Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 180 I like you, not just to say it

Chapter 180

While Wen Xi was putting on makeup, Liang Yisheng was studying Mu Janai's study.

She thought this was just his temporary residence, but looking at the furnishings in the study, it seemed that was not the case.

The house was decorated inside and out as if it had been lived in for more than a year, and it didn't look like a new home.

Mukanai's reading of earthly books is very complex, covering all aspects, mostly astronomy.

She took out a book at random and flipped through a few pages. It introduced all kinds of stars, which were mysterious and bright and aroused people's curiosity.

Perhaps it was because it was something he liked, so even though she had never been interested in such things, she eagerly tried to commit the contents of the pages to memory.

In this way, maybe we can have many common topics in the future.

The cold wind blew outside, but she was quiet and happy inside. She was attracted by the world in the book. She unconsciously sat on his chair, crossed her legs on the chair, and slowly flipped through the astronomy book.

It was at this moment that the door was pushed open unexpectedly. In panic, her eyes met a slightly surprised look.

The visitor was wearing a beige long-sleeved dress. She had a slim figure, a gentle face, and the liveliness of a little woman in her eyes.

Neither of them expected to meet each other under such circumstances, and they were both stunned.

Immediately, the woman in a beige dress took the initiative to step forward, smiled and extended her hand, "Hello, I am Feng Li, remember me, I also went to the last wedding."

Feng Li, how could she forget these two names.

On the first day of the honeymoon, Mugana suddenly received a phone call.

After it was over, they said they would reschedule their honeymoon.

Feng Li is his ex-girlfriend. He put his honeymoon on hold for his ex-girlfriend.

Of course, this was just a marriage by agreement. Liang Yisheng knew this, so he had no right to control him.

Because of this, she felt tortured.

She was wandering outside, making Feng Li's outstretched hand a little awkward.

Feng Li retracted his smile, his eyes fell on the chair she was sitting on, his eyebrows raised slightly, "He actually let you sit in this chair."

Liang Yisheng lowered his eyes and glanced at the chair, and immediately saw his inelegant sitting posture, which was in sharp contrast to the elegant posture of the woman in front of him.

It seemed that she was just an unkempt housewife who had never seen the world, while the other party came from the fashionable upper class, and every move she made was very decent and elegant.

She put her legs down, stood up and extended her hand to shake her hand, "Welcome."

Feng Li smiled, walked over, pulled out the chair and turned it around, "Don't be so polite to me. Speaking of which, I am more familiar with this place than you are, so I should be considered half the owner of this place. Anai has a special feeling for this chair. Never let anyone touch it, I’m surprised you can sit on it.”

Liang Yisheng looked gentle, "I don't know about this."

"Oh? That's probably because he forgot to tell you. That's how he is. He will never give someone a second look if he doesn't like him."

Liang Yisheng naturally pulled the chair to its original place, "The study is not the living room, so it is inconvenient to entertain Miss Feng. Please come here."

Feng Li glanced at the chair and suddenly leaned over and patted the place where Liang Yisheng had been sitting just now, as if there was something dirty on it.

Liang Yisheng discovered that this woman was here to provoke her.

She has acted in similar scenes before, but she played the role of an ex-girlfriend.

The heroine of that play finally chose to accept the situation, face it with a smile, and repay evil with kindness.

But the end result was that she was abandoned by the man and became an elderly single woman.

Obviously, Liang Yisheng is not the heroine.

Her situation is more embarrassing than that of the heroine, because her position as Mrs. Mu is not worthy of the name.

When signing the agreement, Muganai made it clear that each would do his or her own thing, regardless of the other party's affairs, as long as the superficial peace was maintained.

Therefore, she is now slightly embarrassed as to what attitude she should take to face this ex-girlfriend's provocation.

A second later, she had her answer.

But just as she spoke, there were footsteps outside the door.

A man wearing a black shirt appeared at the door, with a dull face and indifferent eyes.

He looked at Liang Yisheng, "You haven't gone back yet?"

Liang Yisheng's eyes widened a little.

How could he tell her to "go back" when outsiders were present?

Doesn't this tell others that there is a "conflict" between them?

"Ms. Liang, it's just acting. You don't have to get too involved. As far as I know, there are no paparazzi following you outside, so you don't have to act. Go back and rest."

Liang Yisheng suddenly turned back to look at Feng Li. He was already sitting on the chair, tilting his head slightly and smiling at her. The smile seemed friendly.

Obviously, Feng Li knew that they were married by agreement, otherwise he would not have said such things.

It turned out that the other party did not regard her as an opponent from the beginning, so there was no provocation.

Liang Yisheng looked back at Mu Jianai, his earnest eyes seeming to beg for an explanation.

Mukanai's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his chin slightly toward the door, "Go back."

The indifferent expression reminds her every second that this is a marriage by agreement, and the other party does not need you to "work" at this time.

So, it’s time for you to “get off work.”

The feeling of humiliation was densely packed in her heart, but the next second, she showed a generous and decent smile, nodded slightly to the two of them, and walked out of the door.

She tried hard to make her back look more elegant when she turned around, so that outsiders would feel that the relationship between them was equal, and let outsiders believe that she was actually not emotionally involved, but just doing business.

However, when she almost reached the stairs, she realized that she couldn't do it.

She could become a movie star at a young age, but she couldn't pretend that she didn't love him.

Her feelings were so strong that she didn't want to hide them.

Women are always impulsive, especially when it comes to feelings.

She turned around decisively and walked back there quickly.

The two people inside were discussing a certain work. Standing in front of the table, Liang Yisheng appeared, interrupting Feng Li's words.

Liang Yisheng's gaze swept across Feng Li and focused on Mu Janai's eyes.

At this moment, she strode forward, grabbed his tie, pulled it down, and kissed him accurately on the lips.

A squeaking sound, extremely clear.

At that moment, the man's dull expression finally cracked.

However, it is still impossible to tell whether he is happy or angry.

On the contrary, Feng Li was startled, and he immediately covered his mouth that made a frightened sound, his eyes widened.

Liang Yisheng loosened his tie, with a confident smile at the corner of his eyes, "I said yesterday that I like you, and I didn't just say it."

After finishing her words, she turned to Feng Li, smiled slightly, nodded, then turned and left.

This time, she has a spring in her step.

It wasn't until her footsteps could no longer be heard that Feng Li realized from the shock. The first thing he did was wipe Mukanai's lips with the tissue.

Mukanai raised his hand calmly, indicating that he didn't want to.

Feng Li nodded, "Yes, it can't be wiped off, so go to the bathroom."

However, Mukanai did not move, as if this incident had not happened, and his eyes had returned to the painting that was going to be auctioned.

Feng Li was surprised, "Don't you hate people getting close to you the most?"

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