Lord of Ashes

Chapter 186: Calming Bell

Text Chapter 186 Soul Calming Bell

Zhang Yanhang has been staying in the Ash World to hunt monsters, so he subconsciously counted the time of leaving on October 9th as the time when the teleportation channel was opened, but in fact, the last time the teleportation channel was opened was on October 8th. Nine o'clock.

"I never questioned the opening of the transmission channel on the 13th. The 13th was clearly the time when the transmission channel was closed. In other words, this time the transmission channel was advanced by half an hour, and it was already at 8:30. .

Every time I advance by half an hour, if I advance a few more times, I guess I will enter the world of ashes before I wait for dinner. "

Zhang Yanhang feels that in general, it is a good thing to advance the opening time of the transmission channel, because opening the transmission channel in advance with the same closing time of the transmission channel means that the maintenance time of the transmission channel becomes longer.

It also means that Zhang Yanhang can move freely in the Ash World longer, because as long as the transmission channel is not closed, he can freely decide the time to leave the Ash World.

"It's been a long time since I dreamed of a lady in ragged clothes. She actually started to miss me a little bit. After I come back this time, I will see if I can solve this problem. Little sister."

In addition to solving the problem of this ragged young lady, Zhang Yanhang felt that he might also be able to solve the problem about female ghosts.

After Zhang Yanhang has awakened multiple choices, he can trigger one or even several adventures every day. Over the long period of time, he has naturally harvested a lot of spiritual weapons. Although he can't bring it to the world of ashes, he can use it to deal with a small one. Female ghosts are definitely not a problem.

At present, Zhang Yanhang has three spiritual weapons suitable for dealing with female ghosts. The first is the copper coin sword mentioned earlier that can cause extra damage to ghosts, and the second is the soul-suppressing bell that focuses on the soul and the direction of the spirit.

Then there is the third one. This spiritual tool is called the Refining Demon Pot, which can capture all kinds of spirits, wraiths and monsters and house them in the space of the pot. This spiritual tool is the most powerful and has an effect on Zhang Yanhang. Also the biggest.

Only by keeping the female ghost by his side can Zhang Yanhang start to do whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants.

"But everything will not be solved until I return from the Ash World. So, I choose option one and go to the Ash World immediately."

With the blessings from the options, this time, Zhang Yanhang is bound to kill all the monsters in Raccoon City, completely emptied the entire Raccoon City, and promoted to the second rank with the 100% completed Ash Treasure Box.

After making the choice, time began to flow again. Zhang Yanhang's eyes suddenly went black and then white again. The position he focused on changed from the well-decorated ceiling of the bedroom to the dilapidated and shabby ceiling of the 301 room of Dulda Apartment.

Zhang Yanhang took a big breath in the smell of corpses and decay in the raccoon city, and then he was choked immediately, "Cough cough cough!"

Zhang Yanhang, who wanted to revisit the fresh air of Raccoon City, felt that he might not be able to suffer the crime, so he instantly reactivated the air filter of the energy shield. “I thought I was used to it, but maybe I was not used to it.”

He was really used to this unique smell in the air of Raccoon City before, but after spending a long time in the main world, he became unaccustomed again.

It's like you are forced to go to an open-air dry toilet squat pit. At first you have to cover your nose to go in, but after pulling for a while, you will feel that the smell in the dry toilet is not as pungent as it was at the beginning. .

This is not because the smell of the dry toilet has become smaller, but your nose has taken the initiative to reduce the sensitivity of the sense of smell in order to adapt to this smell, referred to as the nose is broken.

But when you are forced to go to this dry toilet for the second time, you will still feel a strong irritating taste. Perhaps this time you will adapt faster, but you still can’t adapt at the beginning. Experience the super sensory stimulation that goes straight to the sky.

"Hey, if I had known that I would enter the world of ashes on the 12th, I would definitely start to sleep right after I got home and regain a little more energy.

But fortunately, when I come back to Ashland this time, I finally don't have to worry about eating. I can eat hematite ant meat directly when I am hungry in the future. "

Zhang Yanhang immediately found out the canned beans and canned soup in his pocket, and threw it out along the window.

Before, he didn't have food to keep this kind of thing, but now he doesn't lack food, it is naturally impossible to keep these useless garbage to occupy his limited pocket space.

Since Zhang Yanhang was willing to go hungry for five consecutive days without eating this kind of food last time, he will be even more unlikely to eat this kind of food in the future.

Speaking of the problem with the waist bag, Zhang Yanhang immediately sat up from the bed and began to check the contents of the waist bag~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was mainly afraid of bringing things that could not be taken out of the ashes world to the main world and then appearing. The kind of thing that can't be brought back to the ashes world, if this happens, it would be too embarrassing.

But fortunately, after careful inspection, Zhang Yanhang didn't find such a situation. There was nothing in his pocket except some things in the main world.

Whether it was the hematite ant meat or hematite, or the formic acid bullet he made himself, these things remained intact inside his pockets.

"Since there is no problem with the pockets, let's continue with the raccoon city cleanup plan. I remember that the sewers seemed to be cleaned before, and the sewers have been cleaned halfway.

The next thing is to clean up the sewers first, and wait until the sewers are cleaned up before going to the Raccoon City branch of the umbrella company. "

In addition to the weak monsters in the sewers, Zhang Yanhang had to clean up the sewers first, and there was another very important reason, that is, he found that the trackers were staying at the bottom of the umbrella company Raccoon City branch.

Therefore, in order not to trigger the boss fight in advance, Zhang Yanhang chose to clean the sewer first.

"But before cleaning the sewers, I should first empty the prize pool of the slot machine." Zhang Yanhang glanced at the slot machine just now and found that it was refreshed again.

Entering the Ash World this time, Zhang Yanhang is going to stay here until 6 AM on the 13th, which is the time when the transmission channel is automatically closed, and then leave the Ash World. Currently there are nine and a half hours before he leaves the Ash World. It's definitely enough to kill trackers.

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