Lord Highlander

Chapter 454: 453. Battle Guide

The small town of Umezu at night.

As the knights of the guard battalion quickly captured the streets and alleys of Meijin Town, the long archers group gradually occupied the commanding heights of the town, covering all areas of the town with firepower from a distance, and most of the town was controlled in this way. In the hands of Marquis Luther.

The knights of the guard battalion played no small role in this night battle.

No regiment is as familiar with street fighting as the knights in the guard battalion. They can chase and intercept these fleeing hellhounds in the streets and alleys so skillfully. At the beginning, these hellhounds were still fighting desperately with the guard battalion knights. , but when several consecutive screams came from the direction of the temple, the fighting will of the last remaining hellhounds in the town quickly collapsed.

Flames erupted in the night sky toward the temple. It was the magician team riding on the magic handle, providing fire support to the Constructed Swordsman Group.

Magicians can't concentrate on reciting spells in the air, so almost all magic is cast by expensive magic scrolls. If it is not necessary, magicians will not waste the magic scrolls they carry with them. How long will it take.

The cheers of besieging giant hellhounds can be heard everywhere in the town.

The giant hellhound has already left the category of low-level hell beasts. Not only does it have a precious fur, but it may also contain the magic core in its skull. Not only can it obtain merits in the army, but it can also collect valuable fur and magic core. In the pocket, this is an irresistible temptation for any combat team. There are even scenes in the town where some combat teams compete for hell dogs.


Suldak led the knights of the support squadron through the town of Meijin quickly, and soon found the hiding place of the boy Buta. When the knights held up the torches and came to the vent in the basement, the brave boy Buta happened to Shrunk inside the air vent, cautiously exploring the situation outside.

The corpse of a hellhound fell in front of Buta with a 'thump', causing him to withdraw his head quickly in fright.

Then he saw a big foot stepping on the hellhound that was burning with lava on its skin, and a big hand with rough skin and thick flesh quickly grabbed the hellhound's head with a "click" , the vicious dog's head was forcibly twisted off, and purple sticky blood splashed Buta's face.

The boy stared in bewilderment at the ogre whose calves were thicker than his, and was speechless in shock for a moment.

It wasn't until Suldak's figure appeared in the boy's sight that the boy slowly recovered from his panic.

The nightmarish days of more than a month have caused him to experience some reborn transformations. Although there is fear in his eyes, he is not a civilian who only knows to close his eyes and wait for death. At the moment I was on the ground, I had several plans in mind.

He is bold and cautious, flexible in body and calm in mind. Maybe in the near future, a great warrior will appear on the Maca plane.

The knights of the Rescue Squadron did not intend to stay here to rescue the townspeople trapped in the basement. Now the town has not yet been fully controlled by the Bena army, and there are still a large number of hell dogs in the city that need to be cleaned up by the guard battalion knights. Eliminating the hellhounds in the small town is the primary task of the support squadron.

Suldak told Buta that everyone can save themselves first. If there is no way to escape from the basement, the guard battalion can rescue them only after the battle is over.

The boy Buta nodded emphatically, and the small figure retracted into the air vent with a 'swish', and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Karl on the side didn't understand why Suldak took everyone through most of the town and arrived here with the support squadron. Is it just to tell the boy in front of him that the Bena army invaded the town of Meijin, Will the surviving town residents save themselves? The answer is undoubtedly no. If this is the case, obviously there is no need to go through a lot of trouble.

Buta disappeared from the vent in the basement, and Suldak didn't let Karl leave with the combat team, but waited for a while.

The night shrouded the small town of Meijin, and the shouts of soldiers came from all around. From time to time, flames burst out from all over the town, and some hellhounds fled everywhere in the small town. With the longbowmen group gradually occupying the small town of Meijin , There are fewer and fewer places where hellhounds can escape.

After waiting for a short while, Buta's figure reappeared from the vent.

He blinked his big bright eyes, looked at the knights in the yard, bravely crawled out from the ventilation hole, came to Suldak's side, stood up straight with his short and slender body, and said bravely: "Master Knight, I want to meet with you." You fight together!"

Looking at the little guy whose clothes were worn out by the tunnel, Suldak touched the soft curly hair on top of his head with a smile, and said, "Okay! If you are not afraid of death, I promise you."

He straightened out his thin chest and said very seriously: "I'm not afraid of death. My mother was bitten to death and dragged away by these guys. My father also died in front of us in order to push my sister and me into the sewer. I want to do it myself. They take revenge!"

Suldak glanced at the dark residential area in front of him. The alleys inside were densely covered like cobwebs. Even in the daytime, the combat team might get lost if they rushed in. Suldak asked the boy Buta: "I want to hunt down the giant hellhound hiding in this small town, Buta, can you help us?"

Buta clenched his fists and said confidently to Surdak, "Of course, no one knows where they hide better than me!"

"Okay, Buta, then you will be responsible for leading the way, and Samira will be in charge of guarding!" Suldak said to the boy Buta.


Karl and the battle team didn't quite understand why Suldak did this at first, but after Buta joined the battle team, he directly replaced the half-elf archer and became the guide of the battle team in the small town of Meijin. The giant hellhounds in the town launched a highly targeted hunting operation, and Karl realized what kind of talent Suldak had found for the team.

The combat team walked through a courtyard, and after stepping over a stone arch, they came from an alley in front to a back alley full of stench.

Sticking to the wall, Buta cautiously pointed not far ahead, and said to Suldak: "There is a big guy lurking in the depths of the alley at the left turn ahead, pay attention, we can turn directly from here Walk over, but this alley is very narrow, there can only be three or four people fighting that big guy head-on..."

Suldak stepped on the alley full of garbage, carefully observed the surrounding terrain, and asked Buta: "Buta, is there a way to go around from behind and let our knights intercept it from behind? "

He was worried that the giant hellhound would choose to run away immediately when he saw the combat team.

Buta covered his mouth with his hands, and explained to Suldak: "The other end of this alley is a dead end. There used to be a butcher's shop in it, so it has been entrenched around here. I have a way to take you from the side. , the roofs nearby are not too high, and you can go directly to the next-door roof from the terrace on the second floor of this house.”

He pointed to a safety ladder next to him.

Suldak told the ogre who squeezed out of the narrow door with his waist down: "Gretem, you will go in from the front later, and you will not be polite when you meet a giant hellhound. Give me a hard beat." it."

When the ogre heard that he didn't need to continue drilling through the low doorway, he immediately regained his spirits, raised the big wooden stick in his hand, and hummed twice heavily.

Suldak then said to Karl and several small squadron leaders of the support squadron: "Karl, you lead some people to wrap up through the roof on the left side of this alley, and Andrew will follow Karl."

Although Karl expressed his dissatisfaction with Suldak for taking away his leadership power without authorization, he had no opinion on Suldak's deployment and quickly took ten A knight quickly climbed onto the terrace from the safety ladder over there.

Suldak commanded to the last remaining knights: "I and the others go up to the roof from the right, Samira, you also follow me..."

A group of people quickly divided into three groups and disappeared into the night of the alley.

Not long after, a giant hellhound with black fur was smashed open in the head, and it was unknown how badly it had been injured. It kept shaking its head from time to time, and its huge body rushed up to the wall with a 'swish' sound. , the sharp claws grabbed a few pieces of rubble on the top of the wall, but before it stood firm on the wall and stretched its head to the roof, it met the team led by Karl head-on.

The big wooden stick of the ogre has been smashed from behind, and the giant dog can only bite the bullet and rush to the roof. Carl stands on the roof and draws out the knight's long sword to stab the mandible of the giant dog. Andrew follows behind Carl, holding a big ax It smashed into the giant dog's bloody mouth, but the giant dog didn't dare to bite Karl again, causing Karl to draw a wound on its neck, and returned to the alley in embarrassment.

The giant hellhound didn't want to face the ogre chasing from behind. The moment its body landed in the alley, it bounced up again. Its sharp claws scratched a few deep claw marks on the stone wall, and its body climbed to the opposite wall , this time it rushed towards the roof, ready to climb over the roof and escape.

Just after the giant dog had completely climbed up to the roof, it was discovered that there was a team of knights standing on the ridge of the roof.

Suldak was holding the dwarf chain shield, and without giving the giant dog any chance to breathe, a layer of silver light burst out from the shield and hit the giant dog in an instant.

With a bang, the giant dog fell from the roof.

In mid-air, he was hit again by an ogre wielding a big wooden stick.

The body flew sideways for more than ten meters, and hit the wall at the end of the alley with a bang, making a big hole in the wall. The collapsed stones almost buried most of the giant dog's body. Stepping on the belly of the dying giant dog, a stick smashed the giant dog to its last breath.


With little effort, six giant hell dogs were dealt with one after another, among which there were countless ordinary hell dogs.

However, four hiding places of the giant hellhounds were successively emptied. Most of the town of Meijin has been captured by the Bena army, and the giant dogs that usually hide in the town have also been dispatched to join the battle.

At this time, most of them were hunted down by other combat teams.

There were no more giant dogs, and Buta seemed a little uneasy at the next moment, and he forced a smile to everyone.

"Sorry, they seem to have left..." Buta said.

Carl took the initiative to stand up at this time, patted Buta on the shoulder, and comforted: "It's not your fault, this town is not just fighting with our team! And we have the results we have now, it is already very Not bad!"

Although Karl's words were the voices of many knights in the combat team, they could not comfort Buta.

He looked a little depressed, but when he led everyone out of a messy alley, he saw the big clock tower hundreds of meters away from the top of the tower. Buta's eyes lit up, and he pointed there and said: "In that clock tower There were some little monsters covered in fire, when they first came in, they burned down many houses in the small town, and then they lived in that clock tower for some reason, and I dare not approach them for fear of being discovered by them."

A quarter of an hour later, Karl's combat team occupied the clock tower in the small town of Rimezin and killed four Gorges hiding in the oil tank in the gear room.

This kind of fire-controlling monster is also the lowest existence in the flame hell. Their bodies are weaker than those kobolds. Although they can throw fire bombs, the power of the fire bombs they throw is not very good, and they do not form a certain number. Ge Ge had no fighting power at all, and the knights of the guard battalion wore armor and killed them almost effortlessly.

Although these guys don't have much ability, their number is far less than that of hell dogs, so the military department rewards them with a lot of merit points.


The boy Buta pointed to an alley where he fought, and muttered annoyedly: "...There should have been a giant hellhound on this street."

As the battle progressed, the hellhounds in the town became more and more difficult to find.

Several combat teams met along the way even began to look forward to Suldak's rescue of the wounded.

Suldak felt that the sound of the battle in the direction of the temple was gradually weakening, especially since the fireballs of the magicians stopped exploding, and realized that the battle in the town was probably coming to an end, so Suldak quickly changed his mind , he asked Buta beside him:

"Buta, if those giant hell dogs in the temple want to evacuate the town, which way can they leave the town as quickly as possible?"

The boy immediately thought seriously, and then he looked in the direction of the temple, and said to Suldak: "I know this..."

After turning over several alleys, the boy finally stopped at a street next to an inland river, and told everyone that this road was the only way to leave Meijin Town from the temple, because the temple originally had a huge fountain, Therefore, there is a special inland river leading to the temple. If you don't want to cross the inland river, you have to walk along the river for a while, and this is obviously the only way to go.

Karl and a group of knights from the guard battalion leaned on the ridge of the roof and saw a few hell dogs coming out of the dark alley without a sound, and a giant hell dog crouched with a little devil figure. It was because he was convinced by Suldak's keen fighting instinct.

And the body of the little demon half-human half-dog lying on the giant dog is creepy, as if a demon face grew on the hell dog's body, but obviously this is still a cub, even himself He can't walk yet, but the face full of symbols is really scary, and there are devil's horns growing on the top of his head.

Karl resisted the discomfort and said, "Is this the devil's son?"

Suldak ignored his knowing question, and just ordered the half-elf archer beside him: "Samila, first shoot that little devil riding on the back of the giant hellhound..."

The daily update will be around this time, because the happy Spring Festival holiday is over

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