Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 596: Small town

Compared with a small town and a city, there is a big difference.

In this village where loggers and hunters were originally gathered and multiplied, there were not many Extraordinary people.

In other words, there are only three or four Beyonders.

Wearing Nelson's existence coat, after observing a circle, Yago also confirmed the situation here.

There are five main factors driving the cognitive approach.

1. The cognitive strength of the recognizer.

2. The number of knowers.

3. The degree of accuracy with which the cognizant's image is established.

4. The breadth of cognitive dissemination.

5. The depth of cognitive communication.

Yago has experimented before. No matter how wide the cognition he spreads, if an ordinary person observes him and equates him with his cognitive image, the cognitive boost he can provide is limited.

Therefore, Yago believes that the cognitive strength of a person and a knower is limited. Yago thinks it is probably related to attributes such as "will" and "inspiration".

Therefore, if it is an extraordinary person or a target with a strong inspiration and will, as his cognitive determiner, he will be greatly promoted.

To use a vivid metaphor, the cognition he spreads is like rainwater, which accumulates into pools, sugar, and lakes over time.

The recognizers are just the drains or containers that scoop the water out of the ponds and lakes.

The bigger the container, the more "water" he can get-the more cognitive push.

The more containers there are, the same is true.

Before that, he was well aware of the shortcomings of the cognitive method. If the cognitive method is not cautious, it will affect the mysterious cognition, leading to deviation and even loss of control, leading to changes in ability.

Under caution, his strategy is to choose to appear as a "headless horseman" in a place where there are enough people, and to promote the mysterious fit with the cognition of many people in one fell swoop, or to find some strong enough Extraordinary people, who will definitely bring The influence of "extraordinary" and cognition of the shifted image is quickly established.

However, when he knew that the gatekeeper mask and the meditation card or the debt collector's account book had a deviation that could ignore the third and ignore the establishment of a cognitive image, he let go of his hands and feet.

And now, he has completely "out of control", let alone worry.

Even if he is not afraid of troubles, even if the image deviation is large when the final recognition is fixed, he now does not worry about shifting the sequence, but the cognitive image deviation is large, and what he can gain in the end, and the promotion of the fit is less. He may need Then arrange the legendary rumors to let the cognition brew for a while.

Compared with the "hunter chasing disaster", the "headless horseman" is easier to establish.

It's just that he needs to determine how many people in this small town know the stories of "Scourge Hunters" and "Headless Horsemen" he spread.

Don't let him jump out when the time comes, these people don't know him, and he cannot be recognized with the corresponding image.

He can only be sure that the Archibalds know these two stories.

He missed the Red Rose City, the Flower Newspaper and several artists he hired and solicited.

With their help, it would be much easier for him to spread his cognitive image.

After thinking about it for a moment, Yago changed his coat of existence and turned into a "balanced" thousand-faced man.

Dead soul lamp.

As the spirit mist surged, the mist condensed into a solid figure in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Yago, who was wearing the cloak of the existence of the thousand-faced Guosite, turned his body like a mirror, and his appearance became almost the same as that of the mist.

As long as there is a goal, whether it is a portrait or a photo, a real person or a wax figure, the thousand-faced person can change his posture like a mirror.

Yago uses the spirit mist to condense the human figure as a reference, and he is quite handy in using the ability of a thousand faces.

the most important is.......

The line of probability of the Thousand Faces approach is somewhat similar to the mechanical approach, and the line of probability is extremely stable.


The church in the town is a church belonging to the Temple in the Mist.

It looks ordinary, rather ordinary church.

Westland is the area with the least distribution of the "Roses Church".

Here, the Temple in the Mist was originally the largest church. After Donglu and the Rose Church retreated from the competition, most of them retreated here. Later, they disappeared, and it was thought that the gods returned to nothingness.

After the Mechanic Church, or Steam Church, landed, it even overwhelmed the temple in the mist, occupying a major position.

The most numerous churches in Westland are the Steam Church or the Sanctuary in the Mist.

These two are the most stationed in various small towns and cities.

In this city, except for the logging yard, Yago didn't see too many signs of mechanization.

Although this small town is located on the edge of Dutri, the people in it still believe in the Temple in the Mist.

Temple in the Mist...

He was very concerned about the strange relationship between the Temple in the Mist and the Brotherhood of Lanterns. This was originally the largest church in Catesia, which was originally the largest church in Catesia. What is the reason for the weak church?

The abilities of the mist path are strange, passers-by weaken the sense of existence, the unknown knight is invisible, the observer is not tracked, and the snooping is hidden........

This kind of unconscious ability made Yago always feel that there are such extraordinary people hiding somewhere to peep at him.

If there are any cards in the tarot card that correspond to this approach, it is probably the "hermit" or "hermit".


Thinking of this, Yago paused.

Lantern Hermit, Lantern Brotherhood, Necro Way, the current Lantern Path, the relationship between the Lantern Brotherhood and the Temple in the Mist is not clear.......

Just thinking about it, Yago thought there must be some relationship between the Lantern Hermit and the Temple in the Mist.

The Brotherhood of Lanterns will change from the path of the undead to the "lanterns". Will it have anything to do with the Temple in the Mist?

Shaking his head, Yago normally walked past the ordinary temple church in the fog, not far from the town's cemetery, and entered the town.


In the church.

Two Extraordinary people, including the person in charge of this town, the team leader of the "Knight in the Mist", and an unknown knight of Sequence 8, looked a little bit unpleasant.

The subordinates who were sitting not far away from him also had a bad face.

Ling Chao, postponed for too long.

For the church resident in various small towns and villages, the spirit wave, the living corpses that constantly emerge when the spirit wave strikes, are what they need to pay attention to most.

And since the beginning of the month, they have been vigilant, two of the four take turns every day to guard for the arrival of the spiritual wave.

However, more than half a month has passed, and they still haven't seen the spiritual wave.

The Ling Chao postponed for a long time, it is rare, at least, neither the team leader nor the few players have seen it, or even saw a similar record.

However, there is a short delay.

Moreover, there is a rule.

The longer it is postponed, the stronger the spiritual tide will be, and the more spiritual corpses that appear, the stronger.

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