Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 763: "tower"

Many "devils" in Judaism and Christianity are actually gods of other faiths.

Bringing gods of other faiths and stigmatizing them into demons is a common practice.

In its prototype, the tree of life itself has no pros and cons.

The tarot cards derived from the Kabbalah system originally had no positive and negative positions.

Waitertaro's positive and negative position is one of its most notable features.

Its origin is somewhat related to the history of the fifteenth century when the Catholic Church called the tarot card the devil card and the devil scripture.

Since this time, the Tarot cards have been hit by the Catholic Church many times.

The organization of the monotheistic system attaches great importance to matters corresponding to the level of spiritual beliefs.

As far as Yagok knows, the earliest appearance of "reversal" was of course not created by Waitero, but by a man named Aitra——

The first person to use tarot cards for divination.

Waite Tarot is a masterpiece that integrates the occult views left by many predecessors, and integrates various occult theories such as tarot cards, astrology, alchemy, and Kabbalah.

Although Aitra was the first person to propose the use of inverse position and the first to use tarot cards for divination, the content of the tarot cards at this time was different from the tarot cards known to everyone in Yago’s time. .

In Yago's time, the "positive and negative position" that most people know now is the integrated and modified version of Waite Tarot, and the version created by Waite Tarot.

There are many versions of the correspondence between the Kabbalah tree and the tarot card.

This kind of argument that the starting and ending points of the mass points are reversed to form a forward and reverse position.

Of course, the term "positive and negative Kabbalistic tree" is more mainstream.

The inverse Kabbalah tree is a structure in which the Kabbalah tree is turned upside down and connected to each particle in another unsaturated connection method.

However, the formation of the theory of positive and negative Kabbalah trees was relatively late.

Both single tree forward and reverse order and double tree forward and reverse order are possible.

From the perspective of coexistence in positive and negative order, Yago prefers the former, but from the various situations he has seen so far, he prefers the latter.

Because, since the directional line of the two mass points forms a positive and negative sequence, then, on the same mass point, the "characteristics" of its capabilities should also have something in common.

For example, the probabilistic approach positive sequence and the probabilistic approach negative sequence should both exhibit the two characteristics of "end" and "secret".

Yago has now identified the "characteristics" he summarized and the "concept of origin" mentioned in the Lost Book as the same thing.

Although he does not know what the "concept of origin" represents in this world, there is a similar saying in the Kabbalah tree.

The ten mass points have their own names and their corresponding "prototype concepts".

Although Yago knows a lot about the Kabbalah tree, it is only because the Kabbalah tree has a strong sense of existence when studying historical folklore and has been repeatedly mentioned and studied a lot. The exact meaning of this "prototype concept", Ya I just saw it, but didn't remember it.

However, there is one thing that he found in the vague memory not long ago, when he was exploring and browsing in the fog of his own memory in order to create a new body and copy his own memory——

Each mass point has a corresponding "prototype concept", which expresses the "divine personality".

This point made him think of many things, especially the "Church of Ten Gods" mentioned in The Lost Book.

These statements, even people like Yago who have known a lot of relevant knowledge, may not remember them. How did that "heretical creator" know?

This "heretical creator" is really suspicious.

Especially when the "Queen of the Feast" decided on the code name, the "Heteric Creator" changed her to the current code name as a cognitive positioning.

This "memory" also allowed Yago to confirm some things about the gatekeeper's mask and the singer's mask.

"The Relic of the Lost".

Able to clear up confusion cognition.

"The purest blue blood."

There is a problem with the mask shape.

It may be related to the Emperor Blood Banquet.

If, if Yago's conjecture is correct, then every mass point corresponds to a "god".

So, do you know these things, those "gods" themselves?

Judging from the many texts that have emerged in the Lost Book, Yago can confirm that the authority of the gods is not unattainable.

The end of the sequence path is mentioned many times in the Lost Book.

Those "gods" are not those without intelligence and wisdom, nor are they born to be gods.

Perhaps it was because Yago, as a celestial person, was influenced by the cultural influence of "the princes and generals have a kindness", or because atheism is deeply rooted in anachronistic thinking, or there are too many stories about mortals becoming gods in the celestial mythology, and others. What factor, even if there is no definite evidence to prove that the gods who "return to nothingness" and "born from nothingness" are not born gods, Yago's heart began to question their origin.

Can the authority of the gods be reached?

The authority of the gods can be reached.

The predecessor of the organization under the command of "Convicted Lord" was an extraordinary team of the old church of God.

"Heart Creator".....

Are these two people coveting the seat of God?


Was originally "God"?

I have to say that Yago believed 70% to 80% when this idea came out.

Can't these two people be anti-social, oh no, anti-world elements, planning to destroy the world, right?

Although it is not impossible?

Moreover, some of the information obtained from that "lantern" before-

"The prayers of the extraordinary people in the church are to extract power from the idols and stabilize themselves..."

"The idols in the temple church in the fog are not statues of gods..."

The church on earth, the church in the material world, does not seem to be religiously believing in those "gods."

Yago himself did not doubt this.

After all, in the memory of some church extraordinary people he got, the belief in God was generally weak.

Including the thorn tree, many Beyonders can only be called pan-believers at best.

The possibility of false believers is greater.

Although there is also the possibility that the information in the lantern is forged, if it is true, then the church and the "god" are separated, which is basically a fact.

However, this information is of little use to the status quo.

Yago pays more attention to things in this city.

Fortunately, Yago did not disappoint.

In the Lost Book, there is information about this city.

"The World in the Book".


"'Heart Creator', she really knows more details."

"Her identity is really suspicious."

"How did she know so much news?"

"'Tower', why did she look for'Tower'?"

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