Lord Highlander

Chapter 1557

In her hand, she held a spear that was shining brightly all over her body. The black-horned elk rushed into the battlefield, trampling on the blood-stained grass by the river with all four hooves. He rushed to the ghost general who had picked several patriarchs in succession.

The battle spear was raised above the head, and it ruthlessly pierced into the chest of the general who was covered in black flames.

General Evil Ghost had already smelled danger. The bone spurs on his joints swelled up, and the war blade in his hand also slashed downwards, trying to block Delia's sharp blow.

The patriarch Sammos who was standing aside immediately cooperated with Delia and helped her block the two ghost warriors who were trying to rush forward desperately.

The spear in Delia's hand flashed a dazzling light, and the tip of the spear suddenly protruded. Just before the general's sword slashed onto the spear, the sharp spear tip pierced into the general's chest.

The flickering spear pierced through the tough bone breastplate of the Evil General, and the flickering light scattered the black flames on the Evil General's body.

General Evil Ghost looked at the spear stuck in his chest in astonishment, and wanted to grab the spear with both hands, but was hit in the face by an elbow from Delia who jumped up from the back of the black-horned elk. A nail on Delia's elbow pierced into the bone face of the evil general, and the evil general fell on his back.

Delia took advantage of the situation and pulled out the spear that had been inserted into the chest of General Evil Ghost.

On the battlefield, the morale of the soldiers of the Aigrod tribe was greatly boosted. There were only less than a hundred guards in the temple. They rode into the riverside battlefield on black-horned elk, and immediately injected new vitality into the Aigrod tribe's army.

The aboriginal fighters continued to call out Delia's name, and the line of defense that was on the verge of being broken was quickly filled in by the fighters behind.

The battle lasted until noon, and the Western Expeditionary Army of the Aegrod Tribe won the final victory, but the number of casualties in this battle also exceeded the expectations of the Sammos patriarch.

The actual number of casualties exceeded 20,000, and the number of soldiers killed in battle alone was more than 9,000.

Just this battle almost completely disabled the Western Expeditionary Army of the Aegrod Tribe.

The aboriginal soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army didn't even have time to clean up the battlefield, and countless ghost corpses were washed downstream by the Allinge River.

The beheaded heads of evil spirits became new offerings.

Throughout the afternoon, the great witches held a memorial ceremony for the fallen warriors by the river next to the camp. According to the custom of the Aegrod tribe, the fallen warriors should return to the arms of the tree god after death, and their bodies should also be buried under the big tree. .

There are no trees on this grassland by the Allinge River, but it is also the foot of the North Foot Mountains. As long as you walk up the hillside, you can still find some trees growing on the cliffs in the mountains.

Obviously, it is impossible for more than 9,000 aboriginal fighters to carry them to the mountain, and then dig up stones and bury them under the cliff.

There were too many corpses to move, so the small trees on the cliff could only be transplanted to the sand hills on the bank of the Allinge River, and all the aboriginal soldiers who died in battle were buried on this sand hills.

Speaking of which, this may be the first time that the Aigrod Tribe has won a big victory with its own strength. Although many people died, it also gave more aboriginal fighters hope—the hope of victory.

When burying the corpses of their companions on the sand hill, many soldiers would unconsciously look at Delia.

At this moment, the aura of leadership on her body seemed to become even more dazzling.


The Western Expeditionary Army only stayed on the bank of the Allinge River for one night. The blood on the bank of the river had not completely soaked into the soil of the grass, and a large group of ghost warriors gathered on the opposite bank again.

This area may be an area where evil spirits frequently move. These evil spirit warriors came very quickly and in a hurry.

They hadn't even been able to attack the camp of the Western Expeditionary Army at dawn, and had been patiently waiting for more evil spirits to come over.

However, because Delia came from the North Mountain Pass this time, the soldiers in the camp were so determined to fight that they didn't even communicate with each other.

Everyone knows very well in their hearts that they can't run away from these evil spirits with their legs. Everyone has only one choice now, and that is to fight for the tomorrow of the Aegrod tribe.

Many warriors were sitting outside the tents polishing the tips of their spears and putting on their armor.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the evil spirits on the other side of the river launched an attack on the Western Expeditionary Army. Almost every time they fought, the evil spirits would choose Stud, and all the evil spirits rushed forward.

This kind of battle is also very simple, those who stand last on the battlefield are the winners.

The evil ghost fighters did not win this battle, but they also completely disabled the West Route Army of the Aegrod Tribe. There were very few uninjured aborigine soldiers in the entire Western Expeditionary Army.

Almost all the fighters accepted the blessings of the gods from the great witches on the sacrificial altar. With the powerful recovery ability of the "Blessed Body", many aboriginal fighters who suffered minor injuries were no different from normal people.

Only when the battlefield was being cleaned in the evening, some evil spirits reappeared on the grass on the other side of the river.

They sat silently on the grass by the river, staring at the camp of the Western Expeditionary Army on the other side of the river with their purple-black eyes. This group of evil spirits on the other side will definitely attack the Western Expeditionary Army again.

However, the current expeditionary army of the Aigrod tribe has no combat power at all. In addition, the soldiers have eaten up all the rations they have brought for ten days.

He thought that there would be a material transportation team to send the marching rations, but what he learned from Delia was that the chief logan did not prepare a follow-up food transportation team at all, and even the reserved reinforcements stayed behind. On the other side of the North Pass.

It can be said that the current Aiglodge army is an isolated and helpless army.

After hearing such news, Patriarch Sammos couldn't sleep that night, and some complaints about Patriarch Logan rose in his heart.

I thought it might be that Chief Logan wanted to weaken the strength of the Lilkui tribe on purpose, but this time the Kurman tribe also sent as many fighters, and even Delia rushed to the battlefield here. It looks like it's about to be abandoned.

He sat at the entrance of the tent and looked up at the stars in the night sky, thinking about how he could block the attack of the group of evil spirits on the other side of the river tomorrow...

Suddenly, I saw not only the stars twinkling in the night sky, but also some lights like fireflies appearing under the thin clouds.

These firefly-like lights didn't even fly over the evil ghost camp on the other side of the river, but purposely circled in a big circle and approached.

When a magician landed in the camp of the Western Expeditionary Army riding a magic scorpion, he took out a magic flare and released it into the night sky. The bright green light exploded in the night sky...

Those fluorescent lights floating in the night sky flew towards the Aigrod camp.

As magicians wearing black magic robes stood in front of Delia one after another, some magicians began to take out packs of marching rations packed in paper bags from their magic pouches, and only one magician was standing there. Communicating with Delia in the imperial language, the rest of the magicians were busy moving out the supplies from their magic pockets.

The marching rations that had been exhausted suddenly piled up into a large pile.

Patriarch Sammos was still very excited when he saw that someone had delivered the supplies overnight. At least the 30,000-odd Western Expeditionary Army had their breakfast tomorrow.

But how to deal with the group of evil spirits on the other side of the river is still a difficult problem for Patriarch Sammos. He can't force those wounded soldiers to rush to the battlefield to die, but they can't get away.

Even if the tribal alliance army at Beishan Pass can send another 20,000 soldiers, Patriarch Sammos feels that he can easily defeat the group of evil spirits on the other side of the river tomorrow...

That night, the ghosts on the other side of the river kept howling, and those weird sounds made many soldiers sleepless all night.

The mages didn't leave immediately, but after discussing with Delia, they made a group of aboriginal warriors stand in a dense row by the river in the dark, and then let some moving sand that could still be dug The aboriginal fighters in the pit dug the grassland on the bank of the river into a sandpit full of holes.

As the oak barrels were buried in the bunker, Delia even asked someone to move some turf from the back of the camp to restore the dug bunker.

It was also a very busy night for the aboriginal soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army.

It wasn't until dawn that everyone realized that there were many more ghost fighters gathered on the other side of the river than in the previous two days. Many ghosts were already standing in the river, ready to rush to the west at any moment through the waist-deep river. Come over to the conscript camp.

What made the aboriginal soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army even more inconceivable was that Patriarch Sammos and Princess Delia didn't seem to be ready to fight at all this time.

They even let the soldiers retreat to the camp, leaving the entire battlefield by the river bank empty.

Just when these aborigine warriors were very puzzled by this, at the edge of the tundra on the other side of the river, a group of constructed knights appeared like a ghost, and the dark red monster rushed out of the grass, looking like a bunch of monsters in the morning sun. dancing flames...

In my opinion, two chapters are better than one chapter. At the end of the book, some problems can be forgiven. Please bear with me...

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