The dense shoal of white bone fish formed a vortex underwater.

The helmsman stuck the rudder, and the hull was still rotating with the vortex, making it difficult to control.

bang bang!

Adjacent ships collided with each other, and the crew members were thrown into the sea like dumplings.

"What's going on? Hurry up and repair the bottom of the ship, why are the murlocs crazy?" Yoshikawa Uchida, standing on the stairs of the cabin, shouted loudly.

Even though they were on the periphery, why did the murlocs go crazy and attack them.


Another loud bang.

The hull of the boat swung sharply to one side, and the people in the boat instantly turned upside down.

"Uchida-kun, what do you think that is? It's not a murloc, how could this be a murloc?" Someone shouted loudly.

Yoshikawa Uchida got up in embarrassment and looked towards shouting.

With just such a glance, the pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that a big hole had been broken on one side of the bottom of the boat, and a long, jagged white bone was stuck in the hole, writhing and struggling non-stop.

The sea water kept pouring into the boat along the gap between the hole and the 'bone saw'.

Not a murloc?

Murlocs don't look like this at all.

Everyone's faces were a little ugly.

The murlocs gouging the bottom of the ship will not even cause the hull to tilt.

"Quick, what are you doing in a daze, kill it!" Yoshikawa Uchida shouted.

The people around immediately woke up from their daze.

Pick up the spear and the firecracker, and attack the monster at the entrance of the cave directly.

Puff puff, bang bang!

The sound of stabbing and gunfire sounded.


The bone saw that pierced the bottom of the ship broke at the sound.

The giant white bone fish dropped the broken part, turned around and swam away.

Don't wait to pick up the broken bone and check it out.

Boom boom boom!

A dull impact appeared from around the hull again.

Click click click!

More and more bone saws pierced the bottom and hull of the ship.

Everyone panicked. If this goes on, the boat might not last long.

"Repair the damage, don't stop, hurry up." Yoshikawa Uchida continued to roar loudly.

Let the rest of you, don't give up hope.

People struggled to move inside the boat like a tumbler, trying to repair the damaged parts.

And more damage appeared one after another.

The entire hull, like a hornet's nest, was dilapidated.

The sea water is rushing back.

No matter how the crew tried to make up, they couldn't keep up with the attack speed of these monsters.

Don't talk about blocking the hole, I'm afraid it will last for a while.

The whole ship will disintegrate.

Yoshikawa Uchida staggered onto the deck, leaned on the side railing, and looked around.

All around, there are boats, dumping and sinking.

The sea is full of people begging for mercy.

And, one after another, the giant white bone fish rushed up and dragged people into the sea.

The broken limbs floated to the surface of the sea along with the blood.

damn it.

These are undead.

Undead in the ocean.

Yoshikawa Uchida looked to the west again, and the Federation ship kept a long distance.

It was not attacked by the undead, and it was calm.

A few figures could be vaguely seen, standing on the deck, looking over here.

Thinking about it again, when I first saw fish bones being thrown into the sea, it was not difficult to guess that these undead were the means of the other party.

After thinking about it quickly, I found that there was no countermeasure.

Yoshikawa Uchida yelled directly: "Raise the white flag, quickly, replace the flag."

Everyone was taken aback.

The white flag represents surrender, which is surrender with fish bones?

Someone still quickly climbed up the mast and raised the white flag.

But even if the white flag is raised, the undead group is still attacking non-stop.

There is no intention of stopping.

World Channel.

The sudden appearance of information interrupted the original content.

"Which gentleman's ship is it in the sea area of ​​the spiny fin, hold your hand high."

"@白萱, Miss Baixuan, is it your ship? We admit defeat and surrender, please give us a chance to make up for it."

"The traversers of the Hundred Cities Federation, we are wrong, please let me go, we are willing to make up for it."

"Everyone is a time traveler, please let us live."

"The Sea Clan has nothing to do with us..."

At this time, there were not many people on World Channel.

The sudden swipe begging for mercy made the whole channel instantly quiet.

Messages of begging for mercy kept scrolling up.

The rest were dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Is this border war?

Only when people from two different regions go to war will they beg for mercy on the World Channel.

Otherwise it is the regional channel.

"Who is at war with whom?"

"I mentioned the Federation of Hundred Cities. Is it from the human side or from the orcs? Haven't you heard of it?"

"They mentioned Bai Xuan. I don't know what kind of battle it is."

"Run if you can't fight, what's the use of begging for mercy, can't you run?"

After begging for mercy.

It is a discussion among a group of people who eat melons.

The world region is too large.

There are definitely a lot of federal forces, and they all have their own guesses for a while.

All I know is that a group of people seem to be blocked by some force.

And the battle was extremely fierce.

Fang Hao's side.

The white flag in the distance didn't make him plan to let these people go.

It wasn't that he started to pick things up first, but when he saw his boat approaching, a swarm of bees rushed over from the other side.

Moreover, there was not enough room on board to allow him to keep so many prisoners.


At this time, the Lord's Book sent a reminder.

Bai Xuan!

"Boss Fang Hao, did you beat up the little devil?"

Fang Hao was taken aback, is there surveillance on board?

"How to say?"

"World Channel, someone is attacking me and begging for mercy, and there are a lot of people."

The World Channel begs for mercy.

Immediately turned to the world channel to take a look.

It can be seen that someone is talking about this matter, but the message of Bai Xuan's begging for mercy can no longer be found.

Fang Hao replied to Bai Xuan, "I drove this boat out to take a look. They rushed over in a swarm, and I gave the order to attack? Why, do you know someone?"

"No, I'm just here to ask, and then take two photos for me, so I can post them on the alliance channel for the members to see." Bai Xuan replied.


Hang up the chat.

Fang Hao continued to look at the battle ahead.


After the hull was still struggling for a while.

An ear-shattering sound of cracking sounded from the hull.

The position of the waist of the boat can no longer withstand the devastation of the white bone fish, and there is a huge crack at the break.

Sea water kept pouring into the ship.

Even if everyone is busy, they can no longer repair the dilapidated hull.

Yoshikawa Uchida's face was pale. If he had known that he had left with the Hai Clan, he would not have ended up in the current situation.

"Uchida-kun, what should we do? What should we do now?" Someone came over in a panic and asked.

"What else can we do, let's figure out a way."


The moment the voice just fell, the hull disintegrated instantly.

Everyone fell into the sea like dumplings.

Yoshikawa Uchida quickly climbed up to the mast.

Find a relatively safe position, and watch the ship sink a little bit.

All around were the cries and cries for help from the crew.

But at this moment, no one can do anything.

Keep your body balanced.

Yoshikawa Uchida quickly took out a few magic scrolls from his backpack and shredded them.

He has been with the Sea Clan for so long, so he naturally has some in stock.

A stream of water-based magic wrapped around his body.

Even if he enters the sea, he can guarantee that he can swim faster and hold his breath longer than others.

As long as you find a safe location and exchange a ship, you can leave safely.

After thinking about the plan in my heart, the magic also took effect all over my body.

The moment the ship sank, he jumped into the water on his own initiative.


After a short period of blindness, Yoshikawa Uchida was overjoyed instantly.

These magic scrolls are indeed effective.

The resistance of the sea water is not great for him, and he can also keep breathing in a special way.

But this kind of joy disappeared instantly after he adjusted his posture and his eyes adapted to the water.

What followed was panic, panic, and ashes.

The sea is red.

Surrounded by densely packed ugly white bone giant fish.

They hovered in groups underwater, like a vortex, surrounding and killing any creatures that fell into the water.

Tear their bodies, together with their armor, into pieces.


In front of his eyes, several bone giant fish rushed towards him.

Yoshikawa Uchida, feeling tense, turned his head and fled in the opposite direction.

But even with the blessing of magic, it can't compare to the original fish.

Soon, one of his legs was bitten by the giant fish.

Then, three or four giant white bone fish rushed over and pounced on his body.

In the painful struggle, the giant white bone fish directly devoured him.

Broken limbs floated up, and the sea water became brighter red.

And these giant fish, after eating the target, quickly rushed to the next target.

Continue to repeat your own hunting.

The entire sea area was stained red with blood.

The red sea was covered with broken sawdust and broken limbs.

A shark sea monster attracted by blood.

In the face of so many bones and undead, he can only become one of the broken corpses.


At this time, the attendant of the ancient blood **** came out of the water, "My lord, the fleet ahead has been cleaned up, and no one survives."

Fang Hao nodded, "Salvage items, and salvage everything that is useful."

"Yes, my lord."

The Ancient Blood God Servant re-entered the water, brought the Bone Flood Flood Guard and the Bone Fish School, and started to salvage all the sunken objects.

In fact, sea-going ships are also of high value.

But it is too difficult to capture ships, and it is a waste of time.

Simply sink them all.

Anyway, in terms of ships, traversers can make them directly.

The Queen of White Veil also began to move forward.

Waiting, the skeleton soldiers salvage the loot.

And at this moment.

The Ancient Blood God Attendant emerged from the water again, and said, "My lord, there is an army of murlocs approaching."

Sure enough, it was a battle that attracted the murlocs.

"Let the undead army come back, and don't attack the murlocs yet." Fang Hao said immediately.

"Yes, my lord." The Ancient Blood God Servant dived back into the water and gave orders to the undead units.

The Queen of White Veil, after changing the bow totem.

Then there is an extra state called 'Murloc Ultimatum'.

In the case of not actively attacking murlocs, murlocs will not actively attack you.

But whether it is useful or not, it is just a matter of experimenting.

When all the all retreated around the ship and made a defensive posture.

One by one, the heads of the murlocs emerged from the water.

Like an outcropping bud, look here from a distance.

"Guru Kubagu, go ask them what's going on," Fang Hao said.

The Ancient Blood God Attendant nodded and approached.

The fish crowd, when they saw the ancient blood **** waiter, were obviously taken aback, and then they all yelled a few words of 'Wow, wow', and then made a gesture similar to saluting.

Then, I chatted with the ancient blood **** attendant.

It's just that the distance is a little far away, so I can't hear clearly.

Not long after, the Ancient Blood God Servant swam back again and said, "My lord, they are the murloc's patrol team. They were attracted by the **** smell. They want to talk to you and ask about some situations."

(end of this chapter)

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