Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 543: clue

The Lansu Kingdom at night, no matter which region, has one thing in common——


The gray light from the sky made the night a little colder.

However, at this moment, a man in a dark brown tuxedo with monocles embedded in his eyes is looking at his palm.

Just as his mind changed, his palm became a mechanical palm composed of various parts such as metal connecting rods, gears, and bearings.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help touching his glasses.

Who can think of it? Originally, he had only Sequence 9 but grew to Sequence 6 at an extremely fast speed, becoming a priest sent here by the Steam Church.

Everyone was surprised at the speed of his strength increase.

But what about himself?

Ashion squinted his eyes and looked at his palms returning to normal.

And at this moment, a voice rang from his body.

Yaxiun took out a pocket watch from his chest without hurriedly.

When he opened the pocket watch, the internal mechanical parts of the pocket watch suddenly turned, and the rough metal sound came out from the pocket watch:

"not ready yet?"

Hearing this, Ashion hissed in a low voice:

"I still don't trust you."

"It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not, you are my lord's substitute, even if you intend to inform the Steam Church of this, it is useless."

The metallic voice spit out these words indifferently, making Yashun's face sinking involuntarily:

"Are you threatening me?"

However, the metallic sound in the meantime did not care:

"It's up to you to judge whether it is a threat or not. My requirement for you is only to allow you to grow as quickly as possible. With the gift of our Lord, your promotion speed will not be slow."

Hearing this, Yashun yelled:

"I am a double-"

"It's okay, I said, the steam path is special. As long as the steam path completes the fit, then, regardless of whether you complete the fit in another sequence, you can advance at will without losing balance."

The metallic sound is emitted as the pointer in the pocket watch rotates back and forth repeatedly:

"If you still don't believe it, you can slowly wait for another sequence to fit before you get promoted. It won't be me who regrets it."

After speaking, the metallic sound stopped abruptly, making Ashion's face gloomy.

He took a deep breath, looked at the steam church church in the distance, and then walked in the other direction without looking back.

In his hand, holding a heraldic object——

Above, is a black figure.


Warwick City.

The shadows of the leaves swayed gently with the breeze, and the flexible and agile figures were moving quickly in one direction without communication and tacit understanding, silently, like ghosts.


The day came again.

Yago, also as Rosen, rushed to the invitation of the circle of "antique lovers" that he gradually entered.

At this moment, he was sitting in his place with a smile on his face, sitting before this gathering table that was more like a literary salon, smiling and talking with others.

The scent of food penetrated his nose, and he couldn't help eating symbolically as a sign of courtesy.

Although it was a gathering of a group of antique lovers, there was not much cumbersome etiquette. The lunch ended soon after they left the table, and the servants also took the tableware.

Yago, who scanned circle after circle, scanning the lines of probability on these people, was also about to begin to tap the clues he wanted.

"It's a pity that Shuge is not here, so I can't just use persuasion, otherwise..."

After a few words silently to himself, Yago talked with one "friend" after another.


Yago's actions as "Rosen" were not so smooth.

Several clues he was investigating that might be related to the Brotherhood of Lanterns were all broken.

The line of probability.

Cetarus must have mastered the means of using Ms. Lixia's body.

The appearance of the violent legion made Yago not help but doubt.

What happened to Evernight Church?

He found the antique lovers along the line of probability implicated in the abandoned violent legion’s underground warehouse, and tried to find clues related to the Brotherhood of Lanterns and Chetalus from them through the induction of strange thieves. However, it was not found.


Too much.

Can anyone imagine a situation where antique lovers have little contact with other people?

What about cutting the line of probability between two things?

For example, if one person establishes a connection with another person because of antiques and historical books, then, because of things like antiques and historical books, the two may come into contact again.

What happens once the line of probability between these two people breaks?

Are they old and dead?

No, it won't be so. To be precise, this is closer to a tendency.

Acquaintances and friends, if there is anything good, who will be the first choice.

The enemy and the enemy, what is wrong, who will be the first choice?

The two will become a state close to "knowledge" but "irrelevant".

If a line of probability is used to connect two people together, once a related event occurs or is about to happen, the possibility of two people coming into contact again is far greater than that of unrelated ones.

If this line is thicker and bigger...

Yago glanced at the complicated and densely entangled threads of probability between these people.

This group of people did not get together in the first place, but was involved in the line of probability to establish a relationship.

These antique lovers have basically appeared at the banquet in Sir Moga's mansion before.

The friendship between them and Sir Moga seems to have been specially arranged by others.

But the biggest problem is that apart from their relationship with Sir Moga, they couldn't find any other clues.

None of the lines of probability on them point to Cetarus or the Brotherhood of Lanterns.

Is it really only related to Sir Moga?

Looking at the entangled probability lines, Yago fell into silence.

Yongye Church seems to have been calculated, do they have any clues there?

Is there any situation in the steam church?

Yago wanted to repeat the old tricks, and led the people from the church to find Cetarus, and used the knife to kill.

However, even if no one can be found now, even if he can borrow one, kill another ghost again.


However, not long after he returned to his residence, he heard a message again.

The bombing happened again.

Hearing the description of Shugein, Yago also changed his head and changed his face again, and went out as the thousand-faced Guosite to the so-called bombing site.

The explosion occurred in the Shibei district of Wawi, an old industrial area that was almost completely abandoned.

But after Yago came to the north area of ​​Wawe, under the gaze of an Extraordinary who was hiding in the house, he used the abilities of the Thousand Faces in a "concealed" manner.

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