Lord Highlander

Chapter 646 635. Buying Armor

After learning the new runes and the somewhat sluggish Imperial language, the red dragon Iser withdrew from the relief stone wall without looking back, and slipped out to have fun.

Standing in front of the relief stone wall, Suldak tapped the stone wall with his hand, feeling cold and hard to the touch, a layer of faint mana fluctuations on the relief stone wall, blocking the infiltration of his spiritual perception, as expected In that way, it is impossible to enter the plane where the red dragon Iser lives.

He guessed that some kind of magic barrier was imprisoned on the portal. Since the red dragon Iser was involved, it was probably left by Master Johannes. The magic power on this portal has not weakened for hundreds of years. See The core center should be a very powerful magic circle.

He was very curious about the back of the relief stone wall, but he thought that it should be the place where Iser had lived all the time. If there were no accidents, there should be a small plane over there. He wanted to go in and have a look, but he tried several methods They couldn't even pass through this stone wall, so they could only calm down the curiosity in their hearts, study those runes with great concentration, and hoped that they could learn the real dragon language as soon as possible.

In the past few days, Suldak has stayed in the treasure room to concentrate on learning the language of runes. His learning speed has increased recently, probably because he is familiar with the way of writing and drawing those runes. He has learned the 20th rune in just a few days. Wen'lam', the learning process is also very smooth.

According to Lance, the magic spells that the magicians recite are actually a series of magic symbols derived from the ancient Elvish language. To read and write Elven language, as long as one has learned some simple ancient Elvish language, one can learn some of the simplest basic magic.

Suldak didn't know if those ancient elf languages ​​would have magic power fluctuations and short-term magic buffs when they were successfully drawn, but the rune languages ​​he had learned so far had very obvious effects, and each rune had a very Unique magic effect, short but effective.

The mental strength has basically recovered, but the sea of ​​consciousness in the body has undergone great changes. The double-faced four-armed demon statue that was originally floating in the endless void now occupies almost the entire space of the sea of ​​consciousness.

He could feel that the statue was as huge as an endless void, so huge that the upper body of the Demon God Statue contained the entire sea of ​​stars, while the lower body was only a dark star that kept devouring all matter.

As the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness slowly recovered, those lit nodes lit up again, filled with majestic sacred aura.

Since being colonized into the keel, although Suldak has been subjected to overload due to insufficient carrying capacity, his body has also become much stronger under such tremendous pressure, and his strength and physical strength have grown a lot every day , Unfortunately, there is no way to wear the 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, so the combat effectiveness is much worse than before.

Now Suldak's body has almost completely fused with that dragon bone. After absorbing body nutrients and becoming a part of Suldak's body, the dragon blood in Suldak's body is further strengthened, so his physique is also invisible. The middle gradually strengthened, and the burden on him caused by the keel was also gradually reduced.

After entering the eighteenth level, knights basically have to prepare for breaking through the second rank. Although the fighters at the peak of the first rank break through the shackles, there are very few people who can become the second rank strong, but Suldak Or do some preparations for this.

If a rank-one knight wants to become a rank-two strongman, he needs to comprehend the knight's holy seal, and there needs to be a constant source of power in his body.

For magicians, the source of power of the so-called second-rank powerhouses is the contract partner they signed - the elementalist. This kind of contract partner can allow magicians to use the contract partner-the elementalist as a medium and bridge when casting large-scale magic, to draw a lot of mana from the surrounding space and cast powerful fourth-level group magic.

The source of power for fighters comes from themselves. First of all, let the three aspects of physical strength, speed, and physique reach the peak through exercise, and through meditation, let yourself be able to see clearly inside, and gather a kind of non-attribute Qi in the body. In the body, it circulates continuously in the body, forming a source of power that is completely different from that of a magician. Only in this way can one have the opportunity to obtain the source of power.

Suldak is currently standing at the nineteenth level, and he already has the conditions to find his own source of power and the seal of the knight. However, Suldak's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness is quite special, and he doesn't know when he will be able to comprehend it... …


In winter in Osorno County, Bena Province, the vast land is covered with white snow, and the endless mountains are also dyed white.

Although the forest roads extending in all directions in the mountains and forests have been cleaned up in time, the number of convoys still decreases sharply in winter. Constantinople is located in the center of Osorno County, so it can be regarded as the transfer and distribution center of materials in the Tarapakan area. The city was built on a huge red rock. The most difficult thing in the city was to dig the basement and the well. There was a lake under Constantinople.

When winter comes, the lake is covered with snow, and there are some workshops along the lake, not only the largest fire scale bomb manufacturing workshop in Bena City, but also the largest blacksmith workshop in Bena Province. There are several logistics cities that specialize in the production of military supplies. With the frequent outbreaks of plane wars, orders from Constantinople are pouring in like snowflakes, and a large amount of supplies are shipped out from here every month.

It took nine days to finally arrive in Constantinople, and Suldak took Aphrodite off the magic airship.

As the land route was blocked by heavy snow, the airport pier in Constantinople seemed extremely busy. When Suldak stepped down from the tower of the airport, he also saw the magic airship fully loaded with cargo open the floating device and quickly rise to a high altitude. .

When he came to Constantinople for the second time, Suldak had a deeper understanding of this city. Compared with the comfort and tranquility of Hailansa City, this city is more like a giant war beast that is fully launched , the sky over the industrial area here is shrouded in layers of smoke. Even in winter, people's lives in the city are still extremely busy, and even the pedestrians on the street are in a hurry.

The mage's tower in the distance and the chimneys in the workshop area are far away in this city. To the north of the city is the Owen family castle with a history of hundreds of years.

Suldak did not see the Temple of Liberty in the city. It can be said that the entire Constantinople is based around the Owen family castle, spreading from Chiyan to the surrounding circles. Originally, it was only Owen The center of the family's territory, after hundreds of years of development, formed a small city with a population of less than 500,000.

Most of the towns here are directly related to the Owen family. Unlike the Christie family in Hailansa City, the Owen family has the absolute right to speak in Constantinople. The city’s parliament and the House of Representatives are more meaningless. decoration.

First, I found a hotel near the workshop area in the city to live in. Aphrodite was still very interested in such a small city where she could breathe fresh air freely in the city.

This is different from Bena City, where you can see adventure groups, mercenary groups, and demon hunters everywhere, and you can also see some magicians. Aphrodite must be careful to avoid the sight of these people, so in Beinar She can hardly go anywhere in Nashville.

Constantinople is similar to the city of Helansa, so there are not many professional witchers and magicians in the city, so Aphrodite has much more room to move than in the city of Bena.

Suldak gave some tips to the hotel waiter, and asked him which blacksmith workshop in the city could make the best armor?

The hotel waiter replied without thinking: All the better blacksmith workshops in the city are controlled by the Owen family. As long as you see the blacksmith workshop with the Owen family emblem on the plaque, you can basically produce high-quality ironware. The only difference is that most of the blacksmith workshops here are controlled by the Owen family, so the division of labor is very clear. If you want to buy a complete set of armor, it is far more convenient to go to the blacksmith workshop than the Owen trading firm.

It was not too late, and Suldak was not too hungry, so he and Aphrodite walked out of the hotel and walked into the workshop area.

As the hotel waiter said, the ironware made by the blacksmith workshop here is very single, but because each workshop processes a large number of the same type of ironware, these ironware are forged very well. The workshops all have some very convenient special molds. Suldak went to several blacksmith workshops. When the workshop owners heard that Suldak wanted to buy some armor parts, they all expressed their desire to buy a complete set of armor. The trading house is more convenient.

There was no other way. After wandering around the workshop area for a long time, Suldak, who had nothing to gain, could only go back to the central street of the city, where he looked for a trading house with the emblem of the Owen family.

Central Avenue is near the first intersection of the South City Gate. A large trading house spans this street and forms a huge arch. This is a four-story building with a length of 200 meters from east to west. I also noticed this place when I came to Constantinople for the first time, but I didn't expect it to be the trading house of the Owen family.

Opposite the business is a square. There are many magical caravans parked in the square, and the entrance of the business is also very lively. Many merchants come out of the business with a lot of goods, and put the goods into the magic caravan on the street, and then rush to the store. He left Constantinople through the south gate in a magic caravan full of goods.

This trading firm looks like a material transfer station, and the business is very hot.

Boxes of goods were loaded onto trucks, counted, checked, and finally drove away in a carriage. A set of procedures was carried out in an orderly manner.

Suldak and Aphrodite looked at each other. Such a large-scale trading firm is rare even in Bena City. The two walked into the trading firm with the flow of people, and met an employee of the firm head-on , Seeing the noble emblem on Suldak's chest, he immediately became very respectful and said: "My lord baron, what do you need? Our business has a wide variety of goods, so it is divided into several areas. Here It mainly sells cotton, linen and wool, as well as some silk and semi-finished clothes, and you can also buy wool and leather here..."

"I want to see a complete set of metal armor!" Suerdak interrupted the introduction of the staff of the firm, and took a look inside the firm.

Countless pieces of cloth almost filled the shelves, and the merchants in front of the counter were also selecting various kinds of fabrics. Those shop assistants moved out bundles of fabrics from the shelves, and then piled them on the counter.

"Armor used by infantry or cavalry?" the employee of the firm asked.

Marquis Luther suggested that Suldak form a more mobile cavalry battalion. Although the investment is a bit larger, but it can gain more military exploits during the war, Suldak has already considered it and did not hesitate. Said: "Cavalry."

The employee of the firm hurriedly took Suerdak through the cloth and living supplies area, and came to the goods yard that looked like a large warehouse. There were dozens of metal armors here, and all the armors were arranged very neatly. There was no such kind of wooden armor here. At the counter, there are many other buyers in this large warehouse. The staff of the firm stood in front of a row of half-body armor made of fine steel and introduced:

"We have a complete set of ordinary half body armor. This kind of half body armor is the best choice for junior cavalry. Although it does not have armor skirts and leggings, when choosing armor for war horses, you can choose the kind of armor with leggings , This complete set of half body armor has average defensive power, and it needs to be carefully maintained with oil, otherwise it will rust soon, and each set of armor needs three gold and fifteen silver."

The employees of the commercial bank saw that Suldak was not interested, and knew that the baron in front of him didn't like this kind of low-level armor. It can effectively prevent the armor from corroding and rusting when fighting in wet and rainy weather. This is the first choice for the formation of the Guards. Cavalry wearing this silver-plated armor can almost be used as a guard of honor."

"Is there any better one? What I need is the full-face armor worn by the guard battalion knights." Surdak stood in the warehouse, looking around, he had already seen those complete sets of full-face armor , It looks very similar to the standard armor of the guard battalion.

The employees of the firm hurriedly took Surdak to that side, and said as they walked: "There is a full-coverage heavy armor over there. This kind of armor is commonly known as iron cans. There are very strict requirements for horses and war horses, and cavalry with insufficient strength will soon be overwhelmed by such heavy armor."

After walking in, Suldak discovered that these full-coverage armors were just like what the employees of the trading company said. These full-coverage armors were a bit rough, and they were placed on the ground, more like some sculptures.

"Is there any better one?" Suldak said after pondering for a while, he didn't want to buy back some useless tin cans.

"Of course! Please follow me." The staff of the firm immediately led Surdak to the other side of the warehouse.

gone tonight,

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