Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 344: Tranquil Stonemaw's Eyeballs

At night, on the outskirts of the southern city of Di Lude, a group of people are gathering in a deserted hunter's hut.

"Di Lude's regulations have become stricter recently, and there is nothing to buy in the sewer market."

Several people who were out in the air near the door were talking.

"Who knows, Di Lude is completely divided and controlled by several churches, and the sewer market is controlled and monitored by various churches. Except for some of the more common materials, other materials, solo Beyonders who don't join the church, can't get it at all. "

"Alas, there is a tacit agreement between several churches. Although it is not possible to control all the sources of materials, as long as you control one or two of the materials, you can control the market."

"Only Catthias has divided and ruled such a few churches."

"Several other countries, like Barcelona, ​​are controlled by the government of Barcelona. Even the churches can only stand aside or even be banned. Unless they join, they are not suitable for the solo Extraordinary."

"The problem with Di Lude is mainly in Di Lude's churches. Except for the broken gear, the other churches have tracking methods..."


When several people were talking, inside the hunter's cabin.

A slightly taller black robe man wearing a clown mask said:

"The eyes of a gargoyle."

"Is it a gargoyle? What price."

After the clown mask man responded, the inquirer continued:

"Your price is too expensive. Just find an abandoned castle. If there is a statue in it after the spiritual tide, there is a chance that you can find a gargoyle."

Hearing the word "probability", the stall owner raised his eyebrows.

0% is also a chance, and 100% is also a chance. This is not the first time he has seen this kind of price reduction.

However, if the price is lowered, it means...

"What can you afford? I'm clarifying, what I want is full-moon aconitum and full-moon aconitum, understand?"

"Full Moon Aconitum is the management product of the evening church! I want this!"

"If you can get me the Full Moon Aconitum, I can give it to you! I don't want the others."


The secret trade fair soon ended.

Extraordinary people know that the church in Di Lud City has records and even surveillance for them. If they stay here for too long, they may be suspected.

The extraordinary materials that are finally obtained and are regulated, and then want to sell them, you have to wait until the next "good time".

But who knows how long such a "good time" will take?

The last "good time", but three months ago, they conducted a transaction in the form of a "literary salon" and a "dance party."

One by one, the Extraordinary, wearing masks and various dark robes to cover their appearance, separated from the dim hunter's cabin and returned to their residences in all directions.

Be more cautious, change your outfit several times and detour several times before returning.

Including Gard, he was going to make a circle around the slum and then return.

However, when he marched north, he had already taken off his mask and black robe, and changed his outfit for the second time. When he was about to walk into the densely populated slums in the south of the city, he suddenly heard a voice:

"Old friend, do you have any gargoyle eyes? If you have them, please leave them to me. If not, tell me where they are."

When he heard the sound, Gard moved for a while, and then naturally took out the gargoyle eyes he had obtained at the scene of the search the other day, and at the same time the voice responded naturally, as if responding to his trusted old friend:

"Of course, I just prepared to trade."

It is two boxes for jewelry.

Immediately, he felt his hands empty and the two boxes were taken away.

Two seconds after the box was taken away, Gard was taken aback and reacted:

"The fraudster!?"

However, when he wandered around, looking for the target, there was no one around him.


At the same time, the action is light, like a flying bird, easily up to the roof like a mist crow, and down again lightly, moving quickly over a few streets of Yago, and easily push the closed attic window to enter. Later, he closed the window and stopped.

And then, in the windows of the attic, a hazy fog crow appeared in the attic along with the light mist, and landed on Yago's shoulders.

"got it?"

"Yes, but I don't know if it is the eyes of the Silent Stonemaw."

Stonemaw, also known as gargoyle, is also called the dripping beast.

He opened the jewelry box.

In the jewelry box, there are two pure black eyeballs that look like stones, with stone chips on them.

At this time, the Shuge on his shoulder said:

"Gargo ghosts are better mysterious heavy loads, because they are living creatures but not living creatures, and their life forms are very special. They can be used as mysterious carriers to become mysterious things, and they can also be used as living things to carry part of the mysterious... ..."

"The eyes of a general gargoyle are ordinary stones, the eyes of a full moon gargoyle are gray or red, the eyes of a gem gargoyle are all kinds of gems, and the eyes of a quiet gargoyle are pure black..."

Yago nodded, according to the color, he should be right.

During the induction of the kaiju, he aimed at "the eyes of the tranquil stonemaw beast". When looking for it, he sensed that the stronghold of the church at dusk had the goal of "success".

Except for the dusk church, he didn't feel that other churches had "the eyes of the serene stonemaw beast."

Except for the church, among his strange thief inductions, only the man just had it.

However, it is precisely because of this that he confirmed a situation.

That is, the distance limit of his strange thief induction is probably.

The Tranquil Stonemaw, or the Dark Night Gargoyle, can never be all held by the Dusk Church in Dillard, right?

His phantom thief induction is within a certain range.

Using the [lucky] + [inspiration] skill combination can increase his sensing range and perceptual fineness.

Normal specific range.....

He has not verified it yet and needs to find time to explore.

However, after the success of [lucky] + [inspiration], you can reach a distance of at least a radius of about five kilometers.

After finishing his thoughts, Yago once again looked at the dark night gargoyle eyes in his hand.

He already had the doll flower, and the eyes of the Silent Stonemaw Beast, and in the end only the two-faced flower remained.

Finish early, end early...

"Shu Geyin, help me take it back."

"it is good."

Seeing Xiu Geyin release the spiritual mist from his body, forming a giant crow, wrapping the two jewelry boxes and disappearing in front of his eyes, he took a deep breath, activated the gambler's fallacy, and prepared to use luck.


【Charm Check=89.....】

【Charm Check=10080】

Big failure...

Yago immediately used a hat trick to replace [Charm] and [Library Use].

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