Lord Highlander

Chapter 243 242. Carl's Trouble

Taking the opportunity of stretching out his hand to adjust his cuffs, Suldak quietly withdrew it from the tall girl's hand. He didn't want to be caught between the two of them and be kicked around like a football. He originally wanted to find a tavern and sit down and have a drink with Karl, but unexpectedly, he was brought to the noble ball by Karl.

The tall slender girl carried a faint fragrance, and reached out to pick up the wine glass on the table. When others didn't notice her, she gave Suldak a look with a trace of disdain in her eyes. She had already included Suldak in the list of courageous knights.

It was the first time for Suldak to hear Karl talk about himself. He knew that Karl was the captain of the support team of the Hailansa Guard Camp, but he had never heard him talk about these troubles. Thinking that he only met Karl After two times, I only felt that although he looked rough and looked like a swinger, he was a rare friend.

Suldak couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Is the city of Hailansa not peaceful recently?"

In his opinion, since the army of the Green Empire can make expeditions to other planes, the banditry in the country should have been wiped out long ago.

Karl explained with a wry smile: "In fact, in recent years, the bandit gangs in Bena province have never stopped."

Two waiters brought a plate of fruit and a plate of nuts here and placed them on the round table. It seems that Viscount Emmett's ball was quite thoughtful.

After the two waiters left, Karl continued:

"Four years ago, Grand Duke Newman took away the main force of the Bena Legion, and deployed nearly a hundred heavy armored infantry regiments and heavy cavalry regiments from various areas of the Bena Province into the Warsaw plane, causing the rear of the Bena Province to The troops are empty, and the bandit groups that were exterminated before are now revived, and now a bandit group has fled to the vicinity of Hailansa City, and recently committed three major crimes in the suburbs of Hailansa City."

Suldak and Llewellyn looked surprised, they didn't expect the situation in Hailansa city to be so tense.

Then Carl showed a helpless face, and said: "In the morning, I was still being trained in front of Mr. Christie, the consul of the city hall. I haven't been very lucky recently. I lost the clues several times after tracking down, and the search net I set up never caught me. What big fish."

The young lady also showed concern and asked Carl, "Then what are you going to do next?"

Karl scratched his hair vigorously and said, "I plan to go out of the city tomorrow morning to join my subordinates, and take them around Ralph's collar."

Suldak said apologetically to Karl: "I'm sorry, Karl, I actually delayed your trip because of my business."

"Actually, there is no news about the bandit gang. No matter where we are, we are waiting for news." Karl said to Suldak, and then he glanced at Viscount Emmet standing in the middle of a group of nobles, and said, "And I'm coming Participating in this dance is also hoping to borrow some people from Viscount Emmett."

Llewellyn's attention was also attracted by this incident, and he said to Carl: "Let's find Jonah and Brooke together later, and ask them to recruit some people. I believe this band of thieves will not disappear for no reason. Yes, there will always be a clue somewhere, but I can’t find it now, maybe there is not enough manpower.”

When the tall slender girl heard Llewellyn say these words, she looked at him with a hint of appreciation, and even her eyes became much brighter.

Suldak sat aside and said to Karl, "I'm going back to Wall Village tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't help you here. If the search team reaches Wall Village, you must remember to send someone to notify me. I know that area better than you, so maybe I can help!"

Llewellyn looked at Suldak in surprise, but he didn't expect that he didn't say that he would stay and help.

The tall slender girl next to her gave Suldak a contemptuous glance, and when she heard that Suldak was unwilling to help, she felt more convinced of the title of gallant knight. Stay away from him.

Even the young girl sitting next to Karl looked at Suldak in surprise, showing a disappointed expression on her face.

Carl leaned on the chair as usual, smiled and said to Suldak: "Now that bandit group is operating in the dense forest in the southern suburbs, I don't want to lead my men into that barren land with nothing."

The ball at the manor didn't end until midnight.

Viscount Emmet took the time to chat with Karl for a while, and after hearing Karl's request, he agreed after a moment of serious thinking.

The viscount thought that the most urgent task was to find out the whereabouts of this bandit group. Only after finding the trace of the bandit group, could the knights and knight retinues in the city be mobilized to go out of the city to round up the bandit group.

Viscount Emmet's manor is located in the aristocratic area of ​​Hailansa City. The residences of Karl and Llewellyn are very close to this. Only the hotel where Suldak lives is located in the center of the city. Suldak has to pass through three roads. When the main street comes to the main street, there is still a long way to go down.

Even riding a horse would take a long time, so Suldak left first.

At the gate of the manor, watching Suldak disappear into the night on his horse, Llewellyn asked Carl with some puzzlement: "Carl, how did you make such a cowardly knight friend?"

Karl shook his head, looked back, and said to Llewellyn very firmly: "You may not understand what the Battle of Moyunling on the Warsaw plane was like. A knight who can come back from the front line alive will never be like As weak as you can see, I don't see any fear in his eyes."

The young lady standing next to Karl held Karl's arm and said hesitantly, "I hope you are right, but he is so timid, how can he help you in the future?"

"Maybe he chose to leave because something really happened..." Carl looked nonchalant.

The tall slender girl stood close to Llewellyn, standing behind him with Llewellyn's other female companion, and whispered, "It's clearly a coward."

Carl glanced at the tall slender girl indifferently, but said nothing.

The young lady next to Karl was flushed and slightly drunk, she held Karl's arm with a winking eye, and asked softly in his ear: "Wait...would you like to eat some cookies at my place? ?”


Carl hesitated for a moment, thinking that he would go to see Jonah and Brook with Llewellyn later, and he didn't know when it would end, maybe it would be dawn later.

The young lady squeezed into Carl's arms without any scruples, and complained in a low voice: "But you will be leaving tomorrow, I'm afraid I won't see you for a while."


Suldak really had something to deal with. The iron pieces he bought in Hailansa City were transported to Wall Village, and he had to come forward to receive them.

Seeing that the rainy season is coming to an end, if the reservoir cannot be repaired, drinking water in the village will become a big problem after entering the dry season, so I can only say sorry to Karl.

Anyway, looking for traces of the bandit group may not be of much help...

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