Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 501 Many dangers

Chapter 501

He pinched Wen Qing's chin and said, "Tsk, tsk, your sister is treated like this, and you can still smile at me. It's quite vicious."

Wenqing smiled, "I have always been a helper but not a relative. Wen Xi disrespected you because so many people loved her. This is what she deserves."

Li Tiancheng took her hand away and stood up, "This matter ends here. Whether Wen Xi lives or dies is her life. If you interfere again, I will kill you first."

After saying that, he went out and asked people to destroy all these things before leaving.

A cold light flashed across the tender eyes, "Coward!"

Dare to be angry but don't dare to do it, dare to do something but don't dare to do it to death.

This time, according to her original plan, she didn't have to take action personally. She only had to whisper in Li Tiancheng's ears to make him use her.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the process, this coward would have to withdraw.

Seeing that the police had already investigated and found that the person who hit someone might not be Wen Xi, after Wen Xi's suspicion was reduced, he immediately closed the net and spent money to buy a scapegoat.

She had been planning so hard for so long, but nothing happened to Wen Xi and Jiang Ke was also intact. Wasn't this a slap in her face?

She finally let her do something like this again, but in the end, he just gave Wen Xi a little pain in the name of escaping from the escape room.

It's such a child's play, even if you say it, it will make people laugh.

In desperation, she took the initiative and had Jiang Ke beaten violently, attracting Wen Xi, and setting fire to solve these obstacles at once!

The most unexpected part was the appearance of Nan Yunchuan.

When she saw the man rushing into the fire desperately from the camera, she became jealous and wanted to destroy the world.

How could so many people fight for Wen Xi?

The same goes for He Yan, and so does Nan Yunchuan.

Why is this bitch?

The earphones rang, and the noisy sound interrupted her thoughts——

"Mr. Nan couldn't see Wen Xi when he ran out, but he ran back again and was seriously injured by a beam. He has now been sent to the hospital..."

She could no longer hear the next words clearly, so she picked up her bag and rushed to the hospital immediately!

With every step she took, her heart trembled and her legs gradually became weak.

There was no trace of blood on his pale face, and even his eyes filled with hatred overflowed with a bit of regret.

What followed was her hatred for Wen Xi.

"You want to use the person I care about most as a support even if you die? Don't even think about it! Don't even think about it! You took away my childhood, and you don't even think about taking away my happiness again!"

In the past, she had no feelings for Nan Yunchuan, even contemptuous of him.

At that time, she didn't understand what love was, and she only knew how to climb high. Because He Yan was there, the He family was stronger than the Nan family, so Nan Yunchuan could not enter her eyes at all.

But she didn't know when she started to be poisoned by this man.

In this life, even if he doesn't get anything else, he must be her prize!

Wen Xi had a long dream, and suddenly at a certain moment, she was awakened by a nightmare.

There have been many moments like this before, but this time it was obviously different from those.

Because it hurts.

The moment I opened my eyes, the first thing I felt was pain. My whole body ached, and the slightest movement would involve nerves.

Then, she saw a big tree reaching into the sky, surrounded by lush bushes. She was lying on the roots of a towering ancient tree, with her head resting on it.

In addition to the pain, she also felt weak and hungry.

Her only memory was of being dragged into a secret door and then knocked unconscious.

So, where is this?

After resting for a long time, she sat up with force, frowning because of the pain in her waist.

After looking for it, I found that my phone was not with me, and even my watch was missing.

She tried to stand up, but because she hadn't eaten for too long, she was so weak that she fell down again.

Her eyelids were so heavy that she tried not to close them. At this moment, cool water fell from her face, stimulating her to open her eyelids.

Water flowed into the corner of her mouth, and she swallowed it subconsciously.

A dark shadow blocked the sunlight on her face, and she shrank in fright. She instinctively retreated, but gave up because she was powerless.

As soon as her vision cleared, she showed surprise, "Zhan Ge, why are you here?"

Her voice was weak and hoarse, and the dog kept kissing her cheeks and lying next to her, his eyes a little pitiful.

It bit a bottle with some water in it and pushed it in front of Wen Xi, gesturing for her to drink.

Wen Xi glanced at the open mineral water bottle next to him, feeling moved and distressed at the same time.

The current situation was special. She didn't care whether the water was really clean or not. She drank it in one gulp when it looked like it wasn't dirty.

After drinking the water, I felt a little stronger.

After a while, Zhan Song got up again and ran towards nowhere.

Wen Xi checked and found that the necklace was still there.

She took out the underlying ointment and applied it little by little on the wound.

Her injuries were all external injuries and looked very hideous. After applying them one by one, she felt much better.

He Yan said that the effect of this thing is very strong, and it is indeed not exaggerated.

Fortunately, she has this thing, otherwise she might really suffer from sequelae.

Thinking of the password and the hidden weapon He Yan sent her, she was puzzled. How could he seem to have the ability to predict things in advance?

She didn't have time to think too much, the first thing now was to get out of here.

Just then, Zhan Ge came back with a few mangoes in his mouth.

It threw the fruit in front of Wen Xi and let her eat it.

Wen Xi rubbed its head and said, "Thank you."


After Zhan Ge screamed, he lay down next to her. The hair on his body was all dirty, and there were blood stains in several places. Wen Xi checked and breathed a sigh of relief. It was not his. It should have been after a fight with someone or a nearby fierce enemy. Splashed on.

Wen Xi glanced at the mango. It looked like it was grown by humans, so there must be people nearby.

She peeled a mango and ate a few. After sitting for a long time, she regained half of her strength, and then she slowly walked forward.

Zhan Ge bit her trousers and led her out.

After walking a long way, we finally saw the cement road outside.

If she was left alone, she would never be able to get out.

Opposite the forest is an orchard. There are some crops on the periphery of the orchard, but it seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time.

This winding cement road with no end in sight was quiet, with no one in sight.

There was a simple hut in the orchard. She walked over with Zhan Song and wanted to find someone to ask.

Just as she walked to the entrance, her peripheral vision suddenly saw the content on the introduction board inserted in the orchard. At that glance, she caught the key words on it, and her scalp suddenly went numb.

She slowly turned around and looked at the words on the sign seriously——

An important fruit planting base in M ​​County, K City.

A few keywords instantly turned into an invisible stick and hit her hard on the head, making a roaring sound.

The area He Yan is supporting this time is M County, which has become the area most severely affected by the new virus.

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