Chapter 305

Wen Xi worked hard for two days and finished shooting all the highlights.

The remaining parts are relatively fragmented, and we have to wait for the co-star's schedule to be filmed together.

She left the set at six o'clock that evening and rushed to the station in the company car.

Hansen was the driver and looked at her sitting in the back seat in the rearview mirror as he drove.

"Wen Xiaoxi, who are you going to pick up?"

He was about to go to the station as soon as he came out. He didn't say anything, but he was so curious.

"A good friend." Wen Xi told him while looking down at the phone.

"Good friends? Male or female?"


Hansen's eyes lit up and he silently increased his speed.

After driving for a while, he suddenly remembered the shadow of a certain person and asked, "Isn't it the friend from country Y last time? What's his name?"

"How do you remember her?" Wen Xi raised her eyes.

Hansen was discouraged. Unfortunately, it was not the one he liked.

"Your drama will be over next month. There are many people looking for you to cooperate. I was given a lot of scripts. I specially selected a few good ones and put them next to you. You can take them back and read them when you find time. Pick one out.”

Wen Xi glanced at the books beside him and hummed.

Hansen added, "Tonight is the premiere time of "Adventure! Tip of the Tongue". It will start at ten o'clock. The studio has already posted on Weibo. You can post a copy of it yourself."

Wen Xi had just exited the chat with Jiang Ke. As soon as he heard this, he silently entered Weibo and started editing the copy.

Not long after the post was posted, she received many comments. She selected several people in the circle to reply one by one.

She accidentally clicked on the private message and suddenly found that a user called "Wen Xi is a bitch" sent her a series of vicious curses——

"Tonight is the premiere day, and it is also the day when your bad luck begins. I curse you to be riddled with bad luck for the rest of your life. Anyone who falls in love with you will die miserably! Die immediately!! You will never have a child in your life! Even if you do, get pregnant. All your children will die! You will be alone all your life, and no one will know when you die, and no one will collect your body!"

"You smile so innocently every day, what are you pretending to do? The wrinkles on your face when you smile can kill flies! Your mother must have eaten stinky tofu every day when she was pregnant with you, otherwise why would you emit a stench all the way? !”

"Your parents must be close relatives, right? Otherwise, how could you have such a brainless child?"

"Don't think that you are arrogant after killing someone. You are a complete murderer and a national hero. I don't know who gave you the face. Please take a pee and take a look at yourself. Stay away and don't You are so ugly!"

This person continued to send similar vicious words. Wen Xi immediately took a screenshot for later use, and then clicked on the other person's Weibo. The information showed that the other person was a male, and the account registration date was this month.

It seemed that he was waiting for this day to scold her.

However, she saw that this person's tone of voice sounded more like a woman's. She may have deliberately written it as a man to confuse her vision.

She forwarded this person's information to Yin Lan and asked her to find out if she could find any useful information.

"Your Xiao He is leaving today?" Hansen didn't know what she was facing, so he started chatting on a topic.

After Wen Xi received Yin Lan's reply, he put down his phone and looked at the back of his head with a smile, "Why do I think you are particularly interested in him?"

"Ancient gossip!" Hansen raised his voice.

Wen Xi smiled and said, "Ancient gossip?"

Hansen sneered coldly, "Even if I am even a little bit interested, it's because he is your boyfriend. As your agent, I always have to prevent this matter from leaking out, do you understand?"

Wen Xi nodded and responded obediently, "Understood."

Hansen suddenly felt helpless as if he had punched cotton. He wanted to explain but found that it was useless.

After holding it in for a while, he asked Wen Xi, "I heard he is a doctor? What specialty?"

Wen Xi had some evil thoughts and said, "Forensic doctor."

"F-fa forensic doctor?"

"Well, it's similar to ancient works."

Hansen's mind immediately pictured the image of He Yan in front of the body with greedy eyes looking for knowledge. Suddenly, he felt like his hair was standing on end!

Wen Xi added, "He likes men like you the most because..."

"Stop talking! I don't want to hear it!"

Hansen shuddered and immediately turned up the music volume.

Wen Xi succeeded in teasing him and laughed softly.

Ten minutes later, she received a message from Yin Lan.

[It has been found that it is Wei Jiaxin. 】

"Wei Jiaxin?" She whispered the name.

Hansen happened to hear it and said, "Why are you mentioning her so well?"

Wen Xi suddenly remembered the shooting in Wei Jia's heart and asked, "How is she doing now?"

"Oh, my legs are broken. I heard that the infection was quite serious. But I got mercy from God and saved my life. She is still lying in the hospital. This is the end of her life. She can't even think about staying in the entertainment industry. She will have to stay in the entertainment industry in the future. Find a job that doesn’t require your legs.”

"People on the Internet say she deserves it. This is called retribution in this world. Do nothing but become a third party, haha."

After Hansen finished complaining, he glanced at her and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you asking her?"

"It's almost there, I'll show it to you later."

"What happened?"

Wen Xi waited for the car to stop near the station, sent him the screenshot, and then got off the car to pick up Jiang Ke.

Hansen was bored and waiting in the car. He opened the screenshot and took a look. He just glanced at it and was already furious.

He found this Weibo user as quickly as possible, first sent a wave of reports, and then sent her a private message.

The first step is to post photos of supermodels’ beautiful legs.

The second step is to post a wave of photos of track and field athletes running.

The third step is to post an emoticon of a person sitting in a wheelchair, beating his legs and crying.

The fourth step is to send a text and emoticon——

"Beautiful legs, beautiful legs, beautiful legs, beautiful legs, beautiful legs (drooling) legs that can run legs that can run legs that can run = (Rain Girl Wu Gua)? (^_-) Introducing you - wheelchair wheelchair wheelchair wheelchair wheelchair = friend in the next life \u0026 life friend (crying bitterly)

After completing the fourth step, the other party was completely irritated by him. He cursed him no matter what, but they were all words that were not painful to Hansen.

When she was tired, Hansen said: "Girl, I have long legs from 1982. Do you want to buy them? 10% off."

The next second, he was blocked by the other party.

He laughed and punched the steering wheel, "I'm so bad, hahaha..."

"What are you laughing at?"

Wen Xi and Jiang Ke heard his laughter as soon as they approached.

Hansen looked back at her and said, "I'll take my revenge on you."

"Revenge?" Jiang Ke was confused.

When the car started, Wen Xi showed Jiang Ke his cell phone.

The next second, Wen Xi felt that the people around him were angry.

"This person is too vicious! I will avenge you!"

With that said, she used Wen Xi's mobile phone to reply to Wei Jiaxin.


This summer, my wish is: everyone who loves my books can spend [30 cents] to read my books every day, support payment, and take pity on the poor author~~

When I see that many people who have followed the latest chapter are just "passer-by fans" and "cute new fans", and some even have no level at all, my heart hurts. It feels like the food that I have worked so hard to grow has been stolen. More than half (crying in the storm~)

Little cute, if this continues, the stupid author will go to the streets to beg (I have already prepared a broken bowl with a corner missing).

*Thank you to the readers who have been paying to read. You respect my work, and I will work hard to write good stories to repay you~ (serious face)

love you~

6.28 updated, thanks to healer for the reward~

Good night.

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