Lord of the North

Chapter 32 Encounter!

"Brother Don, how far have we come?"

"Hurry up, go out soon!" Dawn, who was originally strong, looked a little haggard at this time, with a hideous scar on his face, his original simple and honest temperament added a bit of ferocity, and his eyes showed a bit of hatred and grief from time to time.

Three months later, there were only 17 people left in the fifty-member expedition team that entered the northern ice field, and they were struggling to move forward in the wind and snow! They met the great terror in the ice field! The unexpected sacrifice of his partner made Donne very painful!

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the giant bear Rockefeller, they wouldn't even have these seventeen left!

"I will definitely come back to find you!" With hatred in his eyes, Donne turned his head and glanced at the vast snowy land behind him!

"Then, kill you!"

This is about a month ago, Donne and his team used the part-time sled dogs to pull them forward on the snow. There has been no snowstorm for more than a month, which makes everyone think this is a good sign!

"It's really lucky to enter the ice field this time!" One of them said looking at the sun in the sky.

"Yeah, when I go back from this expedition, I will use the adult's bounty to build a big house, and I will find a teacher for my kid by the way!" Another person also echoed, Jason has prepared a generous bounty for them , enough for them to splurge for a long time or to improve their family life.

"Oh, what a good man from the Gu family!" His words elicited a burst of good-natured laughter in an instant!

"I just want a big warm bed at home!" Another hunter's voice was full of nostalgia. He had been out for more than a month and didn't know what was going on at home.

"Hahaha, do you miss your wife?" There was another burst of laughter, which made the man flush with anger!

"What are you laughing at! Don't you miss your own women?" He became angry and wanted to grab the guy who made fun of him!

"Hahaha!" There was another burst of laughter, and these small episodes made everyone's tired mood gradually full of vitality!

"These guys!" Don shook his head helplessly, looking at the newly drawn map of the ice field in his hand, which marked hills, ice lakes and other terrains. This is the result of their past month. This map is enough to attract Jason's attention!

This is the first step in exploring the ice field. The next batch of expeditions to the ice field will not be their expedition team, but an exploration team protected by regular troops with their guides!

"Okay! Calm down, try to find a place to shelter from the wind before dark, I don't want to sleep in the snow nest!" Don stopped the noisy crowd, and tried not to waste energy on this ice sheet!

"Yes! Brother Dawn!" Dawn is still very prestigious among the crowd!

"Dorn! Barbarian!" At this moment, a bearded man suddenly pointed to the right side of the sled team and shouted at Dawn!

"Be alert!" Dawn saw a dozen or so barbarians standing on the snow in the distance with a height of more than two meters. They were covered with unknown animal skins and held crude weapons in their hands!

The weapons in their hands are uneven, some use bone weapons, some hold huge wooden sticks inlaid with animal teeth, and some hold metal weapons, but they are relatively rough!

They have dark yellow eyes like beasts, mouth full of fangs, breathing heavily, and they are staring at everyone!

He is very nervous now. Barbarians are just a name everyone calls them. In fact, this race is not human. They have their own civilization and history, but they are maliciously vilified. They live in the form of tribal groups on the ice sheet. Their strong physique makes them not afraid of the cold!

Few people in the group dare to say that they can defeat the barbarian one-on-one. They are really too strong! So Dorn can only rely on the cooperation of the crowd and the suppression of bows and arrows to win!

"Shields are defending with shield arrays, and the rest wait until the barbarians come into range and shoot freely!" Dorn quickly ordered,

Because he saw that these savages had already started to sprint towards them!

"Picture! Scatter!" One of the strongest and tall barbarians with a string of bone ornaments hanging around his neck raised a rough iron sword in his hand, baring his fangs and roaring!

"Picture! Scatter!" The rest of the barbarians also yelled to the sky, their eyes were full of fanaticism, and then they charged at Dorn and his party! The ancestors were expelled by humans and on the desolate ice field, the hatred flowing in their blood made them extra crazy!

But the barbarian in the head didn't move, just looked at the crowd with calm and terrifying eyes!

Dawn took a deep breath, took out the centaur longbow that he carried with him, adjusted it slightly, drew out a bow with iron arrows, aimed it at the charging barbarians, and then let go of his fingers!

The range of the centaur longbow is much longer than that of ordinary hunting bows, and its power and accuracy are far superior to the latter!

"Swoosh!" The iron arrow tore through the air and hit a barbarian between the eyebrows!


The hunters also started to perform, and their arrows hit the vulnerable places like the eyes and throats of the barbarians, and three more barbarians fell one after another!

"Roar!" With a loud roar, the leader of the barbarians rushed over when he saw that the situation was wrong. After his roar, all the barbarians raised their arms to protect their vital points!

"Stop shooting arrows!" Don said inwardly, "Damn it, this way, ordinary bows and arrows will have very limited damage to them!" If they don't hit the vital points, these arrows will not cause much damage to them at all!

"Throw the spear and shoot, prepare for melee combat! Leave the big guy over there to me!" At this time, he could only use the more powerful spear throw, and Dawn looked solemnly at the barbarian leader who was galloping in the distance, This is the biggest threat!

Bending his bow and nodding his arrows, he stared at the enemy, as soon as he entered the range, he would be summoned by the god of death!

"Shield hands meet the impact! The rest of the team should be three and kill the enemy!" Two more barbarians were nailed to the ground with spears by the crowd, but they were also rushed to the formation by these crazy barbarians forward!

At this time, there were only twelve barbarians left, and most of them were wounded, but the blood stimulated the madness in their hearts even more!

"Roar!" With a roar like a beast, these northern men who were generally about two meters tall and holding shields were knocked to the ground by stronger barbarians!

But their indomitable momentum was also interrupted! The hunters with scimitars or spears behind them immediately stepped forward and prepared to surround and kill them!

"Whoosh!" There was another sound of piercing through the air, and Dawn shot again, pointing at the leader of the barbarians!

Although Dawn didn't expect that this blow would kill the opponent, but what he never expected was that the opponent actually knocked out the arrows that were shooting rapidly with the heavy and rough sword in his hand! Is it luck?

"Troublesome!" Don gritted his teeth, burning with anxiety, because when the barbarian fell, the partners he brought also began to suffer casualties! If this barbarian leader is allowed to enter the battle group again, the consequences will be disastrous!

The leader of the barbarians on the opposite side was also secretly shocked. After blocking the flying arrow, his palms were a little numb from the shock, which was enough to guess how powerful the arrow was!

This also aroused the desire in his heart, the desire to chop off the head of this strong human being and use it as his glory trophy!

"Roar!" His pace became a little faster! The height of nearly three meters put a lot of pressure on Dawn!

It's not that he hasn't killed barbarians before, and even in a one-on-one situation, he has the confidence to play with these clumsy guys with applause, but this guy in front of him is obviously not among them!

After quickly shooting a few arrows, Dorn determined that the opponent did not knock his own arrows away by chance, but that he had this strength himself!

"Kill!" Leaving the longbow on the sled, Dawn drew out his long knife and rushed forward with the shield in his left hand, ready to fight this big guy in close quarters. Their weapons were all prepared by Jason before they set off. Well prepared!

Be sure to hold this big guy! Dorn didn't ask himself to defeat him, he just wanted to hold him back, and help him after the soldiers behind him dealt with these minions!

"Picture! Scatter!" Seeing Dawn rushing out of the crowd, the leader of the barbarians roared excitedly, and his footsteps rumbled!

"Kill!" The two rushed at full speed, and soon collided with each other!

Dorn's shield was held high, the barbarian leader looked down, and slashed down with a big knife in his hand!

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