Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 1025: Sequence 3 Pale Bishop

"The imitation of the stars cannot capture the real'snake'."

At this point, the silver-haired woman's eyes widened.

At this moment, in her mind, the familiar voice sounded again:

"What makes you think I will wake up because of the awakening of my body?"

"Have you figured out which is the main body? Dear lady?"

"Snake of the stars? Hehe, man-made god, you might as well as "mystery"."

The moment this voice rang in her mind, a dark and gloomy silhouette appeared beside her, standing in front of the mist.

At this moment, the woman's complexion suddenly changed, and the silver body quickly disintegrated, turning into a pool of silver currents, dripping to the ground.

On the other hand, the silhouette of the human figure, in a trend of melting, turned his attention to the mist:

"Speaking of which, of all the gods created by wizards, you, the real body of'Mystery' I am most curious about."

"Is there any information you can disclose to me?"


A voice came from the fog:

"If I say it, I will lose my last chance."

"Really smart." The silhouette of the figure laughed. "All-knowing and omnipotent is too ridiculous. It's good to have a brain without hands."

The moment the laughter fell, the shadow collapsed and shattered, disappearing before the fog.

The mist just watched all this silently, watching the pool of silver blood dissipate as stars.

I don't know how long it took, a faint sigh came from the mist:

"The promise of time cannot be determined."

"The past, present, and future decisions are not the same."

"However, He is not time."

"He is after time."

"The paths leading to the gates of the tower at the end are all traps."


"A trap that had to be stepped into."

In the whisper, the strange mass of fog condensed slightly turned its direction, but never moved its position:

"The moment I get to the top, everything is over."

The source of the mysterious sound, floating silently in the endless sea of ​​fog, with a desperate compromise.


Yago stood quietly in place.

He seemed to be ignored by both sides at the same time.

However, in this state, he had a wonderful feeling.

This feeling is indescribable, a strange feeling that blends a sense of restraint and the coming sense of liberation.

It's time to "mold".

This sudden feeling caught Yago off guard.

However, he has no means to resist.

At the next moment, he felt that his body had changed.

The body that looked like a silhouette trembled slightly at this moment.

The dull, shadow-like illusion and haziness gradually faded away.

Instead, there is an invisible, strange gray figure with constantly changing contours and edges.

A gray-white giant cocoon the size of a human figure appeared in place.

In the next moment, one after another gray-white weird limbs shredded the last few remaining shadows on the body surface.

Those weird limbs after another are his "arms", or "legs", or "tongues", "lips", "teeth", or "heart" or "brains"... ....


These arthropods can be transformed into different organs at any time according to the situation.

It was at this moment that Yago truly realized his "essence".

The essence of his present "extraordinary creature" posture.

It was very close to what he had previously guessed.

"Adapt", or "change".

Just and...

Yago suddenly raised his head and looked at the "two sides" who were fighting.

Just like the lady "Black Butterfly".

The weird gray-white insect wings broke out from his "back" and from the gray-white "worm cocoon".

"Sure enough, it's a bug."

Yago doesn't like bugs.

Although he knows that arthropods cannot be roughly summed up as "worms."

He likes arthropods like crabs, shrimps, and mantises quite a bit.

Although I don't want to actually touch the word "spider", I really like all kinds of cultural creations and art about spiders.

It would be great if it could be replaced by a crow.

Yago, who became more and more familiar with the changes in his body, thought with emotion.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that the gray-white worm wings and worm limbs that were protruding from the body suddenly stopped moving.

Almost at the same time, Yago seemed to feel a look.

Although I don't know if it comes from the "Black Butterfly" lady or the "Father of Insight".

But this feeling...

As if echoing his will, the gray beetle gradually disintegrated, and then...

The pale, cocoon-like body, in the next moment, the case quickly became hard.

At this moment, the thread-like objects constructed by countless arthropod-like objects dissolve and bond.

The gully fissure quickly healed, and a gray-white egg appeared in place.

Yago could also feel that his body was changing.

And, quickly.

Cracks appeared on the gray strange egg again.

But then...

With an invisible neigh, a gray-white abnormal crow broke out of the gray-white giant egg.

The white crow's body shape is not normal.

Although he looks like a bird, like an albino crow, in Yago's own sense of self, he is still a piece of protoplasmic flesh without a fixed body.

It's just that the shape of this piece of meat is the shape of a crow.

The clusters of bird feathers are just pseudopods, just like the arthropods before.

It's just the difference in appearance.

In essence, there is no difference.

At this time, he was just like the "Black Butterfly" lady there.

As long as he wants, he can transform into a human form at any time like the "black butterfly" lady.


Just changing the shape does not make sense.

His eyes turned abruptly, and Yago's eyes fell on the **** sky.


On the crimson ground.

When his gray claws or claw-shaped body touched the ground, a strong feeling emerged.

He can take the initiative to change.

It is no longer the same as before, requiring passive change.

Without hesitation, he activated his "only" ability.

In an instant, his body was stained with blood.

Then he was attacked.

The attack came from...

"Black Butterfly".

One by one, dense gray and white insect butterflies flooded towards Yago.

However, Yago has completed his transformation.

Yes, very fast.

At a speed that he couldn't imagine, the transformation was completed almost instantly, as if he and the power of this blood-colored earth were in an abnormal fit.

At the moment when the transformation was completed, a code name emerged in his heart——

"The Pale Bishop"

The ability that I have now is very similar to the ability of a way of impression.


It was almost an instant, one name after another, one code name, came to mind.

Accompanied by a low and familiar male voice:

"False believers, believers, blasphemous priests, heretical preachers, pardoners, gospel annihilators..."

"Pale Bishop."

However, when the voice that represented his current sequence appeared from the bottom of his heart, Yago was a little hard to concentrate.

Because, this familiar voice...

"Master Lu!?"

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