Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 845-848

Chapter 845: The ripples caused by a small matter

After bidding farewell to Kant, the accountant turned and walked down the stairs. Until the menu was handed over to the chef, the cashier was still thinking about Kant's last question: when answering that question, the cashier deceived him. In fact, the waiter was arranged to pick up the soldiers at the city gate.

You have to ask why the accountant would use made-up excuses to cover up irrelevant facts. Probably because his heart was filled with uncertainty about the situation around him.

In case this is the task assigned by Kant to Bandak and Abel, and Bandak and Abel left the reception to themselves in order to go to the pharmacy. Then wouldn't they be scolded by Kant, recalling the relaxed look on Bandak and Abel's face before going out. Felit didn't want to ruin their pleasant atmosphere because of his gaffe.

I just simplified the process to avoid trouble. Felit thought so in his heart.

But the look in Kant's eyes when he said goodbye made him still uneasy.

It seemed that the other party saw through the lie the moment he said it, but the other party did not wake him up from his confusion.

"I didn't do anything wrong, right?" Philit muttered softly.

Felit stood back at the counter, preparing to concentrate on doing the accounting. As a result, his waiter led a group of armored soldiers into the hotel door.

"Mr. Philit, we're here." A waiter stepped forward and said in Philit's ear.

"Thank you for your hard work, you will be rewarded at dinner. Hurry up and change your uniforms." The accountant nodded to the remaining waiters and instructed.

"Yes." Three or four waiters cheerfully greeted the soldiers and left.

A soldier who looked like the leader of the group stepped forward and said hesitantly: "Listen to those people just now: His Majesty Kant and the others are all in your store."

"Yes, Commander Bandak and Captain Abel have prepared guest rooms for you to rest." The accountant replied respectfully: "As long as you get the key, you can go upstairs to rest."

"That's great." The leading soldier took a long breath and said, "However, we still want to meet the captain and the others first."

"This" cashier found the keys to the guest room and placed them on the counter for the soldiers to take. After hearing what the team leader said, he replied: "Sir Abel and Mr. Bandak just left the house not long ago, and Mr. Kande is still on his lunch break. He should not be able to see them for the time being."

The soldier leader frowned and said, "You won't let us see the real person.

How can we believe that Lord Kant and his party are indeed in your store? "

"Alas," the accountant thought for a while, then reluctantly took out the three gold coins that Abel had given him before from the box on the counter, and explained: "This is the room fee that Mr. Abel paid in advance for you. It should have the name Elf Kingdom on it." sign. If you don’t believe it, you can come and see it for yourself. If you don’t believe it, I can only ask you to sit in the lobby for a while and wait until Mr. Bandak and the others come back. Mr. Kant is taking a lunch break. As service staff in the store, we are I won’t take the initiative to wake him up.”

The soldier leader took the gold coin and looked at it for a while. After seeing the image of the current king of the Elf Kingdom on the back of the gold coin. He nodded slightly and said, "I believe you."

"You can pick up the key by yourself." The accountant nodded and introduced to the soldiers: "A medium-sized guest room is for six people per room, and there are a total of twelve guest rooms. You can arrange the people who will stay there yourself."

"Thank you." The team leader picked up all the keys on the counter and distributed them to the captains of each team. He ordered the soldiers: "Everyone, please transport your luggage back to the guest room first. If you want to rest, take a rest. We will meet again at dinner time. Disband!"

"Yes!" the soldiers replied in unison.

After the soldiers packed up their luggage and left in groups, only the leader and the accountant were left in the hotel lobby.

The accountant leaned on his elbows and stood at the counter to calculate. The team leader sat down at the teahouse next to the door and drank the free tea provided by the store.

After the two of them stayed together quietly for a while, Felit looked up and found that the leader was still sitting on his seat, drinking tea and looking at the door, as if waiting for something. Then he took the initiative to chat: "I said, what is your name?"

"Kerry." The soldier turned his head to look at him and replied.

"Kerry, my name is Philit." The accountant waved to him and said, "Why don't you go back to the guest room to rest?"

"I want to wait here for Commander Bandak." Kerry responded.

Philit glanced at the sky, it was already evening. But it will still be a long time before Bandak and Abel return.

"They will be back in about two hours. I will ask my waiter to inform you then." The accountant suggested: "You should go back to your room and rest first. You guys came here in a carriage after getting off the ship, right? There is a bathroom in the room where you can take a bath, so you can relax when you get here."

After hearing Felit's words, Kerry was silent for a long time. After a reluctant glance at the threshold, he walked to the counter and said to Felit: "My room is No. 308. Please send someone to inform me after Commander Bandak returns to the hotel."

"Okay, I understand." The accountant nodded.

"Thank you." After Kerry bowed slightly to the cashier, he turned around and prepared to walk up the stairs. Unexpectedly, his stomach made a 'gurgling' sound at this moment.

"By the way, you have been on the road today, so you haven't had much lunch." Felit said considerately: "I'll ask the kitchen to prepare some meals for you."

Kerry stood silently, a blush on her cheeks. He said softly: "Thank you."

"It's okay." When Philit passed by him, he patted the other person's shoulder with his hand and comforted him: "March is always a very hard job."

After saying this, he turned around and walked into the kitchen. Instruct the chef in the back kitchen to prepare a steak set meal for seventy people.

After handling this matter, he returned to the counter and said to Kerry: "Now you can go back to your room to rest. Like I said, take a good bath. The lunch meals will be delivered to you in an hour. Room."

"Okay." Kerry took out a few silver coins from his pocket and said to the cashier, "This is the meal fee."

"It doesn't matter. Just treat this lunch as a free gift from the hotel to welcome you." Felit did not accept the coins handed over by Kerry, but waved his hand and refused.

"But" Kerry had a troubled expression on his face and insisted, "No, I still have to ask you to accept it. We won't eat the King's meal."

Chapter 846: The passion rekindled in the heart

"It doesn't matter." Felit took back the hand that Kerry handed over, shook his head and said, "If your captain finds out: I took your money for meals. This business you brought, I just can’t do it. Then I’ll have to apologize to the owner of the store.”

After Felit's intimidation, Kerry finally took back the money in his hand and thanked Felit: "Thank you."

"It's okay, go and rest quickly." Felit said with a smile.

"Yeah." Kerry left without saying anything more.

"Your place is on the third floor, don't go wrong." Felit shouted to Kerry.

Kerry glanced back, nodded, and continued climbing the steps of the stairs.

When Kerry first appeared in front of Feit, Feit fell in love with the child. Because there is tenacity in his eyes, persistence and perseverance. That kind of look on a gray-faced eighteen-year-old human soldier was indeed eye-catching.

In the process of talking with Kerry, Felit discovered his very introverted characteristics. This gave rise to infinite curiosity.

Why does a young child have such an eye-catching light in his eyes? Even though he is so introverted, he still becomes a leader among the soldiers.

Countless speculative thoughts flew through Felit's mind, reminding him of his original intention to open a hotel together with the orc boss of the brigade. They want a stable life and a firm foothold in this small town. I also want to meet all kinds of people and digest their experiences into experiences for my own development.

When this idea was first proposed, it had an aura of idealism.

Unknowingly, not only him, but also the hotel owner never said a word about this.

Felit is a half-orc. According to human age, he is already thirty-eight years old. But because of the look in the eyes of a young human soldier, a fire burning in his heart to go out and explore.

After Felit felt this emotion, he raised his head and looked at the sky outside the window. There are no systematic legends about the origin of species on this continent. So most races believe they were created by gods.

In Felit's mind: The soldier just now was a masterpiece of God, otherwise how could he have been so strongly infected in a short period of time.

"God, should I believe that this is your arrangement?" Philit muttered silently.

Although he has reached middle age, he has not married yet. His parents abandoned him a long time ago and went to another world. Now, except for the position of hotel accountant, there are no obligatory responsibilities for him to bear.

He can freely drop everything, pick up his luggage, and go out to explore.

In the afternoon of this day, Felit pushed away the ledgers that usually piled up in front of him. He stayed at the counter with his head propped up and thought about everything that would happen after he went out to explore: what kind of adventures he would encounter, what kind of people he would meet, where the end of his life would be, and what would others say when they mentioned his name. What.

Unconsciously, the window has been shrouded in night. The hotel lobby also became dark.

Felit, who was swimming in fantasy, forgot to light a candlestick in front of his desk. As a result, Bandak and Abel were startled by his figure in the corner when they entered the store.

"Why is it so dark?" Abel wondered as he walked towards the store. After seeing Felit who was silent at the counter, he screamed: "Ah! Is this Felit?"

Felit was awakened from his fantasy, and his body trembled with Abel's scream. He raised his head and looked at the two of them and said, "Ah, you are back."

"Felit! It's really you!" Abel walked to the counter, lit the candlestick, carefully checked the appearance of the person in front of him, and asked doubtfully: "Did you fall asleep just now? Bandak and I are leaving I barely noticed you when I came in."

"Why is the store so dark? What happened?" Bandak asked concerned.

"It's okay. You're right, I fell asleep just now." Felit waved his hands hurriedly: "It was dark when I woke up, and no one turned on the lights in the store."

"Where are the people in the store?" Abel asked, looking around.

"I sent the waiters to receive the soldiers at the city gate before, and it has been two hours since they came back. They should be preparing for dinner." Felit glanced at the stopwatch in his arms and said.

"I see." Bandak nodded and said, "You mean, the soldiers are already staying in the guest room now?"

"Yes, they have been traveling all day. They should have finished their lunch long ago and are taking a rest." Felit thought for a moment and said, "There was a kid named Kerry who said he would stay in the lobby all the time. Wait until you come back. I also persuaded him to go upstairs. He seems to be the leader of the team or something."

"Yes, Kerry is here too." Bandak's eyes lit up and he said, "He is usually a bit dull and not good at interacting with others. But he still has a good heart and performs very well in completing tasks. "

"I think he seems to be quite young. Did Calradia's military camp start recruiting soldiers so early?" Felit asked doubtfully.

Bandak saw that Felit was a little curious about Kerry, so he patiently explained: "Kerry seems to be eighteen years old this year. In fact, according to normal procedures: you can only be official when you are eighteen years old. Join the army. It’s just that he is an orphan adopted by one of our mid-level officers. After the army was formed, he has been raised in the military camp. I used to see him doing well when he practiced boxing with the officers. I asked him if he had any ambition to join the army. , and with the consent of him and his adoptive father, he was recruited into the army when he was sixteen years old."

"That's it." Felit nodded and replied without saying anything more.

"Where is your Majesty now?" Abel asked.

"His Majesty Kant should still be in the guest room." Felit replied: "He must have gotten up, eaten lunch from the kitchen, and is now reading in the guest room."

"Your Majesty has been working very hard recently." Abel lowered his head and said, "When he can relax, let him relax for a while."

"Did you get the medicine?" Felit asked, remembering the purpose of the two going out.

"I bought it." When talking about this, Abel and Bandak both had a hint of joy on their faces, and said happily: "Thank you for the pharmacies you recommended to us. The scale is really amazing. , after we reported our symptoms to the people at the pharmacy, they immediately found the medicine for us.”

Chapter 847: Daily life in the hotel

"For something like medicine, you still have to drink it and see if it counts." Felit was also happy for them, but he still warned carefully: "Have you asked about the daily dose of medicine?"

"Yes." Bandak nodded and said, "Not only that, the owner of the drug store also gave me a set of acupuncture to seal the spread of poisonous gas on my body. Now I feel that my body has become my own again."

"That's great." Felit nodded and said, "No wonder you came back so late. It turns out you met a hermit who knows acupuncture."

"I met it by chance." Abel replied happily: "The medicine prescribed will take several hours. I wonder if I can borrow the hotel's stove."

"Of course." Felit agreed: "As long as it can improve Mr. Bandak's condition, the facilities in this store can be rented to you whenever you want to use them."

"Thank you." Bandak said sincerely.

"It's okay." Felit said with a smile: "You people outside the island really like to say 'thank you' and so on. In fact, since we are already familiar friends, we don't need to be so polite in these details."

"Haha." Bandak smiled helplessly and explained: "Maybe it's because thanking you has become a habit. Apart from thanking you, I really can't think of anything else to say."

"Then it's up to you." Felit said nonchalantly.

Abel glanced at the carriage parked at the door, and suddenly remembered that he had not cleaned up the stains that Bandak spit in the carriage, so he took the initiative to say goodbye to Felit: "I'm sorry, Felit. We are still in a hurry. I’ll take my leave now.”

"Huh? Where are you going?" Felit looked at the two people walking towards the door of the hotel in confusion and asked.

"We" Abel turned around and replied awkwardly: "We want to lead the carriage back to the shed."

"It's okay. The groom will naturally take it away later. You don't need to do this yourself." Felit walked out of the counter and explained kindly.

"No, no, no, I think we still have to do it ourselves." Bandak shook his head hurriedly and said: If the carriage is returned like this, it will be fine. You can't lose face in front of others.

The two people left the lobby in a hurry, and Felit looked at the backs of the two people as they left with a confused expression. After being stunned for a while, he walked to the corner of the lobby and lit the hotel's candlestick.

At this time, the smell of freshly cooked dishes came from the kitchen.

Philit walked to the kitchen stove and asked the chef: "How long until dinner starts?"

"Master Accountant, there are about ten minutes left and all the dishes will be ready." The chef turned around and responded.

"Okay." Felit nodded: "Today, the guests on the third floor will reserve the kitchen on the second floor. Don't forget to send someone to clean the dining table."

"Yes." The chef agreed.

After Felit left his instructions, he turned and left the kitchen. Notify the waiters who were busy in the yard to rush to various restaurants to make meal preparations. Such as cleaning and turning on the lights.

Felit is responsible for most of the daily affairs in the store. The hotel owner is responsible for entertaining outside.

Philit stood hesitantly by the handrail of the stairs on the first floor, thinking in his heart: If he left this hotel, what kind of person would the hotel owner find to take over his job.

He and the hotel owner have been friends for many years. When he first bought this place, he mostly used funds borrowed from the hotel owner. And Philit only invested a small part of the money. However, the owner of the hotel did not ask him to accompany him when going out to socialize because of his status as a cashier. Instead, he thoughtfully left the affairs of the hotel to him while he was busy outside.

When Felit thought he had nothing to fear and could just walk away. The cause planted by the innkeeper many years ago bore fruit in his heart.

Felit looked at the door of the hotel and realized that with his current strength, there was still a long way to go before he could cross this threshold.

At dinner time, after receiving the news of the arrival of the soldiers, Kant did not rush to see them. Instead, he walked to the restaurant first and waited quietly for the arrival of others.

Abel, who was washing the carriage with clean water by the shed, also smelled the aroma of food coming from the hotel.

He had completely cleared away the dirt inside the carriage, but there was still some odor remaining in the carriage. Abel could only wipe the inner wall of the carriage inch by inch.

Bandak stood aside and was responsible for picking up the garbage.

"It's all because of you that we should have stayed in the restaurant at this time." Abel said angrily: "How can we be like now, cleaning the carriage in this shed, and the whole body is smelly."

"Isn't it because you insisted that you must ride in the carriage you drive? I think you did it on purpose." Bandak responded.

The two of them criticized each other, unknowingly extending the time to clean the carriage.

Until Bandak and Abel put on neat clothes and appeared in the restaurant. The soldiers in the restaurant were already feasting. Only Kant was still waiting for them.

"Why are you here so slowly?" Kant asked with a frown.


"Don't talk about this while eating." Abel was about to explain, but Bandak cut him off midway.

"Humph." Abel snorted softly, and then lost the intention to continue talking.

Kant smelled a strange smell floating on them, and took another look at Abel's face. It was already clear in my heart.

"You guys," Kant said with disgust, "Forget it, Kerry is having dinner with us today. I have been waiting for you for so long, so you have to say hello at least."

"Ah." Abel, who was stirring the salad, raised his head in surprise and said, "Kerry?"

Then his eyes moved to a young soldier on the table, and he continued: "Are you Kerry?"

"Yes." Kerry had met Abel a few times on the coast before, but she only knew that he was the leader of the elves. Because there is no need to hand over work with Abel, they are not familiar with each other. At this time, he could only respond with a shy nod.

"I heard Bandak mention you. He said that you grew up in a military camp and are very talented as a soldier." Bandak said with a smile.

"Thank you." Kerry nodded shyly.

"I rarely hear him praise others so much." Abel continued to stir the salad and said, "Sorry, we were in a hurry before the meal, so we came a little late."

Chapter 848: Chat at the dinner table

"It's okay." Kerry clenched his fists nervously.

"Kerry is more familiar with life, so he seems to be shy." Bandak explained for Kerry on the side: "It's okay, Kerry. Now that we are here, you can start eating with confidence. do not worry about it."

"Yes." Kerry looked back at Bandak and nodded in response.

Bandak spent more time with him than his adoptive father. So Bandak is also one of the two closest people to Kerry in the military.

"You went to the drug store in town today and found anything?" Kant asked Bandak and Abel next to him after seeing Kerry starting to eat his dinner with peace of mind.

"I found it. I met an experienced doctor." Bandak responded immediately: "He prescribed me a few medicines and gave me acupuncture and other things. In short, now the bugs on my body have begun to be affected by external forces. And it became controlled.”

"Did the doctor tell you anything?" Kant continued to ask.

"I didn't say anything. I just said that this kind of poison has no cure for the time being." Abel replied: "But we can make good use of the method of slowing down other poisons to control its spread."

"That's fine." Kant nodded in agreement and said, "Although the Yinchi Insects are cultivated rare species, it seems that King Yao's experiments are still within a controllable range."

"Your Highness, we heard that you stayed in the guest room all day after we left today. Are you too busy recently and your body has been weakened?" Bandak asked worriedly.

"That's not the case. I have indeed been doing a lot more work outside recently." Kant said with a hearty smile: "It's just that I think it is beneficial and harmless to my body. It's just that I have been with the crowd for a long time. I just want to return to my own space temporarily.”

"Since there is no problem with the body, we can rest assured." Abel did not understand Kant's way of decompressing, but he was also very worried about Kant's physical condition and could see him taking the initiative to stop and rest. Abel was also happy in his heart.

"Excuse me, what is the poison you were talking about just now?" A thin voice of inquiry came from beside the three of them.

Bandak looked back in surprise and saw Kerry looking at him awkwardly, saying in a panic: "It's nothing, that's just"

"Commander Bandak was poisoned by a very rare poison," Kant said at this time: "Now his body is not as good as before. Two months later, he is still being swallowed by the eggs in his body. As consciously possible as possible.”

"What?" Kerry's eyes conveyed disbelief. At this time, he covered his mouth and screamed.

"Kerry, don't worry." Bandak didn't want to overturn Kant's statement, because he knew that his previous cover-up was the real situation. He could only say in a gentle voice at this time: "Brother's illness will get better."

Abel raised his head and glanced at Bandak, opened his mouth, but still held back the words.

"Really? Brother Bandak." Kerry's mood became fragile, and he looked at Bandak with red eyes and asked.

"Yes, yes." Kant nodded and said, "As long as we stand by his side, God can't take him away."

"Yes." Kerry clenched his fists, stopped crying, and nodded: "Brother Bandak, can you tell me how to cure your disease?"

"As long as we find the bastard who bewitched Bandak and force him to hand over the antidote, Bandak can continue to live." Abel said: "And the important step to achieve this goal is that we Did the gang's spy agents in the city find any clues about the murderer?"

"I will definitely go all out for this action." Kerry said firmly.

Bandak looked at a child who was ten years younger than him and had almost watched him grow up. At this moment, he showed the responsibility that an adult should have.

The inner emotions also became complicated.

"Don't get involved in this matter yourself." Bandak said, "Let your more experienced soldiers do it."

"No, I must go." Kerry shook his head and said, "If I don't go, I won't feel that I have contributed to this operation, and I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Okay then." Bandak agreed reluctantly: "But you must be careful."

"Yeah." Kerry agreed.

"We haven't disclosed this matter to other soldiers yet." Abel warned: "In order for the soldiers not to have too much psychological burden when taking action, Kerry, you cannot disclose Bandak's condition. Disclosed to anyone among the soldiers."

They had ignored Kerry listening quietly beside them before, so they accidentally leaked the news.

"Yeah, I know." Kerry nodded.

"By the way, Kerry, how did you find this place today?" Kant asked after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"The waiters from the hotel came to pick us up. When they saw us, they told us: Commander Bandak and Captain Abel personally ordered it." Kerry answered in detail.

"That's it." Kant nodded slightly and said.

Then he looked around, and when he didn't find the accountant, he lowered his head and looked at the food in the bowl.

"It is indeed the arrangement we asked Felit to make." Abel nodded and admitted, "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to advise you: have less contact with Felit in the future." Kant said calmly: "If you need help with anything in the future, you should first ask the owner of the hotel."

"The owner of the hotel doesn't stay in the hotel very often." Bandak thought for a while and said, "But why would you, Your Highness, think of letting us have less contact with Felit."

"I saw that there were fewer waiters in the store today, so I asked him strangely: Where have all the waiters in the store gone? As a result, he told me: The waiters in the store went to the city gate to purchase goods. And Kerry just now Said: The hotel waiter went to pick them up." Kant said word by word.

After hearing this, Bandak and Abel looked at each other and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. About this."

"You don't need to explain what the accountant is thinking and why you asked him. I know it in my heart." Kant waved his hand, interrupting Abel's explanation. And said: "You may not understand my decision very well now, but if you think about it carefully, you will know: When Feit does things, he always arranges his position in the safest place. No matter how things unfold in the office, It won't affect him. It's a fear of taking responsibility."

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