silence and darkness for a few minutes, he dialed He Yan's number.

"Come out for a drink."

"Bad mood?"

He Yan knew him somewhat. Except for entertainment needs, when he drank wine, it was usually when he was in a bad mood.

If you drink and look for him again, you must be in a bad mood.

After Muganai reported the name of the place, he stopped talking nonsense and rushed over there.

That night, Liang Yisheng sat on the bed and drew a tear on the girl's eye with a pen.


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