As soon as Liu Qianhui went out, she didn't think about coming back, and kept wandering around the islands in Yi Zhen's territory.

Taking advantage of the rain, Qu Mao has ordered the three newly manifested islands to continue to replant pastures and plant a few trees.

As for the information that Liu Qianhui fed back along the way, the Lord of the Chosen Players forces invaded the fleet, Qu Mao was not particularly flustered.

It has been eight or nine days since November 22, the third year of Tianxuan, and even if it rained for a few days after the decision was made that day, the territory of Yi Town has not given up on the project of building defense towers along the coastlines of various islands.

Now every island in Yi Town's territory can be said to be a hedgehog, and a large number of defense towers have been built along the coastline.

Even if the coastline is under the cliff, a large number of defense towers are built on the cliff.

The defense towers on each island in the territory of Yi Town have a thickness of more than 500 meters. Although the 500 meters is the coastline extending into the island during high tide, it may not be on the coastline during low tide, and the density between defense towers is also compressed. within 100 meters.

Qu Mao knew that a lot of gold coins and resources must have been spent on building so many defensive towers, but the number of enemies was too large. Otherwise, Qu Mao was really worried that relying on the military power of Yi Town's territory would not be able to withstand it.

Occasionally, Qu Mao boarded the naval warship of the Yizhen Territory, deliberately standing on the watchtower of the warship to take a look at the shore of the island to which the Yizhen Territory belongs, and felt a little shocking to himself.

Including the newly manifested Fukushima, Shangjima, and Zhijima, they are all defensive towers built in this way, and they did not slack off because of the pirates stationed in Fukushima.

There are so many defensive towers, each defensive tower has sufficient strategic materials, and the guards are on duty 24 hours a day. Qu Mao believes that if the invasion fleet of the Lord of the Chosen wants to land on any island, he will have to pay a very heavy price. the price.

Apparently, the Invasion Fleet of the Lord of the Chosen Players is also aware of this problem. Except for a slight test on the morning of December 1, they basically have no intention of actively attacking the islands in Yi Town's territory.

As Qu Mao expected, after the invading fleet of the Lord of the Chosen players came to the periphery of Yi Town's territory, they naturally entered a stage of confrontation with Yi Town's territory, and Yi Town's territory won a brief period of peace.

Taking advantage of this peaceful period, the territory of Yi Town needs to develop military strength and expand commercial trade.

However, the invasion fleet of the Lord of the Chosen players came too fast, and Maffei Trani only had time to dispatch three trade fleets with a total of 40 ships, and the sea route was completely blocked by the invasion fleet of the Lord of the Chosen players.

However, the development of military power can still continue.

The Invasion Fleet of God's Chosen player lord force is not close to the coastline to besiege the islands in Yi Town's territory, but is about 10 kilometers away from the coastline, except that the strait between the outlying island and the empty island is only 10 kilometers wide, which seems to be closer to the coastline.

While ordering the island owners and internal affairs officials of the islands to continue to check for deficiencies in the defense tower system and build more defense towers, Qu Mao also asked the outlying island military factory, Yidao military factory, United Island military factory, and Gandao military factory to speed up their efforts. Produce war consumables, especially arrows for naval shipboard ballistas, to lay the groundwork for future battles with invasion fleets of Chosen player lord forces.

Of course, as the Invasion Fleet of the Lord of the Chosen players continued to surround the territory of Yi Town, Qu Mao didn't bother to continue to toss the exchange of materials between different islands, and asked the islands to start speeding up infrastructure construction.

Su Yan also returned to Yidao from Shangdao, and was going to give Anmin lectures on Yidao, Lidao, Jidao, Zhongdao, Greendao, Bodao and Gandao.

The sea area between Lian Island and other islands has also been blocked by the invading fleet of God's Chosen player lords. Currently, among the 12 islands in Yi Town's territory, Lian Island and Sky Island are separated, and material and personnel interactions are basically impossible.

The sea area between Fukushima, Shangdao, Zhidao and Yidao has not been blocked by the invasion fleet of the Lord of the Chosen players, but the landing of these three newly manifested islands is relatively difficult, so the interaction of materials and personnel is relatively relatively difficult. few.

But the other islands, because they are connected by purple light trails, have frequent material and personnel interactions with each other.

On the morning of December 2nd in the third year of Tianxuan, Liu Qianhui, who was still wandering in Jidao, sent Qu Mao a long-distance communication again, asking Qu Mao to pay attention to the lord communication channel.

There are still nearly 100 million players in the lord communication channel, so the public screen is still scrolling information. Under normal circumstances, Qu Mao will not watch the public screen at all. At most, he will open the lord communication when he needs to communicate with Lai Dima and Fuzhi. Channel, even if it is opened, it will not pay attention to the information on the public screen.

Liu Qianhui specially reminded that Qu Mao still opened the lord communication channel suspiciously, but after only one glance, Qu Mao immediately closed it.

The entire lord's communication channel was almost flooded with insults against Yi Zhen's territory. Obviously, the numerous defense towers also made other players feel a little speechless.

Qu Mao didn't care about other players calling Yi Zhen's territory like a tortoise. It was the same operation to switch players casually. After all, there were hundreds or even thousands of players in one fight. What's wrong with passive defense?

Too lazy to respond to the abuse of other players on the lord's communication channel, Qu Mao is still talking about how he can use this quiet period. Players can definitely think of a way to conquer the defensive tower array, but it will take time, and it will be time for Yi Zhen's territory Actually not much.

The three new islands are taking advantage of the rain to replant pastures and trees. Su Yan begins to calm the people, Kong Ming is studying power machinery, and Maffei Trani is thinking about what kind of industry to develop.

Everyone is busy and time is precious.

However, the new three islands have two consecutive rainy seasons, and the reservoir planned by Qu Mao in the early stage has begun to fill up with water. Free range in pond systems.

The pirate captains also reported to Qu Mao that reinforcements from the pirate base camp were already on their way, and their leader also asked the reinforcements to bring over the blueprints they had obtained for the realization of the territory.

Although the area of ​​each territory realization drawing is very small, these territory realization drawings mean that the territory of Yizhen has a certain degree of confidence in building a port on Fukushima, so Qu Mao is still looking forward to this matter.

Although Fukushima is the smallest of the three new islands and is currently stationed by pirates, the construction of a wharf that can moor large ships will facilitate the mooring of pirate ships, and it will also facilitate the territory of Yizhen to send more ships to Fukushima. As for the military, civilian and material assistance from China, as for Shangdao and Zhidao, let’s wait for future opportunities.

The respite in Yizhen's territory must be digested from the results of the previous war.

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