Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 1078: Throbbing blood

Yago finally had a move.

His hands are intertwined in front of him.

Under the silver streamer, a shadow emerged.

It is a figure.

A figure almost identical to the silver streamer.

It was a shadow, a hazy illusion.

Behind the silver light, the flashing phantom seemed to separate.

When "Black Butterfly" used its power and countless insects and butterflies attacked the scarecrow that lost its destructive power, the scarecrow's body suddenly collapsed——

And it's not just a scarecrow.

When the Scarecrow was attacked, the "play dictator" as the maker was immediately affected.

Like the ability of a natural disaster hunter, like the ability of a gospel annihilator, the ability to follow the connection between the two to destroy the target, defeating the "scheming master".

The invisible mist suddenly collapsed, and then—

Disintegrated into shadows.

A black figure emerged from it.

That is--

The ability of the "sleeper".

When the "sleeper" falls into deep sleep, he can lead to different times through dreams, and present the things of different eras in the age of the sleeper in the form of shadows.

The sleeper is the guide.

The visitors who brought the creatures of different ages to this age, before waking up in the empty shell constructed by dreamlike shadows.

When they return, they will feel like they have had a dream. They have only vague impressions or even forget about what they have experienced.

But this is just the original power.

Now that time has broken and collapsed, the sleeper's ability is only able to use this power to construct an empty shell.

A phantom phantom, a dreamlike empty shell.

An empty shell without consciousness boarding, an empty shell manipulated by the sleeper.

In the cracked haze, shadows quickly spread.

It is a strip of things like snakes.

The shadows, like snakes, entangled each other and threw out from the mist, biting towards the insects and butterflies.

Among the torn scarecrow corpses, several snake shadows suddenly appeared, and they slammed toward the insects and butterflies around him.

Shekou, which was covered with fine and sharp teeth, cut off the bodies of several insect butterflies and tore off their arthropods.

In the face of the attack, the insect butterfly also responded quickly.

A pair of arthropods grabbed towards its body, the posture, as if to directly tear these shadow snakes into pieces.

However, just as the dense arthropods struck, from the bodies of the black snakes, several snake heads protruded again.

Like a multi-headed snake, but also like a strange snake with wings.

The dense snake heads protruding from the shadows formed strange black wings, crushing all the probing arthropods. The wings formed by the black snakes, even extended in the opposite direction, hovered upwards, dragging the insects one by one. The human body is bound.

"Black Butterfly" Veria also seemed to have noticed what happened here.

Almost at the same time, the arthropods, exoskeletons, and the non-human parts of the insects quickly showed a dull color.

Adapting, changing.

Yago, who was watching all this, clearly realized what this change meant.

It is transforming into a characteristic shared by the sequence of the "dream" pathway.

Yago did not act, and the Silver Crow stood on his shoulders like this.

Seeing this scene, he whispered:

"Rather than using cognition to connect the blood of the gods, the power of time is more appropriate?"

Hearing that, Agathet, the silver crow on his shoulder, just glanced at the huge blood-colored vines, glanced at the crimson blood cores rippling between the tentacles held high by the flesh priest, and responded:

"'Life' may be more appropriate as a connection."


Yago couldn't help but sighed when he heard the response.

The existence of the "Sequential Path" carries too many shadows that are clearly in the past world.

One by one "sequence", in his view of folklore mythology, he can find many details derived from myths and legends.

The terms of those "professionals", including "sorcerers", "clerics", and the so-called "Holy Light", "nobles" and other concepts, have too many connections with previous lives.

He already understands one thing now.

That is, the source of these sequences is the "professionals" before the order collapses.

Originated from humans or monsters that have been eroded by the residue of the power of the gods.

At the very beginning, when he knew about this incident, he did not associate the “collapse of order” with it.

However, after learning more things, he also had a doubt.

That is......

How did the blood of the gods, those eroded professionals, put together a path.

That is, the "framework" of the "sequential approach" is forged by what.

However, all of this was understood after he had passed through the collapse of his dream from self-exile to time.

"Thousand Faces".

The power of cognition.

With the power of cognition, the framework of the "sequential approach" is formed, which connects these powers that originate from the gods and belong to professionals.

The gods are the living rules, the tree of rules, and the fallen branches and leaves of the tree of Heju.

The collapse of order is the collapse of rules.

These forces, which originally came from the same aspect or even the same god, became completely independent as the order collapsed and became separate individuals.

The wizard gathers the rules through the tower at the end, the flame seed builds the "path" with the power of cognition, and he...

Yago's gaze moved to the "Black Butterfly" that was attacking the "Flood Priest".

He used the power of time to piece together several professionals to form a "path".

The "Your Majesty" who tried to swallow all blue blood and the blood of all gods.

There is...

The "pope" approach, "heretical preachers" and "paradox scholars" are simply the ability to fabricate this framework.

Finally, there is...

His gaze finally fell on the blood core condensed by the "main priest of flesh and blood".

At the core of all these events, the "Tower at the End" combined and restored...

"The Tree of He Ju".

"I hope my guess is correct—"

When his voice fell, "Black Butterfly" Veria's attack from the insects and butterflies had already fallen on the blood-colored giant nucleus.

However, it was too late.

The silver shining like a stream of water, the "invisible dancer", "the dead bird", "the priest of flesh and blood", "the man in the mirror", the "playing master", and the "sleeping man" summoned by the "Thousand Faces" ability , All turned into streamers, flying back in his direction.

Including Agathet on his shoulders, at this moment, also retracted into his body.

Only the blood core floated peacefully in the air.

But no one can ignore such an unusual scene.

Including "Black Butterfly" Veria himself.

She seemed to have noticed something, she looked at Yago with incredible gaze, and there was a trace of panic in her gaze.

And Yago just smiled:

"Insect swarms are indeed very strong, and of course very adaptable."

"It's just that the insect swarm is a member of the natural environment after all."

His and her sights, at this moment, returned to the cracks that appeared on the huge blood core.

Yago sounded again with some emotions:

"The tree of Heju, really is alive."

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