Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 1053: Crazy time

She opened her hands and embraced.

A silver cane sword emerged from the air, piercing her chest, with a voice:

"Do you want to die that way?"

At the end of the cane and sword, a man with silver-gray eyes emerged, looking at this woman who was her mother in a sense, or a god:

"It's unbelievable to desperately want to die and try every means to create opportunities for others to kill oneself."

Yago's expression was complicated, and he still couldn't believe it until now.

She was pierced by the sword, without any resistance, she still smiled, even stretched out her hands, and gradually lost her strength and hugged Yago:

"Believe it now? My blood?"


Yago allowed her to hold the cane and sword that penetrated her body, the color outline became brighter, clearer, and clearer, while her body gradually faded.

He can feel that power, the power of time, is gradually becoming complete.


It is precisely because of this that his senses are constantly getting stronger.

Various things in disorderly order and regularly twisted are constantly rising and falling in his senses.

He seemed to be able to see the whole world.

In fact, this is not the first time he has seen such a scene.

He had strangled the descendants of the Fast family countless times to obtain the blood of silver, and he could see a similar situation every time.

It's just that the feeling this time is even bigger. What I saw this time, it almost lost all the disorderly perception of order, and all the chaotic and disorderly scenes were more "comprehensive".

The sound of ballads that sounded in time could barely recognize a trace of orderly ballads, and at this time, it turned into a completely frantic babble.

The ballads that have been shattered and put together indiscriminately are so offensive.

Perhaps death, the complete annihilation of consciousness, is indeed a relief.

At this time, in front of him, the woman whose appearance was extremely close to the "Elsa" she was familiar with, the first generation Patriarch of Fast, who should be called "Elti", also completely disappeared.

He couldn't help shook his head. Is the image of "Elsa" close to "Elte", right?

Not just her, not just "Elti".

At this time, Yago has been able to clearly realize.

He looked at the city.

Everywhere in this city, as a person familiar with the life of "Diago Claurido Fast", he was dragged out of the ruins of time because of his acquaintance. ".

He himself is the source, and he himself is the result.

The source is in him, and the result is also in him.

However, compared to ouroboros which bite between the head and tail.

This symbol.

In his hand, a strange symbol emerged as the silver blood changed.

As if the number "8" is placed on the side of the rotating symbol.


An hourglass that can reverse time.

After crushing the symbol in one hand, Yago looked at the other side who had stopped fighting during this short-lived incident——

The "Black Butterfly" lady in a gorgeous gown.

The other party was looking at him in astonishment.

It seems that she did not expect such a situation to happen:


However, Yago did not explain to her whether "Elti" was tired of the time dimension that was chaotic after the collapse of order, or because of the disappearance of the "Fast Susie Colola" The world, or something else.

This "Elti", this "Elti Fast", he killed it with his own hands.

The silver cane sword followed Yago's right hand and pointed at the "black butterfly":

"Ms. Raul Villa, the successor of Duke Rose, the wizard'Black Lady' who manipulates insects and butterflies, can you please answer a question?"


The moment he pronounced his name, his face changed, and the "Black Butterfly" lady, who seemed to realize something, suddenly collapsed and turned into countless insects and butterflies scattered around. The scene before it seemed to be staged again.

The shadow monsters, the countless eyeball-manipulating shadow monsters above the sky and behind the rift, immediately pounced on the butterflies, seemingly not planning to let them go.

The same goes for Yago.

In an instant, he activated his ability.

It is not the conceptualization of "professionals" with the power of cognition, cognition and abstraction as symbols, and fixed as a link in the sequence of pathways, but the direct reproduction of the power of the gods and the direct reproduction of the gods contaminated by the cognitive concept power.

Although, in this way, he will directly suffer pollution from different time and space, but this level of power itself cannot be filtered by conceptualized, cognitive, and symbolized professionals.

It's fine for a short time, and for a long time, those conceptual symbols formed by professionals will be distorted by pollution, toward the source, and distorted by cognitive forces drawn from different time and space.

Inside the tower at the end, there are no regular fragments.

Inside the tower at the end, there is a terrifying force drawn from the different time and space by the channel of cognition.

Those rule fragments, those gods, are used to block and isolate pollution.

Through the tower at the end?

Into the Tower of End?

Seek a dead end.

In the long river of silver time, what he saw and what he knew told him how terrifying the so-called Tower at the End was.

After crossing the tower at the end, maybe you can touch the long river of time?

It's true.

But before that, it will be turned into a complete monster by the pollution that even the blockade formed by the regular fragments cannot stop.

The "Sequence Path" is not a gift from a god, nor is it a wizard's accomplishments, but a pipe bridge created by someone to transport pollution and destroy the world.

At this moment, no one knows all this better than he who has become "time" itself.

He is very familiar with the culprit of all this-"Master Lu".


Scenes of disgusting memories emerged, and Yago, in a complex mood, turned the silver walking stick in his hand into a weird silver book. On the pages of the book, the words "Say the Dead Bird" flickered.

In an instant, Yago seemed to be able to see that a silver light flashed on a tall tower sinking into the boundless Dead Sea, and a deadly force surged through the blood of the silver, using the pages of the book as the door.

In an instant, a silent sound of the cavity rang out, and a silver light and shadow like starlight revealed from the pages of the book, forming a strange bird with a bone-like cavity.

The body of the strange bird flew across the sky.

Wherever it passed, countless flying insects and butterflies suddenly stagnated, and their vitality instantly dissipated.

Even the earth, the flesh and blood thorns that were blocked by insects and butterflies, quickly lost their vitality and collapsed.

However, the price is that Yago's body, the book of silver, has a large and dark shadow.

The nature of the ability of "Silver Blood" can be affected by drowning to the bottom of the River of Time, temporarily avoiding the impact.

However, these effects will not disappear in a vacuum.


Now that Yago has become a life of time, he is even more aware that this kind of transfer is nothing more than a transfer from the head to the "fangs" and then release.

It is not a real exemption from harm.

What's more, this kind of time conversion is not by transferring foreign objects, but by transferring one's own vitality, the activated time, and the silver blood itself.

The more frequently it is used, the thinner the silver blood will become.

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