Lord Highlander

Chapter 124

When the camp of the expeditionary army was covered by the mountains, the soldiers of the second team entered the mountain, and the road here was even more difficult. The second team had patrolled this area before, and Suldak was very familiar with the terrain in this area, so Everyone avoided the muddy main road and got into the dense forest.

It is midsummer, and it is the most luxuriant period of trees in Ganda Er Mountain. Many plants choose to bloom and bear fruit during this period. Some pear trees in the mountains are covered with green pears, and some branches are bent down. It’s just that these Green pears that look juicy are actually not tasty, not only extremely sour, but also leave a mouthful of scum after chewing.

Only the local aborigines like to collect this kind of pears and pickle them into sour pears. It is very greasy to cut them into thin slices and eat them with barbecue.

Although these green pears are very unpalatable, they are also very beautiful when they are covered with fruits.

The young female swordsmen didn't care whether these green pears were edible or not. After hearing Suldak's introduction that the sour pears marinated with green pears were delicious with barbecue, they picked a lot of them excitedly.

Augustus and the bearded Cagle are hunting experts of the second team. They usually love hunting, so every time the second team goes out to carry out missions, they are mostly responsible for hunting and solving lunch and dinner for everyone. The problem, but in the recent period, Augustus used to call He Boqiang every time he hunted, as if only He Boqiang went with them, and he felt at ease in his heart.

He Boqiang didn't want to go into the woods with these two reckless men. They didn't care about the thorns and vines in the dense forest. Basically, they followed the traces left by the beasts all the way. When they came out of the woodland, their hands and faces were For small scratches, the thorns of some plants will break automatically when they penetrate the skin. The wounds left by the thorns will be painful and itchy, which is very uncomfortable.

Under Suldak's persuasion, He Boqiang reluctantly followed Augustus into the jungle to hunt.

The bearded Cagle has excellent detection ability, and game hidden in the woods is generally difficult to escape his eyes. Soon, Cagle found a brood of roosters in the woods. Although this kind of wild bird is not rare It is indeed a delicacy in the woods.

If you want to catch this kind of pheasant, the best way is to use a noose. If you can find their feeding place, noose is the easiest way to catch them, but the only downside is that it takes time and patience.

If you are good at archery, you can also hunt pheasants with bows and arrows, but this kind of pheasant is very alert, and you need superb stealth skills to get close to them. Kagel, who has been a ranger in the adventure group for two years, is here On the other hand, he is very talented, and soon hunted a brood of Huawei stick chickens.

In a clearing in the dense forest of Moyunling, the soldiers of the second team set up a simple stove.

The five noble ladies dug out an exquisite picnic cloth from their luggage and spread it under the tree. A round-faced girl with chestnut hair and long hair dug out a can of tea from the package, and took out a A silver teapot carved with exquisite patterns, first pour a pot of water from the water bag you carry with you, put it on the stove to boil, add some tea leaves that are ground into powder, a small piece of butter, and a little salt, and skim off the top A layer of froth, which made He Boqiang see the afternoon tea that nobles usually like to drink...

That's it……

There were also a few pieces of crisp bread and unknown pastries on the dinner plate, and several noble ladies sat quietly under the tree, talking softly.

The task of the second team is to take care of these five noble ladies, so there is no need for everyone to rush to the battlefield, just beware of some evil spirit patrols that haunt the forest, not to mention that the soldiers of the second team are not afraid at all. The ghost patrol team in the dense forest, so everyone's mission this time is very different from the previous ones, and everyone is very relaxed this time.

He Boqiang remembered those memories sealed in his heart again, so he proposed to everyone that he cook these Huawei stick chickens.

The most impatient thing for the soldiers of the second team was cooking. When they heard someone offer to take charge of the lunch, of course they agreed with it.

In the past, when soldiers dealt with this kind of pheasant, they basically tore off the skin and feathers of the chicken, then jumped up with wooden sticks and set it on the fire, and sprinkled some seasonings for a delicious barbecue. This time, He Boqiang first boiled a pot of hot water to remove the feathers of these chickens, then peeled off the internal organs of the abdomen, marinated the chickens in a large iron pot, and then took them with him. Red Socks ran to a river, dug some yellow mud by the river, wrapped the banana leaves layer by layer with these flower-tailed chickens, and then wrapped the flower-tailed chickens wrapped in banana leaves layer by layer with yellow mud .

Waiting for He Boqiang and Red Socks to carry the six huge mud balls back to the forest clearing, the campfire just turned into red charcoal fires, He Boqiang took the red socks to bury the six big mud balls in the charcoal fire, and covered them again Some firewood was blazing...

In fact, this process was quite slow. By the time the six huge mud balls were pulled out of the fire, the soldiers of the second team were about to starve to the ground. If it were not for the pastries that the noble ladies would carry Take it out and share it with the soldiers of the second team. I am afraid that some people can't help but eat wheat cakes to satisfy their hunger.

At this time, when everyone saw He Boqiang pulling those big mud balls out of the fire, they all got excited again and gathered around one after another.

Even the noble ladies who were sitting under the tree looked here frequently.

He Boqiang put the dried mud ball on a big stone, and used a small hammer to knock off the yellow mud wrapped in stick chicken, exposing the layers of banana leaves inside. At this time, the aroma of the yellow mud bag The seeds spread, and the soldiers of the second team shouted in unison...

Even the roast chicken and goose at the Harvest Festival dinner pale in comparison.

This delicious 'roasted chicken' is of course indispensable to those female swordsmen.

At first they seemed a bit reserved, but after they tasted a little bit, they completely disregarded the noble etiquette, and the table knife in their hands fell on the roast chicken frequently, and they ate no slower than the soldiers of the second team here.

Of course, six pheasants could not satisfy everyone's appetite. Augustus and Cagle could not wait to hunt some pheasants in the woods immediately.

It was only then that everyone noticed that Little Duck had disappeared. He didn't rush to eat this 'delicious roast chicken' with everyone at all.

When the soldiers of the second team were about to look around, the bearded Kagel suddenly found him behind several stacked trees.

He Boqiang was squatting in front of a war horse without any saddle or rein, reaching out his hand to gently caress its forehead. The war horse silently gnawed on the bracken on the ground, allowing He Boqiang to touch it, and did not avoid it. But from time to time, she flicks her beautiful ponytail.

The soldiers of the second team hiding behind the tree did not rashly rush up to disturb He Boqiang, and Augustus gave a tsk-tsk admiration: "That horse seems to be the one that Little Duck rescued on the battlefield. I remember that its two front legs were swept off by the evil spirits at that time, and I thought it would turn into a horse meat pie, but I didn't expect it to be cured later. Isn't it already released into the forest? Why did it run back again? ? It seems that this horse is quite emotional..."

"That's right, I was helping to hang it from the tree at the time..." Red Sock echoed behind him, but when he found that everyone was staring at him, he quickly closed his mouth.

He Boqiang didn't expect that the war horse would appear again. It didn't seem to be afraid of him at all. When he approached slowly, the war horse just stood there quietly nibbling on the fresh bracken on the ground.

But not long after, the war horse suddenly raised its head vigilantly. It first glanced at the hiding place of the soldiers of the second team, then stepped back vigilantly, looked at a tree next to it, and neighed softly. , raised his front hoof towards an arrow like a dense forest, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the soldiers of the second team behind the tree rushing away, He Boqiang thought it was the soldiers of the second team that scared away the horse.

At this time, Suldak called everyone to set up tents on the spot, and He Boqiang hurried back to help.

Miss Hathaway turned around from behind another tree, looked at He Boqiang's back thoughtfully, raised her chin slightly, pursed her lips, and the corners of her sexy mouth were slightly raised...

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