After returning to Yidao, Qu Mao, Su Yan, Su Qiaoer, Sunan, Yukdodo Yuri, the village chief of Mingang Village, Victor Las, the village chief of Fisherman Village, and Sir Mrak Sir who came back with him, etc. After a brief meeting on the development strategy of the Yi Village Territory in the recent period, they began to organize everyone to implement it nervously.

Due to Qu Mao's insufficient cheat value, the 98 treasure chests were not opened immediately to exchange for gold coins for Yi Village's territory.

The unanimous view is that hero upgrades are a top priority at this stage.

Therefore, Qu Mao completely handed over the high-level warrior team to Sir Mrak, and Su Yan added 20 third-tier princess guards to Sir Mrak, thus forming a hunting team led by Sir Mrak.

This team will hunt back and forth among Yi Village, Fisherman Village, and Mingang Village. Every night, they will go back to a certain village to rest, and will hand over the animal meat harvested during the day's hunting to the village head, who will organize it as food. Sea-salted or eaten fresh, the village chief has the final say, and Sir Mrak and his troops eat with the villagers.

Sir Mrak has the 50 gold that Qu Mao gave him, and he can directly use the system decomposition to obtain animal meat and animal skin. The animal meat is given to the village chief, and the animal skin is temporarily placed in Sir Mrak’s backpack, and will be handed over to him in the future. Su Yan dealt with it uniformly.

Qu Mao and Su Yan also conducted preliminary discussions, planning to transport animal skins and blank rune stones to Yancheng as tentative commodities for sale.

Maybe the animal skins and blank rune stones can also bring some gold coins to the territory of Yi Village. After nearly half a year, benefiting from the fixed-point refreshing of Yi Island's beasts, the territory of Yi Village has accumulated more than 300,000 animal skins. Of course, the blank rune stones The number of Yicun territories also exceeded 300,000 units.

During the preparations for the procurement mission of the Yancheng people, Qu Mao himself took 50 fighters who had not yet reached the bottleneck in the territory of Yi Village, and carried out random hunting.

Because the selection criteria is that the level has not reached the bottleneck, Qu Mao's team is particularly strange. There are first-tier spearmen, second-tier halberd soldiers, second-tier archers, third-tier sharpshooters, etc., but there are no fourth-tier and above fighters.

Fortunately, the third-tier princess guards assembled two teams, so that even if Qu Mao didn't summon Xiang Yu and A Ke, the whole team would not be in danger on Yidao.

But it is impossible for Qu Mao to waste the opportunity of cheating to summon A Ke and Xiang Yu, especially now that the cheating value is not enough to open 98 treasure chests.

It's a pity that the folding space and wild resource mines on Yi Island have basically been conquered. Qu Mao has no way to engage in large-scale battles, so he can only lead his team to fight wild beasts.

But Qu Mao has always believed that there must be more than 18 wild resource mines on Easy Island, and there must be some wild resource mines that have not reached the level displayed by the cheating system, or resource mines that have not been opened in the lord system for the time being.

The discovery of the underground passage is evidence. The area was searched many times by Yi Village's troops before, and it was finally rediscovered?

Qu Mao insisted on doing casual hunting every day, but Qu Mao was already level 71, and it was impossible to increase his level by hunting casually in a day or two. But even if you can't level up, you still have to fight for the battle. After all, although the experience points are small, they can be accumulated to some extent.

Su Yan herself also has an upgrade task, but it is only about 10 days since Wang Ping and Zhao Pan returned, and it is not more than three weeks before they go to Yancheng, and the gold coins in the territory of Yi Village are obviously not enough to support two trips to Yancheng.

So Qu Mao asked Su Yan to concentrate on passing through the two first-tier markets in Yi Village, continuously selling unused supplies and props, killing 50 fourth-tier demon beasts Xieyan, the income from opening 170 treasure chests last time, and Qu Mao The Tier 3 monsters and Tier 4 monsters that were killed through the underground passage twice in a row with a team of senior fighters have not been completely sold out yet.

Even though there is such a shortage of gold coins, Qu Mao's daily communication with Lai Dima and Fuzhi through the lord's communication channel has not been interrupted, and Qu Mao has not wasted a day of 100-character text messages every day.

Lai Dima is also working hard to help Qu Mao find blueprints for rare functional buildings such as taverns, hero unions, and magic towers, but there is no good news yet. Fu Zhi promised that Qu Mao's 5,000 gold will always be valid. But Qu Mao's own list of goods has been changing and has not been finalized.

Su Yan paid close attention to the account changes in the territory of Yi Village every day, and persuaded Qu Mao many times to open the 98 treasure chests brought back from the outlying island last time.

It’s not that Qu Mao didn’t want to open these 98 treasure chests. The most important problem is that the amount of cheating points is still not enough. When I first came to Easy Island, I still remember the experience of opening black iron treasure chests and bronze treasure chests. It's better not to open it.

On this day, Qu Mao came to the first-order market, found Su Yan, and said, "Su Yan, I've been thinking about it. I'm going to wait for the last chance for my God-Chosen friend to deliver the goods after I return from Yancheng."

Su Yan blinked her eyes a few times, and said: "My lord, this subordinate thinks that we can advance as much as possible in advance, after all, the materials purchased from your God-Chosen friend are provided by your other God-Chosen friend, which is what we agreed before." of.

So some more supplies, after we purchase enough people from Yancheng, we can start directly and do a big job. "

Qu Mao sighed, and said: "Using it now, what he can send is some upgrade blueprints for basic buildings, not a single blueprint for rare functional buildings.

Of course, resources can definitely send a large wave, but we need magic towers, taverns, and hero unions, and we also lack other buildings such as shipyards.

A waste of an opportunity will not help us.

On the contrary, after we return from Yancheng, it is better to determine what we lack the most. Even if there are no necessary scarce functional buildings, we generally know how many resources are needed, so as not to waste too many gold coins on resources.

Even if I send a small sponsorship, we can't spend it indiscriminately, right? "

Su Yan thought for a while, and said: "My lord's words are also reasonable, and my subordinates feel that if this is the case, then follow your lord's opinion, and we will consider these issues after we return from Yancheng.

With so many more citizens all of a sudden, it seems that we have to increase the construction of residential buildings in the territory. "

Qu Mao said: "For those who transfer to free people, give them land and let them pay for the service and build their own homes. This matter can't be delayed, and try to free up more control points."

Su Yan nodded and said, "Understood, my lord, I've been doing it all the time, don't worry!"

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