Vol 2 Chapter 253: Swallower

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Dairik’s axe wraps around the silver awns, slamming the river on the murals, smashing the walls and smashing the stone.

Under his blow, the end-to-end river was completely disconnected from it.

Just as he was expecting the cycle to be broken, and exploring the scene of all the members of the squad jumping out of the temple, the "hunter" Colin figure flashed and came to him, sinking his face:

"what are you doing?"

The demigod's sword's tip still hangs down, but the hand holding the handle is obviously more powerful than just.

Dairik recalled the rhetoric of the wisdom of the members of the Tarot Society, half of which was "doubt" and half of "fear":

"There was a black shadow that flashed from here, lord Lord, really! Like a child!"

Colin Iliat’s gaze did not move away and asked another player:

"Heinham, have you seen it?"

The team members of Heinham’s expedition team subconsciously moved toward the chief direction and firmly shook their heads:

"No, I haven't seen anything."

Colin's light blue eyes suddenly shimmered, highlighting two complex symbols of dark green.

He watched Deric quietly for four or five seconds.

Finally, he took back his gaze and said nothing:

"This is your first exploration mission. It is normal to have hallucinations due to tension.

"Next, you are following me, I think you will be calmer."

"Yes, the lord." Dairik agreed without hesitation.

After the previous attempt, he initially confirmed that the murals were not related to the key points.

The "redeeming rose" suggested by Mr. "fool" should still hide deeper meaning, not so simple... Dairik holds the "Hurricane Axe" and walks silently around the chief Colin.

The rest of the matter was not much different from the several explorations in his memory. The people repeated the past, and the sixth time they arrived at the final hall with the altar, and found the little yellow boy Jack curled up in the shadow.

After hearing the phrase "Help me...help me...", after seeing the obvious child figure, "Hunter" Colin Wei nodded invisibly and will bet on the attention of Dairik Berger. Recovered most of the time.

Just as he pondered his language and prepared to speak, Dairik suddenly asked:

"How can I save you?"

The little boy Jack showed an excited expression:

"Save me, save me, send me home! Send me home!"

"Where is your home?" Dairik asked curiously and in fear.

Seeing this situation, Colin closed his mouth and tightened his palm.

The little boy Jack weakly raised his hand:

"My home, my home is in the port of Enmat!"

Port of Enmat... Although Mr. "Down Man" has not mentioned it, but from the word of the port, Jack really does not belong to us, he is likely to come from the outside world, from the "Justice" Miss Lun they are in kingdom! Dairik was so happy and excited.

His reaction did not cause the suspicion of the "hunter" Colin, because the powerful "six-member council" chief also did not see the sea, only from some of the preserved books, this is bigger than the lake. I don't know how many times the water body, and the term "port".

The "Emmette Port" spit out from the strange boy's mouth seems to have launched a new world picture in front of Colin. This makes him search for the future of the Silver City. He instantly forgets other things and blurs out his debut:

"You, or you, how did you come here?"

Little boy Jack reveals the expression of memories:

"My father and I first took the boat, then joined his companions and continued to take the boat. After a big and big storm, the rest of the people landed on the land and followed the direction of the Lord's gaze. I have been here until now."

Follow the direction of the main eye? "The Demon Hunter" Colin and Dairik and others looked at the statue on the altar at the same time, and distinguished him where he was watching.

Soon, Colin determined the general information.

They walked in the direction of the gaze of the gods and came here. That is to say, as long as the process is reversed, we can find the beach and find the place where they landed... The opposite direction of this line of sight is... The surrounding map, which was gradually improved in the exploration, emerged in the mind of "The Demon Hunter" Colin, and he initially depicted the "journey" route of the strange boy.

If there is no other temple in the middle, there is no corresponding statue, and it has been extended so far, that will, it will pass the ruins of "Giant Wang Ting"! Colin's pupil hobo shrinks.

It is the **** palace that once lived in the ancient **** "Giant King" Olmer, not far from the Silver City!

The descendants of the silver country, long ruled by the giants, clearly know where its ruins are located, but they are never able to complete the exploration because it is extremely dangerous and dangerous than the pure darkness without light!

According to Colin's retrospective, the strange boy and his class arrived through the ruins of the "Giant Wang Ting".

"How did they do it? Perhaps they didn't take a pure straight line and bypassed the 'Giant Wang Ting'... Anyway, the 'Giant Wang Ting' has a road to the beach on the back, and the other end of the sea is likely to have The kingdom of mankind... Is that going to be the hope of Silver City?" Colin thought hard to contain it.

At this time, Dairik keenly found that the clothing of the boy's chest and abdomen was dark red, and it seemed that liquid was slowly seeping out.

"Are you injured?" he asked cautiously.

Jack hangs his head and whispers in a tone:

"It’s something that doesn’t look good..."

As he spoke, he opened his clothes and revealed his bare chest and abdomen.

There, there are two eyes, one nose and one mouth!

It is not painted, nor is it a piece of gems. It is purely composed of real eyes, real nose and real mouth, and unlike each other, it seems to belong to three people.

Between Horan, Dairik imagined a picture: After the boy Jack ate his companion, he formed a weird face with his remaining eyes, nose and mouth in the chest and abdomen.

The face was gentle and indifferent, making Dairik inexplicably feel familiar.

Just a second or two, Derick figured out the reasons for familiarity:

This face is very similar to the angel in the mural above, the silver-haired angel on the looping river!

Sure enough, the reason we continue to explore repeatedly comes from Him! When Dairik’s heart moved, he blurted out a word, just like giving a spell to lift the dilemma.

"Redemption Rose!" he solemnly shouted.

Jack, the little boy, raised his head and looked at him, his mouth opened a little, and he reached the ear:

"I'm so hungry……


... Dairik was sluggish and saw a fierce battle.

When he was awake again, he sat back next to the campfire.

"Redemption Rose" is not a mantra... He has a deep review.

The seventh exploration began very quickly. Dairik, who had tried it, no longer had abnormal behavior, but only actively tried to check the "redemption rose" mural.

All the way as usual, the exploration team entered the underground hall with the altar and the idol, and found the obviously strange little boy Jack.

After a similar conversation, Dairik once again saw the face that was pieced together with other people's facial features.

With experience, he did not do any stimulating moves, and lowered his voice, to the "hunter" Colin Road:

"Lord, the face on his chest is very similar to the angel in the mural above. There is an angel with silver hair and a river that meets the end of the river. Well, the corner is the mural of the redemption."

"The Demon Hunter" Colin was a glimpse, and immediately frowned.

As he watched, he calmed the little boy Jack and looked at Dairik with his eyes.

Silence for a few seconds, he whispered:

"Because you mentioned this thing, I have made some associations."

Not waiting for Dairik to ask, he is self-satisfied:

"We studied the mural for a long time, but simply thought that it depicts a leading angel and a group of pilgrims. The name of their group may be called 'redemption.'

"The river that meets end to end shows the cycle. Our interpretation is that the pilgrimage trip is repeated.

"And now it seems that it may identify the identity of that angel.

"This is the idea you made me, because Amon used to hide in your body."

"Why?" Dairik stunned.

"Demon Hunter" Colin looked at the little boy Jack Road:

"The bug that Amon left behind has the symbol of time. The circulating river is often related to fate. The two are put together, reminding me of a few things that are mentioned in the classics, and I don't know the truth.

"When the Creator of Everything, the God of the Almighty Almighty" looks at the world, there are many angels around him. Among them, the princes of all angels, the king of angels closest to the throne, have eight. Their names are It has disappeared into a long history, and some have certain records, or simple, or detailed.

"It is rumored that there are even sons of gods in the kings of these eight angels.

"There are two kings of angels who are named 'Time Angels' and 'Destiny Angels'."

Dairik stunned and asked:

"Do you think Amon is a 'time angel', and that mural is an ‘destination angel?’

"For the time being, I can't be sure that there is only one title from the "Angel of the Time", and the record of the "Destiny Angel" is relatively detailed..." "The Demon Hunter" Colin suddenly took a breath.

Then he said in a deep voice:

"Destiny Angel, ‘Swallower’ Uluos.”


In the evening, in the underground building of the Odra family.

Emlin White looked at the iron-black cockroach, the ancient **** way lying inside:

"Master Nibes, I accept the mission of the ancestors!"

Nibes responded with an old voice:


"When do you want to start? What are your wishes that have not been completed?"

"..." Hearing the advice of the great Nibes, Emlin White had a soft calf and almost regretted it.

He has a hard neck:

"No need!

"You can start now."

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