Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 11: Ollie Collison

While Nord was waiting, the guards from the grain store came to the castle in a hurry and reported the situation to the butler of the castle in a panic. The butler of Christenburg was named Barry, with a thin figure and a hooked nose. Some shadowy appearance.

"It's not good, Lord Barry, a noble lord brought a group of people to the grain store to buy grain. He said he wanted to buy a lot. Master Harry asked me to inform you and the lord."

"Do you know who it is? What's its name?"

"The villain didn't hear the name clearly, but he seems to be a viscount like our master. He looks very young, and he has a group of mud legs from the countryside."

"With a group of countrymen." Barry curled his lips with a look of contempt. He didn't even have his own noble guards. What kind of viscount would he be? Moreover, the viscounts around him would not come to the grain store to buy food, and he hadn't heard of it. The young man inherited the title of the family, maybe he didn't come here to impersonate, Barry planned to ask the guards to arrest these daring mud legs, pretending to be a noble is a serious crime.

But after thinking about it, Barry felt that something was wrong. There would not be such an idiot who tricked the Collison family. He had taken the guts of a bear and a leopard. Master Ollie is not a character to be fooled with. People don't blink their eyes when they come. Could it be that they are really nobles?

"You bring some guards to wait here, and I will inform Master Ollie."

Barry didn't dare to make a decision on his own. After giving orders to the guards, he turned around and walked towards the castle hall. Master Ollie was in a good mood today. He had just returned from Twin City and was dealing with the accounts in the study.

Barry walked into the study room, and saw that the study room was exquisitely and elegantly furnished. The tables, chairs and bookshelves were all made of high-quality mahogany. The desk and table were facing the window. A maid stood not far from the desk, waiting for the master's orders at any time.

Ollie Collison is a fat man, wearing a white lace aristocratic costume, the loose clothes have a somewhat tight effect, sitting at the desk, looking at the financial report of the territory, feeling a little happy in his heart, squinting his eyes It seemed as if gold coins had flashed one after another.

Barry came to Viscount Ollie's side, reported the situation to him, and shared his analysis, thinking that those people outside might be counterfeit.

After Ollie heard it, a smile appeared on his chubby face.

"That's not a country bumpkin. He's a nobleman from Veron City. He's different from our people in the backcountry. I heard someone talk about it in Tevin City yesterday. He said that this kid is a famous prodigal son in Veron City. , gave up the bustling city of Veron, and insisted on becoming a small lord in this remote mountainous area, hehe, it’s really interesting.”

"Then I'm going to send him away?"

"No, I'm going to meet him. Speaking of which, we are still neighbors. It is said that this kid paid a lot of money for this territory. It is a big deal! He is here to give me gold coins, why do you want to drive him away? .”

Ollie put down the financial report in his hand, looked out the window with interest, then turned to Barry beside him and said, "Go and call Commander Bill, I have something to tell him. Go!"

Hearing that, Barry turned around and left. Ollie looked at Barry's back and knocked on the desk unconsciously.

After a while, Barry walked in with a middle-aged man with a beard and chain mail. The man was muscular, with a fleshy face, fierce eyes, and the appearance of wanting to eat people. After saluting to Viscount Ollie, he asked in a deep voice, "Master Ollie, what are your orders?"

"Go and inform the hyenas outside the city that there is a group of people carrying a large amount of food and going north. In addition, you take a small group of cavalry and wait outside. When the time comes..."

There was a fierce light in Ollie Collison's eyes, and he stood up immediately, the fat on his body shaking as Ollie got up.

"Let's go, let's meet the viscount who came from afar."

In the grain store, Nord was still waiting patiently. Not long after, a group of people came out from the castle in the distance. After Harry saw it, he quickly reminded Nord.

"Master Nord, our master is here, you wait here first, I will go to meet Master Ollie."

After speaking, Harry gestured to Nord, and then walked towards Ollie and the others. Nord looked at the people coming carefully. Viscount Ollie walked towards him. He looked very similar to their family's coat of arms, like a charging wild boar. He couldn't see the brave appearance of the Krissen family at all. The guards behind him held spears and wore leather armor. They looked more effective than the guards in the town.

Harry walked up to Viscount Ollie and had a brief conversation. Ollie nodded and led a group of people towards Nord.

"Hello, guest from Belon City, I am the lord of Christenburg, Ollie Christen, we will be neighbors in the future, we can communicate more."

Ollie Collison has a sincere smile on his face, a chubby face, and small eyes, giving people a very reliable feeling.

"Hello, Viscount Ollie, I'm Nord Isaac, the lord of the Northern Isaac Territory."

"I came to Christenburg today to buy some food and tools. I hope Viscount Ollie can sell them to me. Nord is very grateful."

Nord stroked his right chest with his left hand and nodded to Ollie, looking calmly at Ollie and the others.

"I have food and tools here. Maybe you don't know. The land we can cultivate here is very rare, so there is always a shortage of food, and the price of food has always been high. I heard that you want to buy 2,000 catties of food at one time. I It's a bit embarrassing!"

Ollie showed a dilemma while talking, as if he really felt very embarrassed.

Although Nord did not do business before, in the age of knowledge explosion, he still knew some routines. Although Ollie looked in a dilemma, his tone and demeanor revealed a meaning. Food is very precious. , want to have to add money.

So Nord smiled slightly, indicating that he understood, so that Viscount Ollie didn't have to be embarrassed.

"I understand that grain is very precious. You can sell me how much surplus Viscount Ollie has, and I will figure out the rest. The price is negotiable."

"Viscount Nord came from afar. How could I not help you with your difficulties? We will still be neighbors in the future, and we need to support each other. I can still squeeze out 2,000 catties of grain, and the price is only 50 copper shells per catty."

Nord cursed in his heart, this is a fat man who is really black, he looks amiable on the surface, he did not expect to be so greedy, the price of food in Veron City is only 10 copper shells per catty, which is already very expensive, It only takes 5 Tongluo (the coin of the Seaman Kingdom) to buy food from the Seaman Kingdom, and only 4 to 5 copper shells are converted into copper shells.

Moreover, Nord had asked Colin before that the price of food in Tewen City was only 20 copper shells, and because of the monopoly of food in Christenburg, coupled with the greed of Ollie Krissen, the price of food was 40 copper shells. Above Tongbei, the village used to buy food in Twen City, but Nord considered that Twen City is far away, and there are many robbers on the road, so he decided to buy it in Christenburg, but he did not expect Ollie. Krissen would be so dark. Nord suppressed the anger in his heart, let's take advantage of this fat pig first, and then settle accounts with him slowly after the territory develops.

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