Lord of the North

Chapter 37 Injustice... Guests!

"My lord, the mayor of Diya has sent someone to inform you that the business alliance has arrived, and they are currently being entertained by the town government."

Early in the morning, guards came to report to Jason.

"Oh? They're here?" Jason was brushing his teeth in the garden and asked vaguely.

No one from the business alliance or the Liuli Chamber of Commerce has contacted him for so long. He thought that the young master with a foolish mind was abandoned, and he planned to bring someone to find fault with him after a while.

Jason can't be wronged... The guest waited for a long time, so he hurriedly drank saliva and rinsed his mouth.

He was really fed up with brushing his teeth with salt on his fingers. Some time ago, he asked someone to make a few toothbrushes out of ponytails as materials in his previous life. Now everyone in the castle is using them.

Jason thought it felt pretty good, so he handed it over to the caravan to operate, and he could earn some money.

But this kind of thing is not high-tech, and it can be easily imitated, so he didn't plan to use this gadget to make a fortune. There is no such thing as patent protection in this world.

Otherwise, Jason has N ways to sell this product, such as dividing it into three grades of high, middle and low for promotion and sales. Those nobles and businessmen who care about face will definitely not buy those low-grade products.

"Yes, my lord, Mayor Dia is receiving them at the town government."

"Well, I'll be right there." Jason replied after spitting out the water in his mouth.

"Also tell Lancelot to come with me."

"Yes!" The guards retreated after receiving the order. Now there are a total of forty guards in the castle, all of whom are elites selected from the army.

After thinking about it, Jason felt that if he only took a few guards with him, he obviously didn't value others, and bringing Lancelot would be enough to show his "importance" and "sincerity".

"Lorna! Help me take off my red robe!" Jason shouted into the hall without aristocratic attitude after wiping the water from his face.

"Kick, kick, kick!" After a while, Lorna trotted out holding a red aristocratic robe embroidered with exquisite patterns.

She is still a maid in Jason's castle, responsible for Alexis's daily life, and usually helps with the affairs of the castle. In the eyes of the guards, she is like the mistress of the castle!

So they all respected her. Although Lorna was ashamed, she couldn't explain it, but Jason really didn't touch her, and at most she was flirting.

"The little girl is getting more and more juicy." Jason looked at Lorna, whose face was flushed because of trotting all the way, and Jason couldn't help but teased.

"Your robe!" The little fox girl blushed even more when she heard that, and she gave Jason the neatly folded robe with a blank look.

It's good to have a woman. In my previous life, my clothes were never so neat.

Jason took the robe and put it on, and then looked at Lorna a few more times. The eighteen-year-old body is impeccably attractive. Do you want to accept her as a bed warmer?

But my body is still a bit small, I really struggle, what? You said you promised Lorna not to touch her before? Is there, why can't I remember!

"Take four people and let's go." Jason calmly looked away from Lorna, and ordered to Quick not far away, because the little fox girl was about to turn into an ostrich.

As a lord, there is always an accompanying guard. Jason has to bring five or six guards with him every time he travels recently, so as to avoid the remnants of the kashou club against him. All at once.

Recently, the remnants of the merging club have been caught one after another, so Jason has to be careful.

Jason and the others mounted their horses and rushed to the town government, they couldn't keep the guests waiting.

The horses they rode were bought from other places, not the unique Northland horses.

Beidi horses are also known as snowfield horses. They are cold-resistant, have wide horseshoes, eat a lot, and are about three meters tall and strong. However, the number of such horses is too small.

The cost of domestication is too high, and it cannot be used as a war horse on a large scale.

Therefore, few people would use northern horses to arm their cavalry, but they had to admit that the fine-bred northern horses were indeed sought after by knights.

Jason walked slowly, feeling the new look of Tieya Town. In the past, Tieya Town was unreasonably planned, with dirty roads and even defecating everywhere.

At that time, if you enter a small alley at night, please don't be surprised if some kind of unknown object is stained under your feet, this is normal.

Now, under Jason's vigorous rectification, poor people are hired to clean and maintain the town's sanitation, weekly wages are paid, and regulations on fines for defecation are set, so the whole town has a new look after a few months.

After all, no one is going to be fined for being convenient, and risk being ridiculed by the townspeople.

When Jason walks in the town now, he will be saluted by the townspeople, instead of everyone avoiding him like they encountered a beast when he first arrived.

Now he is very respected and adored in the town, and even on the road, he will meet the girl's affectionate gaze, but when he sees the girl's arm that almost catches up with his waistline, Jason thinks that his little fox girl is more eye-catching.

Jason has always felt that women in the Northland are also qualified fighters if they go to the battlefield, at least their body shape is much stronger than the humans in the southern part of the mainland.

It is a pity that although the physique of the southerners is weak, their country is rich and strong, and their equipment is also a few blocks away from the Three Kingdoms of the North.

The south is rich in products, the navigation industry is developed, and the commerce and trade are extremely prosperous, especially the Harauya Empire in the south. Its military power is the highest in the mainland. There are three terrifying heavy armored cavalry regiments of 5,000 people. "Leaf" is also well-known in the mainland, only the sharpshooters of the centaur tribe can stabilize them, and the sea legion "Tide" is also famous far and wide.

You must know that the total number of heavy cavalry in the Kingdom of Lopez is less than 3,000!

If it weren't for the Halauah Empire's need to be on guard against the beast tide in the Talun Mountains and the threat of the half-orcs in the east, it would have launched an invasion of the neighboring Sixteen-Nation Alliance.

Of course, there is also the containment of the Holy See. After all, the Holy See does not want a country with military power enough to crush itself. The current Harauya Empire is strong enough.

Although the quality of the three major cavalry regiments cannot be compared with the holy knight regiment, which is all composed of strong knights, they can make up for the gap with quantity.

In recent years, the Halauja Empire has gradually become less respectful of the Holy See, because these clergy have stretched their hands too far. In the past few years, there were even scandals that the Holy See controlled the imperial nobles.

This matter was quickly suppressed by the Holy See, but some well-informed nobles could still find out about it.

Just like this, Jason was thinking wildly along the way, while greeting the townspeople cordially, and slowly came to the town government, where Lancelot was already waiting.

"My lord!" Lancelot saluted Jason when he saw him.

Jason got off his horse, nodded to Lancelot with a smile, and then straightened his clothes. It would be too impolite for guests not to be disheveled.

"Come on, let's go in." He said after finishing his clothes, and Lancelot immediately followed behind him, followed by guards wearing standard chain armor.

"My dearest...guest, I really kept you...waiting...for a long time."

As soon as Jason entered the door, he saw a gorgeously dressed... beauty sitting in front of Mayor Dia? !

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