After finishing the communication with Zhao Pan, Qu Mao felt a lot more relaxed. He wiped out the three warships of the Anti-Cheating Alliance. Now there are only 13 warships left in the Anti-Cheating Alliance, but they want to blockade the three islands in the territory of Yi Village. It can no longer be blocked.

At noon, Qu Mao finally finished the long-distance communication with the army hero, and applied for long-distance communication with Sylvia Ocean.

Originally, Qu Mao just wanted to inform Sylvia Ocean Island of the victory of Sky Island, and that the army heroes needed to hold a military meeting to consider how to arrange the spoils on Sky Island.

Sylvia Ocean said disapprovingly at first: "My lord, the victory of the army has nothing to do with our navy. It is enough for Mr. Fuller to represent the navy and attend the meeting. His subordinates will recruit soldiers at the naval barracks.

The people of the outlying islands didn't come back so soon, and the newly recruited naval reserve personnel need their subordinates to wait here. "

Qu Maodao: "Sir Mrak, Wang Ping, Xuande, and Chafidel are all on the way back, and they are very excited to hear that Zhao Pan has won a complete victory, his own soldiers have zero deaths, and they have defeated the three enemy landing warships.

At present, there are nearly 600 prisoners of war on the empty island, including more than 200 enemy wounded soldiers. There are also three small enemy warships moored on the civilian pier of the empty island. These are three enemy warships captured by our army. Zhao Pan has been thinking about how to send these three warships to you. "

Sylvia Ocean's voice immediately became sharp: "My lord, there are three warships parked at the empty island civilian pier? And these three warships still belong to the navy of our Yi Village territory? Are you sure?"

Qu Mao said: "Nonsense! Zhao Pan told me personally in the remote communication, can I be sure?

However, during the process of forcibly docking at the civilian pier of the empty island, these three enemy warships were attacked many times by our coastal defense ballistas and coastal defense catapults, and they were all damaged. "

Sylvia Ocean directly shouted: "My lord, please wait for me for five minutes, and my subordinates will be here soon."

In less than three minutes, Sylvia Oshen broke into the fourth-story brick house in the small military village like crazy, rushed straight to Qu Mao, and said eagerly: "My lord, don't hold a military meeting, this subordinate wants to bring 300 Naval warriors, you hand over all 12 shuttle boats to your subordinates."

Qu Mao looked at Sylvia Ocean in astonishment, and said, "Damn it! Sylvia, are you crazy?

Although Zhao Pan has defeated the three enemy warships that forcibly landed on the sky island, there are still two warships from the Anti-Yi Village Alliance blocking the sky island and outlying islands.

There are only 12 shuttle boats carrying 300 naval warriors from the territory of Yi Village. You just want to break through the blockade of the enemy warships on the sea area between the empty island and outlying islands. What is the difference between you and crazy?

Even if our warships want to go out to cooperate with you, they will not be able to do so.

Sylvia, don't be dazzled by the victory. What we want is an overall victory against the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. It doesn't matter if it's the navy or the army.

You want to use 12 shuttle boats to break through the blockade of enemy warships, Sylvia, what do you think? "

Sylvia Ocean said: "My lord, my subordinates did not think of relying on the shuttle boat to forcibly break through the blockade of the enemy warship, but the shuttle boat and the subordinates of the warship can be put in the backpack.

The subordinates can lead the naval warriors to the civilian pier of the outlying island through the purple light trail, hand over the warship and other naval fighters to Mr. Fuer, and the subordinates will take 300 naval warriors to take advantage of the night and use the shuttle boat to the empty island to receive the three soldiers on the empty island. captured warship.

Then the three warships on Sky Island and Mr. Fuer's naval warships set off from the civilian pier of the outlying islands attacked back and forth. Do you think the two warships used by the enemy to block the sea can withstand it?

After launching the warships from the outlying islands, Fuer took part of the warships back to the Yidao Naval Port, and attacked back and forth again. Wouldn't the battle be over? "

Qu Mao shook his head and said: "You are too crazy, Sylvia, with 12 shuttle boats and more than 300 naval warriors, even at night, breaking through the blockade of two enemy warships is undoubtedly courting death.

First of all, I will not allow you to play with your own life, and secondly, I will not allow you to play with the lives of our naval warriors..."

Sylvia Ocean suddenly raised her voice an octave, and shouted: "My lord, the sea area between the outlying island and the empty island is only 10 kilometers long, and my subordinates can swim to the empty island even without the help of a shuttle boat.

There are three warships there, and the outlying islands can be liberated by taking the subordinates of those three warships, my lord! "

Qu Mao also raised his voice and shouted: "Sylvia, let me tell you again: the three warships captured on Sky Island were hit by our coastal defense ballista many times during the forced landing, and they are already in serious battle damage. state.

A damaged warship is not comparable to a complete warship, so calm down Sylvia, I am as eager to win as you are, but winning is not reckless! "

Sylvia Ocean's eyes became red, and instead of continuing to talk to Qu Mao, she directly applied for remote communication with Fuer Swamp.

After the communication was connected, Sylvia Ocean said directly: "Lord Fuer, Lord Zhao Pan has captured three enemy warships that can go to sea in the sky island, and I have a battle plan.

The recruiting plan for the navy is suspended, I need you to cooperate with me unconditionally..."

Qu Mao watched in astonishment as Sylvia Ocean directly gave instructions and researched tactics to Fuer Swamp through remote communication.

After finishing the communication, Sylvia Ocean said to Qu Mao: "Your Excellency, you see, Lord Fuer fully agrees with his subordinate's battle plan.

12 shuttle boats, 360 naval fighters, mainly fourth-tier water ghosts, third-tier jumping soldiers, and a small number of second-tier ship shooters.

Time is running out, it is about 1 pm now, and at 11 pm tonight, the matter of crossing the sea to receive the captured warship will start.

The battle to liberate the outlying islands will start before dawn tomorrow, so just wait for the news of victory, my lord. "

Qu Mao put his hand on his forehead and said, "Sylvia, don't forget that the Anti-Yi Village Alliance still has 11 warships in the south of Yi Island. It only takes two hours to sail to the outlying island's civilian pier..."

Sylvia Ocean smiled and said: "My lord, unless they transfer all the warships to the outlying islands now, the subordinates will definitely win!

Two hours is enough for the subordinates to clean up the victorious battlefield.

My lord, this subordinate can no longer waste time with you, and must take immediate action.

The three warships, especially the three warships that are related to the outcome of the battle, even if the subordinates die, they still want to get the warships.

With these three warships, I assure you: the outlying islands will definitely be liberated!

Please wait for the news of victory! "

After finishing speaking, Sylvia Ocean directly left the fourth-story brick house in the small military village, leaving Qu Maofeng in a mess.

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