Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 729: The "History" of the Black Bell Church

Yago was thinking about such a problem.

According to the church’s propaganda, according to various stories he knows, "human beings" are all called the "lowest" intelligent races, unable to receive the revelation of gods.

Then, how did this "lowest" race attack the "White Night Kingdom" and the "Birdman" country?

Suppose first that human beings are indeed the "lowest and weakest" race as the church said. Then, what makes human beings able to attack the kingdom of white nights, this extraordinary racial kingdom?

The first is that human beings become stronger in some way.

Second, the Kingdom of White Nights was weakened in some way.

Looking back on the reasons, thinking from this direction, Yago easily thinks of the so-called "epic war".

In the mouth of the church, the "witch" who was the leader of the party introduced many hidden existences into the material world, and was then eliminated by the clergy who received the enlightenment of the gods.

Did this "white night kingdom" happen before or after the "epic war", or was it a part of the war at that time?

The information obtained from the pages of the book allowed Yago to make a lot of speculations and assumptions.

However, he did not go further.

After all, he has no more specific clues at hand.

In addition to the White Night Kingdom, there are other news on the pages of the book——

First, the Black Bell Church, or a certain high-level member of the Black Bell Society, has penetrated into the interior of the church.

The second is disguise.

Both sides of this dialogue, from the perspective of presentation, both have relatively strong disguise methods, especially the recipient.

Twins..... Double-sided people...

Double-faced man, Yago knew it.

That is a sequence of the dancer's approach.

Dancer, copyist, adventurer, these three are low-order titles, and then...

What Shugein said, code-named "Summon Apprentice" Sequence 6.

Then there is the "two-faced man" of Sequence 5.

But Shugein didn't explain the specific abilities of these sequences to Yago in detail at the time, but just mentioned it.

"It should not be called a double person, but a twin person..."

This sentence, literally, gave Yago some guesses.

Twins, literally get the simplest interpretation, that is, the interpretation of "two-body person".

The person who writes the words is not an extraordinary person in the way of a dancer. This should be correct.

So...is it a person who corresponds to the "artist" approach?

Yago did not immediately draw a conclusion.

Judging from the various clues obtained now, this lost book is very likely to correspond to the extraordinary path of "artist".

However, the question is whether the "writer" is a "writer" or not.

Is it the writer of the text in the Lost Book.

There are texts in the Lost Book, but it does not mean that these texts were written by the extraordinary in this way.

It does not even mean that these words are "written".

The Lost Book must have something to do with the ability of "cognition", otherwise it will not help him to eliminate the cognitive obstacles of the "system".

But at the same time, there are many suspicious points in this cognitive-related ability.

After all, there are words written in different people's voices in the Lost Book.

This was also confirmed by Yago after reading what he said just now.

Previously, the text that Yago saw in the Lost Book could not determine the specific source.

However, after the pages of the book appeared, after comparison, it was obvious that the tone of voice and the object of speech in the pages I had read before were different.

This Lost Book "includes" a lot of "letters", and contains a lot of correspondence from the senior officials of the Black Bell Church, not just by a single person.

At present, through the text of the letters and pages in the Lost Book and the information he has collected, Yago currently knows a few things about the various high-levels of the Black Bell Church.

First, "The Queen of Feast" has a "dress ball" organization under its command. They explored the bubble zone with the "Anonymous Grim Reaper" and "The Hermit with a Lantern". The whereabouts are unknown.

The hermit carrying the lantern should have returned, but the specific experience is still unclear, and there is no mention of it in the pages he saw.

Assuming that the existence fragments in the gatekeeper's mask in his hand, that part of the "existence fragments" that are suspected to be part of the hermit carrying the lantern is true, then he may also learn the follow-up information.

Secondly, the organization under the command of "The Lantern Hermit" is the "Brotherhood of Lantern", and it is a way of the dead.

Thirdly, the high-level members of the Black Bell Church may be double-sequenced Extraordinary, coexisting in positive and negative order, and their names are related to the cognitive method of wizards, or it can be said that they use cognitive methods.

Fourth, the "wizard tool", a tool once held by the senior leaders of the Black Bell Church, has the ability to modify or filter cognitive power.

Fifth, the hidden existence of "Tyrant King" and "Sky Tyrant" is also related to the Black Bell Church, which is suspected to be one of the upper levels of the Black Bell Church.

Sixth, there is a member of the Black Bell Society whose code name is "Red Moon". His whereabouts are unknown. The specific relationship with the secret organization "Red Moon Sect" is unknown, and the relationship with "Grey Moon Sect" is also unclear and undecided. Even "relevant" is just speculation.

Seventh, the Black Bell Church has explored the kingdom of extraordinary races, and has such titles as "Bimonthly Ruins", "City of Dawn", and "Molten Abyss".

Eighth, the Kingdom of White Nights has been proved by the Black Bell Society to be a country of extraordinary races. The works circulating in the material world are now described as wars between humans...

The ninth is also an extension of the eighth, the one with the most guessed ingredient——

The bubble zone, Yago has been to the story of "Smoke at Sea" and the corresponding bubble zone. The bubble zone there is indeed presented as a war between humans.

As a result, a conjecture that Yago learned from the Black Clock and from the Queen of the Banquet may have been confirmed.

Suppose that the war between the Kingdom of White Nights and Arabella is essentially a war between two races, rather than a standing war between human kingdoms.

Then, the scene presented in the bubble zone has been eroded by the phantom world, and the scene in the phantom world will also be affected by human cognition.

This is an inference that has not been fully confirmed, and its conclusions are deduced after several undetermined assumptions.

Also, tenth...

Yago's gaze once again turned to the book of systems, the horrible book composed of countless alien wrecks, and the "book of debt collectors" composed of countless faces.

System, is this book of debt collectors related to the Black Bell Church?

The reason for this problem is also because...

Meditation cards and lanterns, two things that are uncertain whether they are "wizard tools" interact with the debt collector's book.

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