Vol 3 Chapter 8: Former sailor's advice

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The lobby of the "Plitz Port Ticketing Company" is quite spacious and has seven ticket windows, but each window has already arranged for a dozen or twenty people.

Klein took a glance and didn't go directly to the relatively small number of columns. Instead, he crossed the two steps to the right and came to a straight brown board.

On the wooden board, continuous white paper is attached, and the information of the passenger ship in the last week is published, including the destination, the port, and the price of different cabins.

Klein also had a look at it in the future. Some staff came over and drew a red circle in the second-class position of one of the lines, marking a word:

"Already sold out."

"It's very popular..." Klein whispered a sigh.

"Of course, Port Pritz is the largest port in the kingdom. Countless people go here to the South Continent and those colonial islands to find opportunities." A middle-aged man standing next to the board responded with a slight exaggeration.

He wore a black soft hat and a black and white uniform police uniform, but no epaulettes, only a seagull badge on the chest - this is exactly the same as the "Pritzport Ticket Company" logo.

The middle-aged man's face, his hands, and all the exposed skin are bronzed and rough, like years of braising by the sea breeze and the sun's exposure, giving the salt particles a feeling of wrinkles. .

There are disputes to find the guards in the hall... This should be the guard... Klein remembered the precautions at the door, did not mind the other party taking the initiative, smiled and said:

"You seem to know this port very well?"

Upon hearing this question, the middle-aged man replied quite smugly:

"I used to be a sailor of the Royal Navy. Their main base is on Oak Island in Port Pritz. I have served for 15 years. I spent a long time here at sea. If it was not the war of East Byron, I was destroyed. Health, I can still be a sailor for 10 years! My understanding of this port is like my body to my wife!"

A bit of culture, and some vulgar... Klein casually chats in the spirit of inquiring about sea news:

"After retiring, are you here to be guarded?"

"No, I was stuffed into a night school for two years, I was a student, and I was a janitor. The storm was on. You can imagine the scene of a person of my age reading together with a group of teenagers." And they know and remember words faster than me!" The guards showed a look that was unbearable.

Said, he patted the outside of the thigh and sighed:

"Unfortunately, every time I get wet and cold, my knees can't stand it, otherwise I will work part-time as a teacher at night school. Those kids will make you feel younger, but I don't deny that I am making more money. When you have a wife and four children, you must realize that you have to support the family."

Sir, you have a lot of words... This is probably why the ticketing company hired you to be a guard... Klein didn’t pick up the other’s topic, smiled and said:

"I just looked at the precautions at the door and found that I can't open the canned fish here. Frankly speaking, I have never heard of this kind of thing."

The expression of the guard suddenly became complicated.

He pinched his nose and said:

"It is popular in the east coast of Fossac, the Gargas Islands and other places. It is salted wolffish, but it retains blood, smell, and the smell is very, very irritating, stinky and disgusting!"

It turned out to be a dark dish... Kleinhaha laughed:

"But I don't think anyone will eat canned food when they queue up to buy tickets?"

"No, you don't understand that feeling. Maybe one day you can understand it." The guarded face looked scared. "There was a northern barbarian who came here to buy a ticket, but there were already many people in front, and the hall was stuffed. It was like a wooden bucket filled with fish. He was very anxious, so he opened the canned fish. In less than ten seconds, he and only a few guys remained in the entire hall."

This, this is a biochemical weapon... the normal version of the "biotoxin bottle"... Klein laughs:

“In the end, he bought the ticket smoothly, and there are more new considerations outside?”

"The result is not as he expected, the lady and husband who are responsible for ticket sales have also escaped, huh, you know, the barbarian's brain is worse than the curler!" The guard smirked, "I am still a sailor." Yes, there was such a rumor at sea that a group of pirates controlled a merchant ship from Rolls, ah, that was a city on the east bank of Fossac. In short, those pirates urgently opened their own spoils, who knows that One by one, the wooden barrels filled with salted wolf fish. As a result, can you imagine the result? They are dizzy, vomiting, losing their fighting power and becoming a bounty for the crew."

"Good story." Kline refused to laugh.

He turned his eyes back on the paper on the board and looked for information on the vessel on January 5.

As a professional, he pre-existed for the date of the week, which is suitable for sailing, a 5th, an 8th, and in the passenger ship to the Rosde Islands on the 5th, the most suitable for him is the Saint-Furn and the white agate. number.

There are still tickets, the price is similar, 4 pounds in the third class, 10 pounds in the second class, 35 pounds in the first class... people who depend on the sea for their livelihood, more or less will believe in the "master of the storm", even in the cause In countries such as Tees and Fossac, there are also fishermen and crew members who quietly believe in this unacceptable **** to find the sea smoothly... The name of St. Franc is from the Holy One of the Storm Church. Background... Klein thought about it and preferred to choose the White Onyx.

He did not rush to decide and turned to the guard:

"Do you know the situation of the White Onyx?"

The guard suddenly smiled:

"Sir, your eyes are good. The White Onyx is a steamship, but it retains sails and can reach a maximum speed of 16 knots.

"And the captain is experienced. It used to be the sailor of the Royal Family William V. No, it should be the Royal Navy. The King has always claimed that he has won the title of Emperor of Bailang. Oh, in the Royal Navy, how good ordinary people are, No matter how good, at best, you can become a sailor and you can't be an officer unless you can satisfy your chief, no matter what way, any way! Only then can you be recommended to go to the Pritz Naval Academy and become a reserve. Officer!

"Alan was forced to leave the Navy, joined the White Onyx, and became the captain step by step.

"I suggest you choose the first class, so you will have a room where you can sleep three or four servants, a waiter with a ceremonial course, a chef with a designated craft, a quiet restaurant with a view, a cigar Special room, there is a place to gather cards..."

Seeing that the guards were so detailed, Klein could not help but be suspicious.

Noticing his expression, the guard smirked:

"Irland used to be my boss. He often asked me to drink and let me help him sell first class, but you can rest assured that every word I say is true!"

This is not really a problem, it is a question of money... Klein silently said a word.

He already had a decision, and asked and asked:

"Sir, what advice do you have for a marine adventurer?"

In order to qualify as Man. Sparo, Klein fine-tuned the image before, making himself appear more cold and sharp.

"Adventurer?" The guards unconsciously raised their voices.

In the queue of queues, many people turned their heads and turned their eyes to Klein.

According to spiritual intuition, Klein instinctively looked at the past with a line of sight.

He saw a 30-year-old man wearing a black top hat with a rough face, weathered lines, a strong but not tall figure, and pale blue eyes that have experienced many things.

Also an adventurer? Klein had a slight contact with the man’s gaze and moved away.

At this time, the guard squeezed out a smile:

"Sorry, I am a bit too excited about the term adventurer. In my impression, this is tantamount to a desperate, a sea villain and a swearing-off. No, I am not talking about you.

"Sincere advice? I, amount, you have to remember three points.

"One, don't provoke pirates, second, don't provoke pirates, three, or don't provoke pirates!

"Unless you are a naval or church person, don't be against the pirates!"

"Amount... Don't be confused by the enthusiasm of the girls on the island. They are either pirates or want you to take them to Plitz to Beckland. This is not entirely their problem, many sailors, crew and Passengers, in order to deceive their bodies, portrayed them a very attractive metropolis and an exceptionally good life, then kicked them off their beds and discarded them in their original place."

It’s a bunch of bad people... In this era, people who want to live on the sea are not too kind... Is the order at sea so bad? Is the pirate so crazy? Klein nodded:

"Thank you, I understand what to do."

After saying this, he went to the team with the fewest number.

The guard shouted behind him:

"And, the treasures of the sea are basically fake!"


After buying the second-class ticket for the white agate, Klein returned to the hotel and patiently waited for the night to come.

In the process, he enjoyed the most famous fried fish in Port Pritz, and he thought it tasted good, but if he kept eating it, he would definitely not accept it.

When the time is close to 8 o'clock, he enters the fog, holding the badge from Llanus in one hand and writing the corresponding sentence in one hand:

"The situation at this gathering."

Ticking, ticking, and other pocket watch hands went to the predetermined 8 o'clock position, he closed his eyes, leaning against the back of the chair, began to recite the divination statement repeatedly.

He has reason to believe that when the door of the party is "opened", there is a person who locates the badge, and above the fog, with this medium, divination produces something!

The previous failure was because nothing has happened yet. This time it is different, things are happening, and Klein has enough accurate media!

Soon, Klein entered the gray world of dreams.

He saw the quietly rushing Tassok River, saw the wide valleys on both sides, and saw more than a dozen people in different positions, shrouded in thin light, or disappeared in ambiguity or illusory.

One of the black-haired green babies, looks good, and is an acquaintance of Klein.

Leonard Mitchell!

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