Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 15 Melee Combat

Lehman rushed to the front of the team, holding a double axe, and even his face, which usually looked thick, became a little hideous because of running.

After approaching the enemy for ten steps, Lehman stepped out with his left foot and leaned back. With the strength of his waist muscles, he swung his right hand forward from the back and drew a semicircle in the air until he reached the front of his body. Let go of the handle of the ax in his hand, and the ax flew forward with great momentum.

It was as if a black lightning flashed across the eyes of the crowd, and slashed straight at the wooden shield in the hands of a cavalry beside Bill. The wooden shield was instantly torn apart, and the ax slashed at the cavalry's chest with undiminished force. , The ax blade hit the sternum hard, the cavalryman's entire chest was sunken, the cracked bone spur pierced through the internal organs, purple-black blood froth flowed out of the mouth, and the body fell limply, seemingly dead.

Lehman's violent ax stunned Commander Bill and the remaining three cavalry, and the charging pace stopped involuntarily, his eyes were full of horror, he couldn't believe what happened before him, one of them died before the fight, then Is the guy still a human? The tragic death of their companions in front of them caused fear in the hearts of the remaining three cavalrymen.

Commander Bill was also afraid. He shook the iron round shield in his hand. He couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he asked the guards at the grain store before and knew that they all carried bows and arrows, so he asked his subordinates to prepare shields. It was still made of pig iron, otherwise the one who fell would probably be me. Years of combat experience still saved my life.

Bill saw the fear in his subordinates, and knew that he had to make a decision. Now that the horse was dead, it was too late to escape, and if he exposed his back to a group of hunters with bows and arrows, he might be seeking his own death.

Besides, I can't explain to Master Ollie when I go back, the only way out now is to defeat the hunters in front of me, and wait until the robbers from the other side rush in, then there is no hope of victory.

With a loud roar, the prestige of Commander Bill made the remaining cavalry temporarily suppress the fear in their hearts, followed Bill and others, and slowly approached the enemy.

Facing the brave hunter in front of him, Bill was not sure that he would win, but looking at the chain mail on his body, his equipment was much better than theirs, so he suddenly gained confidence and used an iron shield to protect his upper body , showing his eyes to observe the situation, and walked forward cautiously.

Lehman didn't expect this kind of result either. The result of the throw was so powerful that it directly eliminated an enemy. However, due to the throwing action, Lehman's charging momentum was also forced to stop. Fortunately, the enemy seemed to be deterred. , There was no movement for a while, leaving Lehman with breathing time.

Taking a deep breath, he moved his body a little, switched the ax from his left hand to his right, and stared intently at Bill who was slowly walking towards him.

Including Nord and others who came to support, there are seven people on our side, and only four people left on the opposite side. Now we are in an absolute advantage. Although the hunters are at a disadvantage against these cavalry who are good at close combat, but With nearly double the number of people, the two hunters are still capable of fighting against the previous cavalry.

Lehman took the initiative to confront Bill, and Bill also stared at Lehman closely. Both of them knew in their hearts that only by solving each other could they win the battle.

Nord and Reid on the edge of the battlefield attacked a cavalry together. The cavalry held a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right. He saw that he was fighting with two young boys. One of them looked like a nobleman with a face on his face. He couldn't help showing a smirk, he didn't dare to fight against a fierce man like Lehman, it's easy to bully two young boys, and the cavalry felt a little contemptuous in his heart.

Nord and Reid looked at each other, moved away with a tacit understanding, and flanked the enemy from the left and right respectively. Nord was on the left and Reid was on the right. The two put on a defensive posture.

Whenever the cavalry made an attacking gesture, the person being attacked would concentrate on defending, while the other would frantically attack the cavalry's flaws. After a few rounds, the cooperation between the two of Nord became more and more tacit, and the two were about the same age. De's personality is jumpy and his mind is active. Although Nord is not very experienced in fighting, but after all, he has the muscle memory left by his predecessor, and the soul from the modern age, he is no worse than Reed. With the cooperation of the two, the cavalry began to panic .

There was already cold sweat on the cavalry's forehead. He thought it would be easy to deal with the two young boys, but he didn't expect these two boys to be so flexible. He was no match for him alone, but with the cooperation of the two, he was a bit stretched. , Is it possible that I will be defeated by this brat today? There was a flash of panic in my heart, and my steps suddenly became staggering.

Seeing this, Nord knew that the opportunity was coming. Sure enough, not long after, attracted by Reed, the cavalryman leaked his back. Nord didn't hesitate, and slashed at the back of the cavalryman's neck. The long sword penetrated into the flesh, and half of his head was chopped off. , blood burst out, Nord's eyes were blood red.

The body of the cavalryman fell slowly, with his head tilted to the side. Nord's strength was not that great, and his technique was not skillful, so there was no scene of the head being separated and the blood column soaring into the sky.

Nord's face was splattered with blood, looking at the fallen figure, his expression was a little dazed, his feet were bloody, and he felt a strong discomfort in his heart, but it hadn't reached the point of vomiting and other physiological reactions.

Averting his eyes, Reed ran to Nord's side excitedly, turning a blind eye to the cruel scene under his feet.

"Master Nord, are you okay? You are really powerful. I was worried that you would be injured. I didn't expect you to kill this guy with a single sword."

After Reed finished speaking, he pointed to the corpse under his feet, his expression only showed the excitement and excitement after defeating the enemy.

Nuode wiped the blood from his face, and seeing the excitement in Reed's eyebrows, Nuode said to himself: "This is what this era should look like."

Turning his head to look at the battle situation of the others, Marco and the two had already solved their enemies, and went to support the others separately. The remaining cavalry was besieged by three people, and the defeat was not far away. Marco was planning to support Lei Man, but the fierce battle between the two made it impossible for Marco to intervene, so he could only stand on the spot and watch.

The battle between Lehman and Bill was very fierce from the very beginning. Bill relied on his superior equipment to fight against Lehman. Although Lehman was brave, Bill was also experienced, and neither of them could win against each other for a while.

But just after Marco and Nord solved their opponents respectively, especially when Marco came around the two and pretended to participate in the battle, Bill had to pay attention to precautions.

Lehman decisively seized the opportunity of Bill's distraction, and kicked Bill's buckler. The huge force caused the buckler to fall to the ground, and Bill took several steps back to stabilize his body.

Lehman held an ax in both hands, and made two steps in three steps, and slashed at Bill. Bill also understood his danger, but he could only fight hard. He clenched his long sword with both hands, and slashed at Lehman.

Both of them exerted all their strength, the swords and axes intersected, and there was a loud noise, and the two weapons were bounced off and landed on both sides. Lehman endured the severe pain from the tiger's mouth, and pulled out the one-handed sword at his waist. With a flash of sword light, a bloodstain appeared on Bill's neck.

Bill's hands were blocking the long sword, but he was a step slower. Bill covered his neck in horror, and made a hoo hoo sound, but he couldn't speak, and he couldn't stop the blood from flowing out. Finally, Bill fell to his knees. The ground, the eyes reveal the nostalgia for this world.

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