Lord Highlander

Chapter 295 294. Change

With the end of the rainy season, the weeds on the Beigou Grassland gradually withered and turned yellow, and the water level in the Beigou Water Pool dropped significantly every day. The villagers in Woer Village had to store enough pasture here before winter came. It will dry up to the bottom, and some finger-long silver-scale small fish swim in groups in the water. Every year at this time, young people from Wall Village will run to the edge of the pool to build a dam. You can pick up this annual silver-scaled fish casually in the muddy water with bare feet.

The surface layer of Pagros Mountain is a huge limestone rock formation belt. Because of this special rock formation, the rainwater will quickly seep into the ground when it falls, and there is almost no vegetation on this rock formation, so it is called the Pagolos Mountain. Badlands.

Although some silt has gathered at the bottom of the pool in Beigou Grassland, it still cannot prevent the pool water from seeping into the ground.

A group of gazelles drank water by the pool, and a four-wheeled carriage filled with volcanic ash drove slowly along the edge of the Beigou grassland. The coachman waved his whip to startle a group of copper-billed sparrows hidden in the grass.

Five or six older children were catching fish at the edge of the pool. One of the older children saw the coachman on the four-wheeled carriage, quickly pushed his companion, and whispered: "Hey! Conan, the man driving the carriage is your father ..."

Another child who was fishing in the mud pit quickly raised his head and saw the figure above the ravine with a surprised expression on his face. He said quickly, "Ah! He seems to have said that today he will drive to the mountain to pull volcanic ash."

Several older children stood in the mud together, waving to the coachman above the ravine.

At this time, the coachman also noticed the older children fishing at the bottom of the ravine, so he stopped the four-wheeled carriage, stood on a high place and shouted to the older children at the bottom of the ravine: "You guys must pay attention to safety! "

"Got it!" The older children responded enthusiastically.

In the field of vision of the coachman, several neighbors with simple luggage on their backs rushed to Wall Village along this road. When they passed the Beigou Grassland, their eyes were full of envy. Not many in this barren land.

Old Conan drove the carriage past the neighboring villages, because this road leads to Wall Village, so he couldn't help asking: "Everyone... are you going to Wall Village?"

These neighbors stopped in their tracks and replied straightforwardly: "That's right, we heard that the head of Wall Village, Bright, recruited bricklayers to build a water reservoir in the village, and the wages were settled every day, so we are going to go to Wall Try your luck in the village, finding a job here is better than going to Hailansa City."

Seeing the wrinkles on their dark faces facing each other, old Conan hesitated, thinking whether to drive them for a certain distance in a carriage, but the car was already filled with a whole load of volcanic ash, so old Conan hesitated. Cai said gruffly: "Oh, it is indeed necessary to build a reservoir..."

He hesitated for a moment, after all, he didn't pick up those neighbors.

Facts have proved that the old Conan's choice is very wise. The carriage walked forward for a while and saw four or five groups of villagers from neighboring villages who went to Wall Village to find odd jobs. These people would ask old Conan Building a cistern.


The stonemasons in Woer Village rode directly to the sulfur mine in Bump Mountain, and the rest of the young people would walk first, and wait for the stonemasons to arrive at Bump Mountain before sending the horses back, and then these young people rode to Bump Mountain on horseback However, the sulfur mine alone almost occupied all the men in Wall Village, so almost all the craftsmen who built the reservoir came from several surrounding villages.

The specific candidates were selected by the old village chief himself. Just after the harvest festival, these craftsmen came to Wall Village with simple luggage.

The old village chief made simple arrangements for these craftsmen, and the craftsmen, led by the old village chief, went to the upper reaches of the village where the reservoir was going to be built. The line is still clearly visible, and then the old village chief described the approximate size of the reservoir to the bricklayers.

There is already some volcanic ash and limestone powder piled up on the construction site here. First, the laborers sift the volcanic ash and limestone powder, and then mix them together according to the ratio required by the old village chief, and make cement. Another part of the laborers It started to dig a deep trench around the white and gray markings of the reservoir. Next, the steel bars bought by Suldak were to be punched into a ground cage, placed in the trench, and then poured with cement to lay the foundation...

Selena's notes clearly recorded the specific requirements and practices of each step. The old village chief was the organizer of the construction of the reservoir. He had to direct nearly 150 craftsmen to operate efficiently. Su Erdak needed to pay these bricklayers and laborers a salary of eighty-five silver coins per day, so he had to use every labor force, and the entire reservoir construction site became very lively for a while.

Unforeseen problems followed one after another, such as the serious shortage of volcanic ash and lime powder that had been hoarded, conflicts between the craftsmen weaving the cages and the laborers who dug stone trenches, the trenches dug by the laborers were not wide enough, and The limestone dug out of the trenches had to be ground into stone powder, etc. Even if the old village chief was accompanied by his capable assistant Selina, these trivial matters kept him so busy that his feet barely touched the ground.

The old village chief pinched his waist with one hand, and almost shouted hoarse at the construction site in full swing.


At this moment, Suldak was passing through the mountain pass on horseback, and the corpses of robbers hanging on the cross on the top of the mountain had obviously increased a few more.

The surrounding villages have a very firm attitude towards the robbers, and the effect is very obvious. Although these robbers are a group of ruthless characters who are used to licking blood on the edge of their knives, they disrupt the inherent rhythm of life of the villagers living in the barren land. Most of the villages in the village are impoverished, and the villagers are struggling on the food and clothing line, but this does not mean that they are a group of lambs at the mercy of others.

On the contrary, the mountain people who can survive in this barren land all have a kind of ruthlessness in their bones.

Moreover, the bandits are foreign intruders after all. If they condense into a team, they may be able to wipe out these natural villages with the scimitar in their hands. , these robbers were broken up into pieces and scattered into various natural villages. Now the villagers are slowly finding out and destroying them one by one. The killed robbers will be sent to the top of the mountain here.

All of a sudden, the wooden cross on the top of the mountain pass has turned into an artificial jungle, and the effectiveness of the villages in stopping the robbers is so good, which Suldak never imagined...

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