Lord Highlander

Chapter 205

The process of meeting the captain of this magical airship was quite relaxed and pleasant. Surdak rented a single cabin with a window from the captain with the money given by the leader of the Shining Adventures. In this room, apart from In addition to the bed, there is a round glass window where you can enjoy the sea of ​​clouds outside the airship. Near the glass window, there is a folding desk and a walnut armchair, and there is a simple luggage rack above the head. The rooms are furnished with utmost comfort.

Sitting by the window, through the clean glass window, you can see the rolling sea of ​​clouds below the airship, and occasionally there will be rows of migratory birds flying by in the distance.

They spread their wings, flying in the strong wind layer following the cold air flow, the speed is much faster than the magic airship.

The biggest difference between a magic airship and a ship on the sea is the rudder. The rudder of an ordinary ship is at the stern of the ship, which can control the course of the ship.

But the rudder of the airship is set in front of the magic airship, it looks like a huge spinnaker floating in front of the airship.

The crew rely on this spinnaker to control the direction of sailing. Of course, they can only slightly adjust the angle of the course in the channel. This kind of magical airship is most taboo to turn back midway. If you want to change the direction, you have to rely on the experience of the captain. Find another wind course in the wind layer.

In addition, the captain also needs to calculate the specific position of the airship during navigation.

The airship flies on the sea of ​​clouds most of the time. If accurate calculation and mapping are not carried out, any deviations will accumulate, and the direction of navigation may be far from the destination.

"Tuk tuk tuk" knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Suldak said casually, looking away from the window.

The cabin door was not locked, and the door was pushed open from the outside. The crew member who was rescued from the pulley by Suldak was standing outside pushing the dining station with a smile on his face.

"Knight Suldak, your lunch is here, you can choose whatever you want..."

The crew enthusiastically delivered a sumptuous meal to Suerdak, and Suerdak was no longer polite. He chose a few dishes of exquisite meals from the dining car, a plate of pastries, and a plate of black pepper grilled steak served with boiled water. Cauliflower, a glass of ale floating on ice and a bowl of chowder.

Suldak didn't think that the crew member pushed the meal over in person, so he could eat whatever he wanted with peace of mind. Anyway, he took out his ticket to write off the account. This ticket was provided by the famous magic airship to the passengers. Three meals, but the boat ticket for Suldak probably won't be able to enjoy the exquisite food in front of him, but who cares about this?

As usual, I gave the crew a little tip, which made the crew smile even more, and thanked Suldak repeatedly.

The beginning of travel is often full of novelty and fun.

The crew member then explained to Suldak the various functions and entertainment facilities of the magical airship, but many facilities were not open to the common people, and his status as a knight just qualified him to go in and enjoy it.

The crew member said: Some special services are provided on the ship. If Suldak feels the journey is lonely, he will recommend the youngest and most beautiful bunny girl on the ship to Suldak.

Suldak asked about the cost of the service in a somewhat cryptic manner. It cost about fifteen silver coins a night, which was a bit expensive.

In addition, there is a casino on the ship where you can play cards, but the crew member does not recommend that Suerdak spend money on it, because this kind of casino often likes to set up a game to kill fat sheep, no matter who becomes Fat sheep, the feeling of losing money will not be too pleasant.

In addition to these, there is also a bar on board.

The crew specially reminded Surdak that the bar is also open during the day, and the price of alcohol is much cheaper than at night. If you want to drink, you can go there during the day, but there are no exciting performances during the day. If you want to watch the performance, you must wait until night. Try to drink as little as possible at night. At night in that bar, the price of alcohol is not ordinary.


Five days later, Suldak was still sitting on the walnut chair by the glass window, and he was a little tired of the sky in front of him at this moment.

There is still an endless sea of ​​clouds under his feet. In fact, Suldak still hopes that the airship can fly over the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, so that he can see the vast continent below.

These few days when Suldak was bored, he went to the casino to check it out. The casino was not that big. There could only be four gaming tables in the narrow space, and the players who played cards were basically on board the ship. For some middle-aged nobles and ladies, the chips on the table were all glittering gold coins, which immediately discouraged Suldak from giving it a try.

Suldak has been to that tavern a few times, and the barley wine in the tavern is pretty good, maybe because of the different brewing methods, the ale has a special aroma, and Suldak likes it after dinner. Cut a small plate of red sausage, and have a glass of mellow ale, and lay on the bed with a little drunkenness, which is actually quite enjoyable.

In the past two days, Suldak also went to the fourth floor below the deck to visit his ancient Bolai horse.

However, that Gubolai horse didn't seem to be energetic, as if he wasn't very used to riding an airship, and the whole horse lost a lot of weight. Seeing it, Suldak felt distressed, and wished he could give the groom two whips to make him understand. Whose horse is he feeding.

But just before leaving, Suldak changed his mind again. He gave up the stupid idea of ​​beating the groom, but generously gave the groom a tip, and asked him to take extra care of his horse in person.

The groom was also very happy to receive an extra tip, and then he also made a promise that in the days to come, he could even out some of the special fodder for those high-grade black-scaled horses and give them to Suldak's horses. , let it stick the fat back as much as possible.

When Suldak was wandering on the deck, he saw the members of the Shining Adventure Group again. The burly leader even asked Suldak himself why he hadn't seen Su since the bed was changed. Erdak returned to the cabin for a night?

Of course, it was impossible for Suldak to say directly that I got a more comfortable room with the money you compensated me, but I could only vaguely say that the place I live in is not bad, that Shining Shining The leader of the adventure group once again expressed his sincere thanks to Suldak, which made Suldak a little embarrassed.

Seeing that the voyage of the magic airship was about to complete half, on the evening of the seventh day, the scorching sun had gradually fallen below the horizon, but the light was still very bright at this time above the clouds. Surdak stood on the boat head, carefully watching the sailors steer the spinnaker, and chatting with those crew members from time to time.

At this time, a light gauze cloud suddenly rose from the clouds in the distance. Looking through the golden sun, it seemed that a sandstorm had risen in the distance, covering the sky in the west.

Not long after that, there were bursts of humming in the distance, and many people on board noticed this strange phenomenon. Just when everyone began to discuss what the dust in the distance was, the crew members showed panic At the beginning, some people reported this to the captain of the airship, and some people quickly opened the hatch, and actually began to move out pieces of iron armor from inside.

In addition, those crew members also took out a large amount of red powder from the warehouse, poured it into a large wooden basin and poured a large amount of clean water, and made a kind of red fuel with a slightly lighter color. wiped the deck of the boat.

At the same time, the blue clouds that covered the sky like a sandstorm in the distance finally rolled over. Only then did Suldak see those sandstorm-like things clearly. It was covered with red feathers, and it was connected in the air like a group of burning flames, but the magic airship followed the channel and slammed into the huge bird tide.

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