Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 200: Rainy night

He acquiesced that Bacha II’s face was positive, which meant that he failed cumulatively.

If you want to roll lucky, you have to accumulate success, and the guarantee is not too big to fail.

He glanced at the default skills in the skill bar.

"Anthropology, archeology, psychoanalysis, lip reading, hypnosis, special knowledge, professional science, medicine, blasting, unlocking, diving, these are 1%..."

"Accounting, animal domestication, law, riding, disguise, valuation, occultism are 5%..."

"10% have tracking, clever hands, survival, natural history, mechanical maintenance, bow and arrow shooting, heavy weapons..."

"If the initial value is 15%, the only threat is this one..."

As long as you choose the above, after using the skill check, because of the effect of the gambler's fallacy, you will definitely fail.

No, sometimes the cumulative failure is 14 or 13, and the intimidation may be stepped on.

Yago, who felt a little wasted, swept to the other skills below.

"Swimming, stealth action, throwing, listening, jumping, climbing, library use, sword weapon fighting 20%..."

"Reconnaissance, rifle and shotgun shooting, and empty-handed combat are 25%..."

"30% is first aid..."

These are the skills that Yago hasn't clicked, only the initial value.

No, there are two more.

"Secret myth and dodge."

The initial value of these two skills is 0.

As an old man in the coc running team, he knew that in coc, the skills with an initial value of 0 should be "Cthulhu Mythology" and "Dodge".

But dodge is essentially related to the agility attribute, so it is not 0 in essence. Before, his dodge skill was 25%, and now...27%.

And only the myth of Cthulhu is 0.

In other words, this "secret myth" corresponds to the "Cthulhu myth."

These two skills are also theoretically bound to fail.

In a normal running team, there is HP, which is the value of life, and SAN—the sane value.

The sanity value means literally, once it drops to 0, it will be completely crazy.

And every time the skill of Cthulhu myth increases, the maximum sanity value will permanently decrease by 1 point.

But there is no interface for health and sanity in this game.

However, if you say that you roll a failed dice, the cumulative success rate can be used even if it is a skill that is inevitably failed at the base of 0%.

Shaking his head, Yago once again scanned the default values ​​of these skills, and finally chose occult.

It's the same anyway, it will definitely fail.

【Occulty Check=67.....】

【Occulty Check=835】

A description of failure appeared on the pages of the quaint book.

As the description surfaced, Yago felt the miraculous power disappear, and tossed the coin again.

The coin flipped in the air, and finally displayed snowflakes and ice crystals on the back of Yago's hand.

Fortunately, there was no three consecutive failures.

Yago, who took a breath, also took a deep breath, preparing to use the skill——

The skill "lucky" and "psychology" are quite special among all his skills.

For example, if he starts with failure and can accumulate success, then the gambler's fallacy should end with "success" as the result.

If there is no "success" result, the gambler's fallacy will not end.

Previously, he mistakenly thought that the effect of the gambler's fallacy was over, indicating that the check was "successful."

However, after repeated confirmations, he realized that the use of "psychology" to check this skill, no matter what he starts or ends, the effect of the gambler's fallacy will end.

The skill of luck is the same as psychology.

As long as the result is obtained, no matter what the result is, it will end the gambler's fallacy.

And other skills will take effect, but the effect of the gambler's fallacy will continue to be different.

He doesn't know why.

He let out a heavy breath, Yago calmed his mind--

Gambler's fallacy!

【Lucky check=83.....】


Luck is really bad today.

【Lucky check=6750】

That wonderful power instantly disappeared into his perception.

Yago also tensed his nerves.

In what form will the result of lucky failure be reflected in him?

Lost money? Throwing props? Falling and knocking his head? Robbed? The casino keeps losing? When the gang was fighting, he was treated as a hostile member and almost shot?

Yago's mind came up with what he had encountered after rolling a failed check.

In a nervous mood, Yago once again tossed a coin, preparing for the gambler's fallacy.

However, it seems that the result of a failed lucky check did not fall into the action of tossing a coin.

The silver coin once again showed the pattern of snowflakes and ice crystals.

"It would be great if the lucky check succeeded to offset the failure."

With this idea, Yago launched the gambler's fallacy for the fourth time-

【Lucky check=45】

【Lucky check=3050】

Finally succeeded, but Yago was not too happy.

After all, the previous lucky check failed.

Carefully, Yago took up his knife and began to paint the old seal.


Fire Tree Street.

In the dark night, a dark shadow was running fast in the rain. Every few steps he ran, he would look back, as if he was being chased by someone.

Once again, the fugitive came to the intersection of the cross street.

Lifting the foot, the fugitive has to go into the alley on the right.

Suddenly, a sharp and stern sound rang.

The black shadow suddenly looked up.

On the right side, in the dark rain curtain, two faint light spots are floating on the top of a three-story building on the right side street.

After a pause, Sombra turned his head and headed towards the street on the left.

In the hazy rain curtain, the faint spot of light disappeared.

And two tall figures also appeared at the crossroads immediately.

The nose twitched, the two looked at each other, and chased them to the left and right separately.


In the clothing store.

Yago put down an old seal that had been painted.

It seems that it was the reason he was cautious. In the process of portraying, there were no accidents.

Maybe the test failure and success can really hedge?

When doubts surfaced in his mind, suddenly, a soft sound came from behind.

Yago's heart squatted, and he instinctively hid to the side, and at the same time opened the third-person perspective.

Under the moonlight covered by the rain, there is only a bright dark room near the window sills. The brand-new products sold to ladies and men are still hanging on the hangers. In the dark and gloomy room, there is no one behind him.

There was no one in the hallucinatory space and darkness.

Yago, who rolled to the side, already pulled out the revolver from his close-fitting gun bag, and the silvery dark gray spiritual fog gushed out of his body, and his eyes turned dark, carefully and carefully scanning the surroundings, ready to go. Initiate a silent burial and silence the target.

Suddenly, facing the door, his upward perspective was at the position of the bathroom door on his left, passing over the ladies' skirts with lace, ruffles, and frills that emphasized the curve.

Behind some hard whalebone panniers, Yago noticed that there were some water droplets on the ground, reflecting the thin moonlight.

Water droplets! ?

His umbrella was placed by the door, and he changed his shoes when he entered the house! How could there be water! ?

Someone broke in!

Could it be the group of people who broke into the mansion on the outskirts of Fast! ?

The group of people in black robes who are suspected of the Brotherhood of Lanterns?

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