Lord of Deception

Chapter 258: Opening the Coffin, Langya Ban (6k)

He starved to death when he landed. There was no bark left on the trees as far as the eye could see. There was no other way but to starve to death.

And there are countless ants like him in the wilderness, it's hard to count.

It's just that he took advantage of it and survived.

Sometimes, Yu Ziqing even felt that there were so many people who died in the same way that the resentment was so strong that they gathered on him and forcibly carved a way out of death.

Whenever he thinks about this place, Yu Ziqing can't help but do something for the hungry ghosts.

He died of starvation back then, and the old sheep was reduced to a sheep for making livestock, which was the root of everything.

It was that day that I saw the great sun rising over the wasteland, like two suns in the same sky, containing infinite power, brilliance and destruction coexisting.

Lao Yang could endure it and remained calm. He just used the Spell of Silence to trace and deduce things in reverse.

Yu Ziqing could endure it. His strength was insufficient, his foundation was insufficient, and the general situation was unstable. Even if he could trace some clues, he would have to be on the safe side first.

Otherwise, there are some things that once revealed, there is no way out. No matter how prepared you are, you can only move forward bravely.

At first, Yu Ziqing never understood. Just like when he knew Lao Yang's past identity, he also wondered why Lao Yang didn't return to Langya Courtyard.

Even if he doesn't go back, his former best friends can still be trusted.

Why can't I helplessly watch my best friend seem to be disheartened and shocked, no longer continuing to consolidate his foundation, but directly going into seclusion to enter Taoism, while Lao Yang can just watch with cold eyes and don't ask anything.

Yu Ziqing could understand other things, but Lao Yang didn't quite understand this matter.

Now he finally understands that he is not just watching indifferently, but he has confidence in Toye. He is so confident that he will not doubt it at all. He never thought that Toye would really get discouraged and give up.

Just like now, he just asked Yu Ziqing to inquire about To Ye's situation.

Yu Ziqing just made an excuse in his own way and said he had something to ask.

Looking back, he felt that the excuse Yu Ziqing made was random, but after being with Lao Yang for so long, he was used to this kind of thing.

This was probably the only excuse he could find that wasn't too important, didn't attract attention, and was reasonable.

If Yu Ziqing didn't think there was anything wrong with this ordinary thing, Lao Yang was sure that To Ye would understand what it meant.

To be honest, if these guys wanted to be spies, the guards would have to stand in a row.

When they become spies, it's really killing a chicken with a dragon's knife.

Note this in advance, Lao Yang has a bad temper, and if you ask him to help with a tutorial, he will probably explode.

However, depending on the situation, Toye seems to have been keeping a low profile and is probably easy to talk to.

If I can get in touch with this boss in the future, I will shamelessly ask him to give me a Riddler tutorial.

If this big boss is willing to help, after Dadui returns, ask him to give a lesson to Jia Fourteen and the people under Jia Fourteen.

The name Faceless Man must not be used anymore.

On the one hand, there are no shameless people in Da Dui. On the other hand, this name is a bit unlucky.

Then I'll change my name and call him The Riddler.

I have been tricked by the old sheep, and if I try to trick him back again, I feel that it is not enough.

From now on, I have to make other people feel uncomfortable. When they hear the words "The Riddler", they don't have to frown first and then sigh like "Jinyiwei".

As long as other people hear these three words, they will feel as uncomfortable as constipation.

No, I will go to Dadu later. I will change my name first and then talk about it after the training.

Yu Ziqing was wandering happily, thinking and having fun at the same time.

The constipation feeling that was tortured by the old sheep finally subsided, even though I just persuaded myself.

Yu Ziqing seemed to be in a good mood for several days in a row. When he saw Lao Yang, he thought about the future, especially when he saw Lao Yang acting suspiciously and seemingly not understanding anything. Yu Ziqing felt even better.

Although there is actually no particularly clear riddle, I can pretend that there is one and make you feel uncomfortable, but that’s fine.

After eating, Yu Ziqing grabbed the little boy to stretch his muscles, and then he also grabbed the people who were watching the fun and didn't mind it, and also grabbed him to stretch his muscles, and his mood suddenly improved.

The subsequent practice seemed to go much smoother, and even the first chapter of the Great Evolution, which was progressing slowly, made a slight progress.

This mentality affects spiritual practice, and it is really the truth.

After walking around Jinlan Mountain, I squatted on the edge of Yuhua Tomb and gave him something.

"This is specially reserved for you during the banquet. You are also a member of our Jinlan Mountain after all, so you will definitely have a share of the banquet."

The Jade Tomb refuses no one who comes, and devours everything.

Yu Ziqing didn't talk much, just told him to recover slowly and don't be impatient, then turned and left.

The power of Yuhua Tomb is indeed huge, but it can't do much. At most, it can suppress Jinlan Mountain, but that's enough.

Yu Ziqing went around the southwest corner again, but this time he didn't tell Juice a story. Juice was full last time and hasn't digested it yet. He probably won't need to worry about it for a few years.

After walking around the locust tree forest, I took out a large part of the large amount of sweet rain stored in the locust tree and kept spreading it.

Hungry ghosts are also used to it. This happens when their adults are in a good mood. They are also happy to give extra alms and pray that their adults will always be in a good mood.

As time goes by, the hungry ghosts' intelligence begins to slowly recover, and the gap gradually becomes apparent.

The talented ones have already emerged, but the vast majority of hungry ghosts are actually still a little confused and their intelligence is not very high. However, in this process, the basic social order and special ways of getting along have been slowly formed.

The overall atmosphere has always been good. At most, it was just a matter of fighting over where to stay.

But this kind of intense competition is quite beneficial, as it gives some hungry ghosts a channel to move forward.

Some people like to lie flat, some like to be quiet, and some want to stand out. It all depends on their own wishes.

If there are really those who are willing to rush up like a profiteer and hungry ghost, Yu Ziqing has prepared beef jerky.

You can get through the days with a little bit of hope.

Yu Ziqing stayed in Jinlan Mountain for a while and practiced hard. Not only did he have to practice the first chapter of the Dayan, he also had to refine his body and practice Yin Shen.

I practice more and more, especially spiritual and physical training, which go hand in hand, and I already feel like doing twice the result with half the effort.

No wonder all the powerful people, even if they study two paths at the same time, can only master one path to the ninth level, and the other one can reach the seventh level, which is considered to have put in a lot of effort.

Two ninth-level ones have never been seen before.

The more I experience it personally, the more I understand how difficult it is to specialize as Lao Yang talks about.

If he had specialized in one area, with his background and accumulation, he would have easily advanced to the seventh level by now.

In the early years, I was not ashamed to speak loudly and said very casually that I would talk about it later after refining my qi.

Now it seems that he is really young. If he is a fellow practitioner in spiritual, qi, and body training, his cultivation progress will be delayed by two or three thousand years.

Yu Ziqing is cultivating in Jinlan Mountain, while Daqian on the other side has become increasingly unstable recently.

It was not that Cheng Jing had never put down the butcher knife he had raised, but that before the blood on the butcher knife dripped cleanly, new blood was stained on it.

The problem of Langya Academy is not the current problem at all, but has been for a long time, and it is only now that it has been exposed bit by bit.

Correction has no effect, the only way is to scrape the bones to cure the poison, and if necessary, amputate the limbs.

The mausoleum deep in Langya Courtyard was originally used to bury people who had made contributions to Langya Courtyard or had achieved achievements.

Today, Taoist Longhu, Jianzhen, and Cheng Jing appeared here together.

In addition, several hospital leaders who supported Cheng Jing came together.

There was an escape light approaching in the distance. This was someone who was against Cheng Jing.

One person fell down, looking extremely ugly.

"Cheng Jing! Do you really want to do this?

Killing so many people is not enough, now you really want to dig up the tomb of your senior?

What's the worry, what's the reason for this? "

Killing can only be done with a nod of the head.

Even if there is a great hatred of life and death, and great hatred of blocking the road, it will not be implicated here. Even the tombs of the predecessors will be dug up, the coffins will be split, the coffins will be whipped, and the bones will be smashed and ashes scattered.

Cheng Jing's face was resolute and his eyes were firm. He didn't wait for Taoist Longhu to speak to Jianzhen and took the blame for him.

He waved his hand, stirred up the wind and waves, and opened the mausoleum himself in front of everyone.

A low rumbling sound spread, and the mausoleum cracked open, revealing a coffin covered with runes.

"What I want to do is worthy of my conscience and worthy of Langya Academy. Even if I get a bad reputation, I will do it. If you want to stop me, don't use your words."

Cheng Jing shouted in a deep voice and flicked his fingers, and saw dots of runes on the coffin light up. The light flowed around the coffin and circulated nine times. The power of all the runes collapsed at the same time, but it did not damage the coffin at all.

This move was so light that those who opposed it all shut their mouths.

They seemed to have just remembered at this time that Cheng Jing was not just killing people with cruel methods. He was a cultivator who established the Tao, and his level of strength was on display here.

When the coffin was opened, there were no corpses or bones, not even clothes.

There is only one golden book, quietly placed inside.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, even those who opposed Cheng Jing were a little confused.

There is a certain number of people who can be buried in Langya Courtyard. Even if they die outside and there are no bones left, it is at least a tomb.

According to records from that year, this senior’s body was buried intact.

The mausoleum and the coffin also show that the coffin has never been opened since the burial.

Taoist Longhu waved his hand, and the golden book flew out of the coffin. He did not look at it in a hurry, but directly put it away.

They arrested the former head of the academy who gave the prince the dragon talisman, and arrested many more people. They followed the clues and found out about the origin of the former head of the academy.

Following the trace, we found that many records had been burned.

But these people really want to find some clues in Langya courtyard, so burning the records will be of no use.

After just confirming the approximate age, Cheng Jing decided to open the coffin in spite of the public disapproval.

In the original lineage of the head of the hospital, going back to the approximate era, there were two figures at the level of the head of the hospital.

If the dragon talisman came from one of them, there would definitely be traces on his bones.

A strong man of that level is buried in the mausoleum in Langya courtyard, so his bones must still be there.

Who would have thought that in the first tomb opened, the person who was the most suspected person would not have a body inside at all.

Back in the courtyard, Taoist Longhu waved his hand and released the golden book. The several courtyard leaders present could all see the contents inside.

On the first page of the gold book, there are a few large characters.

"I am ashamed of Langya, and I am ashamed of all of you. Both my spirit and my form will be destroyed, and I will die without a burial place."

It can also be seen from the handwriting that the owner of the handwriting has great mood swings.

Reading through the pages, it was like seeing the life of this senior.

Back then, this senior was a typical Langya cultivator. He spent his whole life pursuing knowledge, exploring truth, and studying various things.

Don’t fight with others, don’t waste time elsewhere, truly cherish your time as your life.

Many things today, tracing back to their roots, are related to this senior.

Even in Langya Courtyard, he can be regarded as a respected boss with a memorial tablet placed in the core area.

This golden book can be regarded as the diary record of this boss for a period of time.

It also allowed everyone to see something different.

At that time, this big boss had already achieved great success. In his later years, although he did not do anything, his status was extremely high.

But he still persevered, kept doing research, and walked forward on the road of knowledge without stopping.

One day, he was invited by the Dragon Clan to try to solve a problem that a descendant of a true dragon had.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to resolve the problem of the descendants of the true dragon.

Later, someone sent him a descendant of Zhenlin, who was only half-breathing and confused.

He discovered that the powers of the descendants of the true dragon and the descendants of the true lin were slightly in conflict, so he came up with a bold idea.

An idea he had never succeeded at that time.

Daitian spreads the Tao and creates new creatures.

This kind of creature, which was not born from heaven and earth, was not born naturally, and the first step it had to face when it was born was the catastrophe of transformation.

In the past, I was never strong enough, and it was impossible to survive the catastrophe of reincarnation. I had to get on the bus first and pay for the ticket later.

However, the real creatures naturally bred by heaven and earth normally buy tickets first and then get on the bus, so the treatment is naturally different.

His lifelong pursuit is here, and he will never give up no matter what.

In the end, he took the head of the descendant of the true dragon, the body of the descendant of the auspicious beast, the limbs of the descendant of the true lin, and the wings of the descendant of the true phoenix.

He just mentioned the source in one stroke. Someone was doing these things for him. He was just obsessed with research and had nothing else in mind.

The prototype of the patchwork monster appeared.

A man-created creature that even has the hope of surviving the catastrophe of reincarnation is about to appear.

As long as the first one appears, it is equivalent to the creation of a clan. The end of his lifelong research is here.

However, when the patchwork monster appeared and the thunder tribulation was about to appear, he realized that it was impossible, simply impossible.

That transformed thunder catastrophe was enough to annihilate the patchwork monster, and it was far stronger than all the transformed thunder catastrophes he had ever seen.

It's so strong that it's no longer a thunder disaster, it's like a real punishment from heaven, trying to completely erase this stubborn disease that shouldn't exist.

He took the patchwork monster and fled to the abyss, and then fled to the void, only to avoid the thunder catastrophe of transformation.

But at this time, the power of the patchwork monster began to change.

He hid the patchwork monster in the void, went back and re-study the place where it shouldn't be, and even went to the Dragon Clan to get a drop of true dragon essence and blood. He spent all the time in the rest of his life before he finally figured out one thing.

I also understand what he did.

The Four True Beings suffered a curse and completely disappeared over the years. Naturally, the descendants of the Four True Beings were also affected.

But the impact is actually not that big, and it is far from the situation where the road is completely blocked and there is no life at all.

At most, the broad road that was originally supposed to be has turned into an extremely difficult single-plank bridge. At least it is still possible to walk.

When he created a patchwork monster, integrated the power of the Four True Descendants, and melted it into one, he completely cut off the difficult single-plank bridge that the Four True Descendants could finally walk on.

In those years, the road to the tenth level was not completely blocked, but it became increasingly difficult and difficult to walk.

When he understood, the aliens that had nothing to do with the human race were actually related to the future of the human race.

He cut off one of the key single-plank bridges on the tenth-level road that was already difficult to walk and had little hope.

The upper limit of heaven and earth has been weakened again.

This kind of weakening did not happen overnight, it just became more and more difficult, and what he did, invisibly, became the most critical step.

It's obviously a foreign race and a new creature, but in fact, it's blocking everyone's way.

A pure Langya cultivator who spent his life pursuing the truth, studying heaven and man, and wanted to create a new life, did the greatest evil thing.

When he realized that he was being used by others and was extremely desperate, he could no longer say all of this.

He didn't even dare to leave clues and names in his diary.

I'm afraid that this last record will also disappear with it.

His last effort was to dig out his own spine and record it in a golden book, turning it into a new spine.

This information was concealed at the cost of annihilation of the soul, just so that the golden book could be buried in Langya courtyard.

No matter who it is, unless his tomb is dug up, there is no way he can erase the things recorded in the golden book.

And in Langya courtyard, it is absolutely impossible to dig out a memorial tablet and place it in the mausoleum at the head of the courtyard in the core area.

There must have been many heads of the academy who made the decision together to openly dig up his tomb.

As a price, he was eventually destroyed, leaving only this golden book.

When someone can decide to dig out this golden book and know the truth, it means that there is a ruthless person in Langya courtyard, and they can continue to pursue it.

No one should pursue the matter of digging graves. This is a just act.

He also deserved it. He deserved to have his grave dug up and his coffin split, and he died without a burial place.

After everyone read the diary, everyone's eyes were dazed and shocked.

"The boundaries of research and many taboo regulations in Langya Academy seem to have been established in that era, right?" Cheng Jing asked softly in a daze.

"Yes, many of them appeared in that era, and the prohibitions that were not taboo were also set at that time." Toad Ye replied in a deep voice.

The development of Langya Academy was not determined from the beginning.

In the early days, the leaders of the courtyards were more wild than the others.

Wanting to create living beings was a topic that could be discussed directly at that time.

At that time, let alone expanding the abyss cracks, even opening the abyss cracks was an issue that could be put on the table.

From today's point of view, I thought I was a madman, but at that time I caught a handful of them.

Later, a ban was introduced and a bottom line was drawn, which made things much better.

Everyone was silent, and they all understood that the appearance of the most severe ban was naturally the most painful lesson ever taught.

It’s just that time flies and many things have disappeared.

Some of the bans they take for granted now have no idea what painful price they paid for such bans.

Now they know.

At the expense of everyone's future.

After a deathly silence, the leader of the opposition stood up and bowed his hands to Cheng Jing.

"Langya Academy really needs Chief Cheng to use thunderous means to cut out the flesh and remove the disease.

Previously, we were short-sighted and did not understand the aspirations of President Cheng.

We are not obstructing it intentionally, nor is it a personal grudge..."

Cheng Jing stood up and returned the salute with a calm expression.

"I know that you just don't want Langya Courtyard to be damaged, so I have never targeted you."

Cheng Jing's road to purification will definitely be smoother in the future.

To Ye watched all this quietly, turned around and left, went to Langya's library, and found the classics that recorded Langya's ban.

He now understands that many things are not unrecorded, nor have they disappeared.

He flipped through a page and looked at the prohibition written in blood-colored words with deep eyes.

If the head of Langya Academy really wants to leave something behind, he has the corresponding means.

This book is placed in the first row of bookshelves in the Langya library, the most prominent place on Langya Bans, and is even a required course for Langya students in their first year of school.

It was the former head of the academy who left records.

Because no matter the normal records left behind, no matter how they disappeared due to various accidents, all the records of the former Shijun and Wenjun were erased.

The Langya ban has been passed down intact from ancient times to the present.

To Ye looked at one of the prohibitions, and the corresponding record immediately appeared in his mind.

Because of what happened and how it evolved, this ban finally appeared.

After abandoning the old barrier of taking this kind of ban for granted.

Think about the logic and underlying reasons behind it.

Soon, he found several articles. The deep reasons and logic behind the ban were unclear in the records, or could not be traced back to their origins.

There are also several bloody prohibitions, which can now be traced back to their roots, which are things recorded in the golden book.

No matter who it is or by what method, it can only be regarded as the cause.

The Langya ban that has always been on the surface is the result of this cause.

As long as there is an effect, there is an opportunity to trace the original cause through retrograde deduction.

Maybe there were seniors who noticed something was wrong a long time ago.

Just put it in the most conspicuous place, leaving these things that cannot be erased.

To Ye looked at Langya's ban and smiled. This was the way Langya's head bullied people.

He put the book down casually and began to wander around Langya's library.

He wanted to follow the path of his old friend again. He believed that his old friend must have left something behind in a similar way.

Because with that person's temperament, he was probably sure that no one would scan the entire Langya library like him.

Whatever information was left was clearly there and no one would be able to see it.

Just like this time, Qing Ziyu from Jinlan Mountain came to ask him something.

Ha, Qing Ziyu probably doesn't even know what he specializes in, right?

At least he should read more books, otherwise it would be too fake, so fake that he was a little confused and couldn't be sure.


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