Lord Highlander

Chapter 695

In late March, the sky was covered with a layer of light gray clouds, and the southeast monsoon from the Endless Sea brought warm, salty and humid air, making the land of Bena Province full of fresh greenery.

A team of city guards boarded the city wall of Bena, facing the rising sun, the armor on their bodies reflected the golden light.

A large number of civilians in the city took to the streets and rushed to work in their own ways. This group of people accounted for 80% of the population of Bena City, but they were crowded in the small civilian area in the south of the city. They worked diligently every day to contribute to the city. A lot of wealth is created, but the wealth that can fall into their pockets is pitiful. They are busy every day, just to have a warm bed, a fragrant toasted wheat cake and a plate of hot vegetable soup.

The central street of Bena City was once again crowded with armored knights. When the procession passed the long street, both sides of the street were crowded with people watching off.

Suldak stopped on the arch bridge on his ancient horse, and waited for his cavalry battalion to pass through the arch bridge smoothly. Then he followed the team and walked towards the castle of Duke Newman in the north of the city. The Luthor Legion has eight cavalry today. The battalion, two battalions of longbowmen, and ten battalions of heavy armored infantry had to pass through the portal in the inner garden and enter Wilkes City on the plane of Bailin.

The Luthor Family Legion had already assembled in Bena City and was ready to go. Finally, on the first day of the fourth week of March, they obtained the House of Representatives' cross-plane call-up pass. The legion immediately entered a state of war, and In the morning the makeshift camp was packed.

As early as a week ago, the logistics troops of the Luthor Legion had entered the Bailin plane to make preliminary preparations. Now the main force of the legion will also enter the Bailin plane. take over.

In the past, this kind of plane garrison mission was the best way for young nobles to earn merits, but with the frequent outbreak of the Grimm Empire plane wars, this kind of mission in the plane garrison is more like holding a fire scale that is about to explode at any time Later, I don't know when, once a war breaks out in the plane, the first to suffer the bloodbath is destined to be the garrison of the plane.

The Dark Legion of the Hell Force has not yet been discovered in the Bailin Plane. The currently known Dark Legion mainly includes four major races. Legion.

Among them, the dark army that captured the Warsaw plane ruled by the Busman family is the notorious Evil Ghost Army. The dark army that captured the Yero plane ruled by the Duke of Samoyed in Dulva Province is the Nibru Spiderman Army. The dark legion of the Vashki plane ruled by the Mensa family in the province of Restina is a strange and powerful faceless legion.

Suldak has been learning about the situation of the plane war in the Luthor Legion these days. He did not expect that wars broke out in so many places, and soldiers died on the frontline battlefields every moment.

Seeing that some of the recruits in his team of cavalry could not bear the weight of the heavy armor at all, Suldak felt a little headache. From the current point of view, improving the physical fitness of the recruits is the top priority, otherwise his cavalry battalion will not be able to bear the weight of the heavy armor at all. Can't cope with any sudden war.

However, this cavalry battalion is not so useless, after all, there are still two hundred veterans who can support the cavalry battalion.

The Luthor Legion walked north along the circular road on the edge of the inner river outside the castle, and the front cavalry battalion had entered the inner garden of Duke Newman Castle.

Suldak rode his horse and walked down the arch bridge. Selena, Andrew, Samira, Gulitham, Viru, etc. were under the bridge, and everyone moved forward with the cavalry battalion.

The Great Swordsman Chester rode a green-scaled horse, looked at Suldak who was slowly walking down the arch bridge, and frowned slightly. He hoped that during the time when he was stationed in the Bailin plane, the Marquis Luther The selected young people can be more peaceful and not so sharp.

He knew that the young nobleman in red light leather armor had performed very well in the Maca plane. There were also many rumors about him in the legion. He was said to be a holy light knight that was rare in the entire Grimm Empire. , and he does not believe in the Statue of Liberty. Now that the temple has been completely withdrawn from the Grimm Empire, such a Holy Light Knight is a kind of life support for the entire legion.

He had a marriage contract with Hathaway and brought his own private army into the Luthor Legion. Obviously, the Marquis Luther had more than a little appreciation for him.

Suldak is tall and tall, and his body seems to be unable to suppress the surging power in his body. Others don't feel it so obviously, but Chester, the second-rank great swordsman, the deputy head of the army, feels the most profoundly. That is the sign that can be shown when the level reaches the critical point of the level.

For some unknown reason, on such an important day, Suldak did not wear the magic pattern structure.

It is said that a knight at the peak of level nineteen should wear a full-covering magic pattern structure. The great swordsman Chester would not think that Suldak could not afford to wear it. Since he has such a well-equipped private army, So buying a set of magic pattern structure is of course not that difficult.

On the contrary, one of his native warriors was wearing a top-level magic pattern structure, what is this?

Except for this native warrior, it seems that his followers are a bit different: a half-breed elf who likes to hide his face in his hood all day, a witcher archer who likes to wrap his body in bandages, a A woman in a black dress who does not wear a magic robe but exudes a unique atmosphere, an ogre with a heavy steel plate on her body...

However, Marquis Luther didn't seem to care about it.

He was on the horseback, closed his eyes slightly, and thought about whether there was anything missing in entering the Bailin plane this time...


It's not that Suldak didn't think about customizing a magic pattern structure for Samira.

The salamander leather armor can be an excellent base material for magic pattern construction, but Samira's right shoulder is implanted with the life magic pattern of the Great Demon Ape. This magic pattern clothing not only increases Samira's strength, but also allows him to Samira has the ability of 'double strike'. Her arms are her burden. Now that she has such a powerful magic pattern outfit, the carrying capacity of her body is greatly limited, and she cannot carry a set of magic pattern outfit at all. .

Her situation is different from that of the native warrior Andrew. Andrew possesses the 'Soul of the Berserker', and his body's carrying capacity has doubled. Even with the 'Blast Flame', he is fully capable of wearing the 'Earth Shield'.

The cavalry battalion is sandwiched in the team, and it enters the backyard garden very smoothly. The fountain, sculptures, green plants, and marble corridors build this beautiful courtyard. Passing through the long and narrow pool, it is on the circular platform in the center of the garden. On the ground, filled with countless magical powers, magical light arcs gathered at the six corners of the platform to build a portal in the center of the platform.

There was a crackling electric arc beside the portal. One after another cavalry led their horses into the portal. They were very careful when they stepped into the portal, for fear of accidentally touching the arc of the portal.

Suldak was no stranger to passing through the portal, and he was worried that the veterans of the Badlands had no experience in this, and would walk through it carelessly. If the portal malfunctioned, it would be a big trouble. So he rode his horse to the front of the team and led the horse into the portal first.

That feeling was like falling into a deep pool silently, just before the body lost control, the eyes suddenly opened up, and they had already entered a bright world.

There is a wide square in front of you. The bluestone slabs paved on the square have many broken places. The knights who arrived first lined up neatly in a long line on the square. The cavalry battalions are counting the number of people. There are still many roadsides around the square. Onlookers.

Suldak led his horse out of the portal, and couldn't help raising his head. There were faint white clouds floating on the light blue sky, and there were no high-rise buildings around the square, so the field of vision was very wide.

"Lord Baron, welcome to the Bailin Plane!"

The guard at the teleportation gate said earnestly to Suldak.

Suldak turned around and looked around the entire square, only to find that the other half of the square was full of stacks of various materials, which looked like a temporary material transfer center, with rows of wooden boxes and linen bags, some The supplies were loaded into the magic caravan and transported away, and some supplies were continuously unloaded from the magic caravan.

Not far away, a guard in armor called them to line up there, and it was only then that Suldak realized that he could not block the portal.

Suldak hurriedly called the cavalry battalion cavalry to line up there, the whole process was very smooth, only some horses would be disturbed when they passed through the portal, but every knight was leading the horse, and the frightened horses were frightened. Hold on, it will be soothed in no time.

The eight cavalry battalions of the Luthor Legion entered the Bailin plane first, followed by two longbow archer regiments, and finally ten heavy armored infantry regiments will enter the Bailin plane one after another. The cavalry battalions here will not wait. Only when all the heavy armored infantry regiments come over will they act in unison.

After the eighth cavalry battalion passed through the portal, the cavalry battalion left the square to make room for the longbow archers to line up and count the number of people.

Suldak led the cavalry battalion through the streets and alleys of Wilkes City. It was difficult to see buildings higher than three stories here. The tallest buildings in the city were the bell towers distributed in various areas. The streets and alleys are full of various trading houses, and there are many double-storey row houses. The walls of these houses are painted with white paint, the roofs are gray, and the lush street trees are lined up on both sides, making the city look distinct.

In the attic a young girl was drying her laundry.

On the stone steps at the entrance of the street, several old people sat in the shade and chatted.

Seven or eight white birds flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed. There were very few magic caravans on the street, but there were many four-wheeled carriages carrying goods, almost all of which were parked on the side of the road.

Wilkes is only the central city on the plane, but it is bigger than Suldak imagined. He rode on the street for nearly two hours, and it was close to noon before Suldak led the cavalry. The battalion passed through the city gate, stepped over the wooden drawbridge over the moat, and walked out of Wilkes City.

The logistics regiment of the Luthor Legion built a temporary barracks outside Wilkes City. The cavalry entered the barracks first to report, and there were logistics regiment officials in charge of arranging accommodation to receive the cavalry.

Suldak knew that everyone would not stay here for long, and after getting used to this plane, he would proceed to the satellite town that was previously agreed upon, go there to change defenses, and completely remove the Langdon family's garrison from the Bailin plane. liberated.

Sure enough, the Great Swordsman Chester rushed to the barracks that night. Although all 15,000 heavy armored infantry had passed through the portal, more than half of the infantry remained in Wilkes City.

Chester Great Swordsman summoned eight commanders of the cavalry battalion. Although their respective defense zones had already been set, Chester Great Swordsman pointed to the sand table and said again that the cavalry battalion has better mobility and combat The strength of the infantry regiment is significantly higher than that of the heavy armored infantry regiment, so the eight cavalry battalions are basically arranged in the satellite towns farthest from Wilkes City, and the eight cavalry battalions are very far apart from each other. Far away, it is difficult to form dependence on each other.

The town where Suldak was in charge of the garrison was called Dodan, and it would take at least five days to reach the town of Dodan if he rode on horseback.

Early the next morning, Suldak received a week's marching rations for the cavalry battalion from the military camp logistics regiment. Before all the heavy armored infantry regiments rushed to the barracks, he left the temporary camp and rushed to Dodan Town.

In order to prevent the cavalry battalion from getting lost on the road, the Legion Logistics Department also arranged two local guides.

After leaving the city, Suldak learned about the origin of the name of the Bailin Plane. In the nearby woods, there is a tree whose leaves look like oleander. The leaves of this tree are light blue on the front and white on the back. Frost color, when the wind blows through the woods, when the leaves are flying, the forests turn white in an instant, so it is called the White Forest Plane.

It is said that the leaves of this tree are very rich in oil and are a very burnable fuel. The local aborigines like to use this kind of leaves to make fire for cooking.

In addition to the trees with oleander-like leaves, the leaves of many herbaceous plants on the Bailin plane have such characteristics. The cavalry battalion of Suldak marched northward along a river, and many plants grew along the river. White stem reeds, some water birds fly back and forth among them.

The ogre Gullitum saw a few white scales appearing in the sparkling river water, and without hesitation, he took big strides and jumped into the clear river water, swung the bone-crushing club in his hand and slammed The river smashed away.

The cracking sound of the bone-crushing stick was mixed with the sonic boom of 'popping'. When the big stick hit the river, a layer of sound waves pushed the river water to spread around. The water droplets formed water arrows and rushed towards the surroundings, and then countless fine water droplets fell from the air.

I thought the ogre saw the river and wanted to vent.

The next moment, a white-scaled fish floated out of the water, and then many white-scaled fish emerged one after another, floating on the water with their belly upside down.

The ogre stood in the waist-deep river, stretched out his big fan-like hands, and scooped up all the white scale fish...

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