At the end of December in the second year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao organized a gathering of the heroes of the Yi Village Territory. At the meeting, the development of the Yi Village Territory was not only reviewed, but also the development of the new year was planned.

But the meeting was still going on, and Zhao Pan and Sylvia Oshen almost had a fight with the help of alcohol, so that Qu Mao had to ask all the heroes, island owners and officials to carry out their respective tasks step by step, and the party was dissolved in advance .

Now that the Yi Village Territory has recruited heroes, more and more families of the heroes will be sent to the Yi Village Territory by the system. Qu Mao has to find a way to accommodate the families of these heroes.

At the end of the year, including the heroes who surrendered, Qu Mao paid a total of 1,879 gold coins for 35 heroes after Su Yan calculated.

The soldiers also deducted more than 10,000 gold coins from Yi Village Territory in one breath. The Yi Village Territory account that originally had 30,000 gold coins left only 17,000 gold coins after a day or two.

Fortunately, the heroes have begun to perform their duties.

Su Yan and Su Qiao'er are in charge of internal affairs. Entering the new year, the internal affairs of Yicun's territory is the module that requires the most energy and resources, and it is also the area that Qu Mao is most worried about.

In just two months from November to December in the second year of Tianxuan, the total population of Yi Village territory increased by nearly 40,000 people, and these new populations mainly came from the second batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. Naval fighters, these populations are inherently opposed to Yi Village's territory.

The loyalty and loyalty of this group of people, as well as the sense of hatred formed during the battle, have not been completely eliminated, which is the biggest risk point in the internal affairs of Yi Village territory in the new year.

The internal affairs of Yicun Territory in the new year still focus on three aspects. One aspect is tax policy.

At the beginning, when the leaders were converted to free citizens, 10 units of arable land were allotted to each family. What Su Yan promised was tax-free within one year. Now the first batch of free citizens has passed the one-year tax-free period, and they are about to start according to the normal situation. Tax paid.

After more than a year of development, the freedmen who were transferred from the early lords have basically solved the problem of food and clothing. We must consider the issue of repurchase of their crop output and the taxes they pay for the cultivated land in the territory. The agricultural tax in China is generally four out of ten, but Qu Mao didn't want to set it so high.

Su Yan and Su Qiaoer are mainly responsible for implementing these matters one by one. Su Yan wants to tax ten to three, but Qu Mao thinks it can still be lower. After all, Yi Village’s own cultivated land can basically harvest one season a month, and The arable land in the hands of free people usually takes half a year to a year to harvest one season.

Kongming, Suli, Mengde, and Xuande are four counselor heroes who are mainly responsible for supervising projects, including the construction of new villages, and large-scale water conservancy projects must be arranged by them.

It can be foreseen that the territory of Yi Village will be in the process of busy and tense infrastructure construction for a long time in the future, and the total population will increase to 60,000 in one go. The 34 new villages will be added to the existing 36 villages, making a total of 70 villages. The village may not be able to resettle everyone well.

What's more, every month, Maffei Trani will purchase at least several hundred or thousands of people from the trading city. These people need to be properly resettled. The recruited refugees were almost ignored in the minds of Qu Mao and others.

Xinping originally wanted to train intelligence personnel, but in fact Qu Mao asked him to further build two five-story buildings on the south side of Yicun Square, behind the library and the tavern. One will be the office of the Magicians Association in Yicun Territory .

The other will serve as the headquarters of Xinping's intelligence agency. Xinping is helping Jenny Water to supervise the establishment of the office of the Association of Magicians.

Jenny Water is currently active on various construction sites, leading a team of senior fighters to help clear the surface of different construction sites. Anyway, the two five-story buildings were not far from each other, so Qu Mao simply asked Xinping to take care of all the construction projects of the two five-story buildings.

Even though the five-story building is a relatively high-level existence in the folk houses, it is a folk house after all, and it doesn't take long to build it. At most, the decoration is a little more laborious.

Needless to say, naval heroes and army heroes are more recruiting, training soldiers, and constantly hunting to improve the loyalty of soldiers and the degree of cooperation with veterans.

Zhen Fu currently has no actual task of recruiting and surrendering, so she mainly hangs around places where surrendered soldiers lead civilians, prisoners of war converted to free civilians, and surrendered soldiers gather, and do psychological counseling work for these anxious people from time to time.

As for the heroes captured and surrendered from the Anti-Yi Village Alliance invasion fleet, of course, including the recruited rogue heroes, even though Zhen Fu knew that these 16 heroes were busy spinning around like a spinning top, she still required these 16 heroes every two Zhou is going to the Yi Village Tavern for a gathering, and at the moment it is naturally doing ideological work to increase their loyalty.

In the entire territory of Yi Village, everyone is busy. Su Yan has to take care of the sale of warships. Fortunately, there are not many warships repaired now. Sylvia Ocean only gave Su Yan 20 small warships. , won't take up too much of Su Yan's time.

But as more and more warships are being repaired in the future, and the gold coins in Yicun’s territorial account continue to be short, Qu Mao will definitely continue to go to Sylvia Ocean to sell more warships, which means Su Yan's task of selling warships will become heavier and heavier.

Qu Mao himself was constantly shuttling between the three islands. It was rare for so many projects to be started on the three small islands in the territory of Yi Village at the same time. Qu Mao naturally couldn't let go of such an excellent opportunity to earn cheat points.

Busy and happy running around on the construction site, drawing the construction plan of each village, guiding the water supply and drainage projects of each village, etc., even after observing the difficulties of the construction personnel, actively updating the process or tools, etc. Now Qu Mao's total cheating value has exceeded 30,000, which is equivalent to the fact that after recruiting the two heroes Shanks Reid and Hua Tielan last time, Qu Mao earned more than 10,000 cheating points.

Qu Mao, who has 30,000 cheating points, always has an urge to continue to spend money in the cheating mall. Gold coins, outstandingly qualified leaders, and high-level fighters are all objects that Qu Mao wants to spend.

But in the end Qu Mao held back, who knows when the Anti-Cheat Alliance will send the third invasion fleet to invade Yi Village's territory?

The first two batches of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance sent warships and population to the territory of Yi Village. The third batch of invasion fleets will definitely change drastically. It is better to keep the cheat value to deal with the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. Woolen cloth.

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